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llow vinyl rainhat。 There was something incredible about what it did to his face; but you would have been hard put to say just what。 He peered out from beneath it like a truculent lighthouse keeper。
 There was a stupendous crack of thunder。 〃Here it es!〃 Olson cried。
 The rain came pouring down。 For a few moments it was so heavy that Garraty found himself totally isolated inside an undulating shower curtain。 He was immediately soaked to the skin。 His hair became a dripping pelt。 He turned his face up into the rain; grinning。 He wondered if the soldiers could see them。 He wondered if a person might conceivably…
 While he was still wondering; the first vicious onslaught let up a little and he could see again。 He looked over his shoulder at Stebbins。 Stebbins was walking hunched over; his hands hooked against his belly; and at first Garraty thought he had a cramp。 For a moment Garraty was in the grip of a strong panicky feeling。 nothing at all like he had felt when Curley and Ewing bought it。 He didn't wane Stebbins to fold up early anymore。
 Then he saw Stebbins was only protecting the last half of his jelly sandwich。 and he faced forward again; feeling relieved。 He decided Stebbins must have a pretty stupid mother not to wrap his goddam sandwiches in foil; just in case of rain。
 Thunder cracked stridently; artillery practice in the sky。 Garraty felt exhilarated; and some of his tiredness seemed to wash away with the sweat from his body。 The rain came again; hard and pelting; and finally let off into a steady drizzle。 Overhead; the clouds began to tatter。
 Pearson was now walking beside him。 He hitched up his pants。 He was wearing jeans that were too big for him and he hitched up his pants often。 He wore horn…rimmed glasses with lenses like the bottoms of Coke bottles; and now he whipped them off and began to clean them on the tail of his shirt。 He goggled in that myopic; defenseless way that people with very poor eyesight have when their glasses are off。 〃Enjoy your shower; Garraty?〃
 Garraty nodded。 Up ahead; McVries was urinating。 He was walking backward while he did it; spraying the shoulder considerately away from the others。
 Garraty looked up at the soldiers。 They were wet; too; of course; but if they were unfortable; they didn't show it。 Their faces were perfectly wooden。 I wonder what it feels like; he thought; just to shoot someone down。 I wonder if it makes them feel powerful。 He remembered the girl with the sign; kissing her; feeling her ass。 Feeling her smooth underpants under her pedal pushers。 That had made him feel powerful。
 〃That guy back there sure doesn't say much; does he?〃 Baker said suddenly。 He jerked a thumb at Stebbins。 Stebbins's purple pants were almost black now that they were soaked through。
 〃No。 No; he doesn't。〃
 McVries pulled a warning for slowing down too much to zip up his fly。 They pulled even with him; and Baker repeated what he had said about Stebbins。
 〃He's a loner; so what?〃 McVries said; and shrugged。 〃I think…〃
 〃Hey;〃 Olson broke in。 It was the first thing he had said in some time; and he sounded queer。 〃My legs feel funny。〃
 Garraty looked at Olson closely and saw the seedling panic in his eyes already。 The look of bravado was gone。 〃How funny?〃 he asked。
 〃Like the muscles are all turning 。 。 。 baggy。〃
 〃Relax;〃 McVries said。 〃It happened to me a couple of hours ago。 It passes off。〃
 Relief showed in Olson's eyes。 〃Does it?〃
 〃Yeah; sure it does。〃
 Olson didn't say anything; but his lips moved。 Garraty thought for a moment he was praying; but then he realized he was just counting his paces。
 Two shots rang out suddenly。 There was a cry; then a third shot。
 They looked and saw a boy in a blue sweater and dirty white clamdiggers lying facedown in a puddle of water。 One of his shoes had e off。 Garraty saw he had been wearing white athletic socks。 Hint 12 remended them。
 Garraty stepped over him; not looking too closely for holes。 The word came back that this boy had died of slowing down。 Not blisters or a charley horse; he had just slowed down once too often and got a ticket。
 Garraty didn't know his name or number。 He thought the word would e back on that; but it never did。 Maybe nobody knew。 Maybe he had been a loner like Stebbins。
 Now they were twenty…five miles into the Long Walk。 The scenery blended into a continuous mural of woods and fields; broken by an occasional house or a crossroads where waving; cheering people stood in spite of the dying drizzle。 One old lady stood frozenly beneath a black umbrella; neither waving nor speaking nor smiling。 She watched them go by with gimlet eyes。 There was not a sign of life or movement about her except for the wind…twitched hem of her black dress。 On the middle finger of her right hand she wore a large ring with a purple stone。 There was a tarnished cameo at her throat。
 They crossed a railroad track that had been abandoned long ago…the rails were rusty and witch…grass was growing in the cinders between the ties。 Somebody stumbled and fell and was warned and got up and went on walking with a bleeding knee。
 It was only nineteen miles to Caribou; but dark would e before that。 No rest for the wicked; Garraty thought; and that struck him funny。 He laughed。
 McVries looked at him closely。 〃Getting tired?〃
 〃No;〃 Garraty said。 〃I've been tired for quite a while now。〃 He looked at McVries with something like animosity。 〃You mean you're not?〃
 McVries said; 〃Just go on dancing with me like this forever; Garraty; and I'll never tire。 We'll scrape our shoes on the stars and hang upside down from the moon。 〃
 He blew Garraty a kiss and walked away。
 Garraty looked after him。 He didn't know what to make of McVries。
 By quarter of four the sky had cleared and there was a rainbow in the west; where the sun was sitting below gold…edged clouds。 Slanting rays of the late afternoon sunlight colored the newly turned fields they were passing; making the furrows sharp and black where they contoured around the long; sloping hills。
 The sound of the halftrack was quiet; almost soothing。 Garraty let his head drop forward and semi…dozed as he walked。 Somewhere up ahead was Freeport。 Not tonight or tomorrow; though。 Lot of steps。 Long way to go。 He found himself still with too many questions and not enough answers。 The whole Walk seemed nothing but one looming question mark。 He told himself that a thing like this must have some deep meaning。 Surely it was so。 A thing like this must provide an answer to every question; it was just a matter of keeping your foot on the throttle。 Now if he could only…
 He put his foot down in a puddle of water and started fully awake again。 Pearson looked at him quizzically and pushed his glasses up on his nose。 〃You know that guy that fell down and cut himself when we were crossing the tracks?〃
 〃Yeah。 It was Zuck; wasn't it?〃
 〃Yeah。 I just heard he's still bleeding。 〃
 〃How far to Caribou; Maniac?〃 somebody asked him。 Garraty looked around。 It was Barkovitch。 He had tucked his rainhat into his back pocket where it flapped obscenely。
 〃How the hell should I know?〃
 〃You live here; don't you?〃
 〃It's about seventeen miles;〃 McVries told him。 〃Now go peddle 
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