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r of his mighty ancestry were a pronounced stoutness about the tum and a predilection for little fur hats。
  He was by no means a great warrior: in fact he was a nervous worried man。 Today he was particularly nervous and worried because something had gone seriously wrong with his job … which was to see that Arthur Dent's house got cleared out of the way before the day was out。
  〃e off it; Mr。 Dent;〃; he said; 〃you can't win you know。 You can't lie in front of the bulldozer indefinitely。〃 He tried to make his eyes blaze fiercely but they just wouldn't do it。
  Arthur lay in the mud and squelched at him。
  〃I'm game;〃 he said; 〃we'll see who rusts first。〃
  〃I'm afraid you're going to have to accept it;〃 said Mr。 Prosser gripping his fur hat and rolling it round the top of his head; 〃this bypass has got to be built and it's going to be built!〃
  〃First I've heard of it;〃 said Arthur; 〃why's it going to be built?〃
  Mr。 Prosser shook his finger at him for a bit; then stopped and put it away again。
  〃What do you mean; why's it got to be built?〃 he said。 〃It's a bypass。 You've got to build bypasses。〃
  Bypasses are devices which allow some people to drive from point A to point B very fast whilst other people dash from point B to point A very fast。 People living at point C; being a point directly in between; are often given to wonder what's so great about point A that so many people of point B are so keen to get there; and what's so great about point B that so many people of point A are so keen to get there。 They often wish that people would just once and for all work out where the hell they wanted to be。
  Mr。 Prosser wanted to be at point D。 Point D wasn't anywhere in particular; it was just any convenient point a very long way from points A; B and C。 He would have a nice little cottage at point D; with axes over the door; and spend a pleasant amount of time at point E; which would be the nearest pub to point D。 His wife of course wanted climbing roses; but he wanted axes。 He didn't know why … he just liked axes。 He flushed hotly under the derisive grins of the bulldozer drivers。
  He shifted his weight from foot to foot; but it was equally unfortable on each。 Obviously somebody had been appallingly inpetent and he hoped to God it wasn't him。
  Mr。 Prosser said: 〃You were quite entitled to make any suggestions or protests at the appropriate time you know。〃
  〃Appropriate time?〃 hooted Arthur。 〃Appropriate time? The first I knew about it was when a workman arrived at my home yesterday。 I asked him if he'd e to clean the windows and he said no he'd e to demolish the house。 He didn't tell me straight away of course。 Oh no。 First he wiped a couple of windows and charged me a fiver。 Then he told me。〃
  〃But Mr。 Dent; the plans have been available in the local planning office for the last nine month。〃
  〃Oh yes; well as soon as I heard I went straight round to see them; yesterday afternoon。 You hadn't exactly gone out of your way to call attention to them had you? I mean like actually telling anybody or anything。〃
  〃But the plans were on display。。。〃
  〃On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them。〃
  〃That's the display department。〃
  〃With a torch。〃
  〃Ah; well the lights had probably gone。〃
  〃So had the stairs。〃
  〃But look; you found the notice didn't you?〃
  〃Yes;〃 said Arthur; 〃yes I did。 It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying Beware of the Leopard。〃
  A cloud passed overhead。 It cast a shadow over Arthur Dent as he lay propped up on his elbow in the cold mud。 It cast a shadow over Arthur Dent's house。 Mr。 Prosser frowned at it。
  〃It's not as if it's a particularly nice house;〃 he said。
  〃I'm sorry; but I happen to like it。〃
  〃You'll like the bypass。〃
  〃Oh shut up;〃 said Arthur Dent。 〃Shut up and go away; and take your bloody bypass with you。 You haven't got a leg to stand on and you know it。〃
  Mr。 Prosser's mouth opened and closed a couple of times while his mind was for a moment filled with inexplicable but terribly attractive visions of Arthur Dent's house being consumed with fire and Arthur himself running screaming from the blazing ruin with at least three hefty spears protruding from his back。 Mr。 Prosser was often bothered with visions like these and they made him feel very nervous。 He stuttered for a moment and then pulled himself together。
  〃Mr。 Dent;〃 he said。
  〃Hello? Yes?〃 said Arthur。
  〃Some factual information for you。 Have you any idea how much damage that bulldozer would suffer if I just let it roll straight over you?〃
  〃How much?〃 said Arthur。
  〃None at all;〃 said Mr。 Prosser; and stormed nervously off wondering why his brain was filled with a thousand hairy horsemen all shouting at him。
  By a curious coincidence; None at all is exactly how much suspicion the ape…descendant Arthur Dent had that one of his closest friends was not descended from an ape; but was in fact from a small planet in the vicinity of Betelgeuse and not from Guildford as he usually claimed。
  Arthur Dent had never; ever suspected this。
  This friend of his had first arrived on the planet some fifteen Earth years previously; and he had worked hard to blend himself into Earth society … with; it must be said; some success。 For instance he had spent those fifteen years pretending to be an out of work actor; which was plausible enough。
  He had made one careless blunder though; because he had skimped a bit on his preparatory research。 The information he had gathered had led him to choose the name 〃Ford Prefect〃 as being nicely inconspicuous。
  He was not conspicuously tall; his features were striking but not conspicuously handsome。 His hair was wiry and gingerish and brushed backwards from the temples。 His skin seemed to be pulled backwards from the nose。 There was something very slightly odd about him; but it was difficult to say what it was。 Perhaps it was that his eyes didn't blink often enough and when you talked to him for any length of time your eyes began involuntarily to water on his behalf。 Perhaps it was that he smiled slightly too broadly and gave people the unnerving impression that he was about to go for their neck。
  He struck most of the friends he had made on Earth as an eccentric; but a harmless one … an unruly boozer with some oddish habits。 For instance he would often gatecrash university parties; get badly drunk and start making fun of any astrophysicist he could find till he got thrown out。
  Sometimes he would get seized with oddly distracted moods and stare into the sky as if hypnotized until someone asked him what he was doing。 Then he would start guiltily for a moment; relax and grin。
  〃Oh; just looking for flying saucers;〃 he would joke and everyone would laugh and ask him what sort of flying saucers he was looking for。
  〃Green ones!〃 he would reply with a wicked grin; laugh wildly for a moment and then suddenly lunge for the nearest bar and buy an enormous round of drinks。
  Evenings like this usually ended badly。 Ford would get out of his skull on whisky; huddle into a corner with
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