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 〃You're cheating what you felt;〃 Garraty said。
 〃Ah; you're the one faking it; Ray; not that it matters。 All you remember is the Great Romance; not all the times you went home and jerked your meat after whispering words of love in her shell…pink ear。〃
 〃You fake your way; I'll fake mine。〃
 McVries seemed not to have heard。 〃These things; they don't even bear the weight of conversation;〃 he said。 〃J。 D。 Salinger 。 。 。 John Knowles 。 。 。 even James Kirkwood and that guy Don Bredes 。 。 。 they've destroyed being an adolescent; Garraty。 If you're a sixteen…year…old boy; you can't discuss the pains of adolescent love with any decency anymore。 You just e off sounding like fucking Ron Howard with a hardon。〃
 McVries laughed a little hysterically。 Garraty had no idea what McVries was talking about。 He was secure in his love for Jan; he didn't feel in the least self…conscious about it。 Their feet scuffed on the road。 Garraty could feel his right heel wobbling。 Pretty soon the nails would let go; and he would shed the shoeheel like dead skin。 Behind them; Scramm had a coughing fit。 It was the Walk that bothered Garraty; not all this weird shit about romantic love。
 〃But that doesn't have anything to do with the story;〃 McVries said; as if reading his mind。 〃About the scar。 It was last summer。 We both wanted to get away from home; away from our parents; and away from the smell of all that cowshit so the Great Romance could bloom in earnest。 So we got jobs working for a pajama factory in New Jersey。 How does that grab you; Garraty? A pj factory in New Jersey。
 〃We got separate apartments in Newark。 Great town; Newark; on a given day you can smell all the cowshit in New Jersey in Newark。 Our parents kicked a little; but with separate apartments and good summer jobs; they didn't kick too much。 My place was with two other guys; and there were three girls in with Pris。 We left on June the third in my car; and we stopped once around three in the afternoon at a motel and got rid of the virginity problem。 I felt like a real crook。 She didn't really want to screw; but she wanted to please me。 That was the Shady Nook motel。 When we were done I flushed that Trojan down the Shady Nook john and washed out my mouth with a Shady Nook paper cup。 It was all very romantic; very ethereal。
 〃Then it was on to Newark; smelling the cowshit and being so sure it was different cowshit。 I dropped her at her apartment and then went on to my own。 The next Monday we started in at the Plymouth Sleepwear factory。 It wasn't much like the movies; Garraty。 It stank of raw cloth and my foreman was a bastard and during lunch break we used to throw baling hooks at the rats under the fabric bags。 But I didn't mind because it was love。 See? It was love。〃
 He spat dryly into the dust; swallowed from his canteen; then yelled for another one。 They were climbing a long; curve…banked hill now; and his words came in out…of…breath bursts。
 〃Pris was on the first floor; the showcase for all the idiot tourists who didn't have anything better to do than go on a guided tour of the place that made their jam jams。 It was nice down where Pris was。 Pretty pastel walls; nice modern machinery; air conditioning。 Pris sewed on buttons from seven till three。 Just think; there are men all over the country wearing pj's held up by Priscilla's buttons。 There is a thought to warm the coldest heart。
 〃I was on the fifth floor。 I was a bagger。 See; down in the basement they dyed the raw cloth and sent it up to the fifth floor in these warm…air tubes。 They'd ring a bell when the whole lot was done; and I'd open my bin and there'd be a whole shitload of loose fiber; all the colors of the rainbow。 I'd pitchfork it out; put it in two…hundred…pound sacks; and chain…hoist the sacks onto a big pile of other sacks for the picker machine。 They'd separate it; the weaving machines wove it; some other guys cut it and sewed it into pajamas; and down there on that pretty pastel first floor Pris put on the buttons while the dumbass tourists watched her and the other girls through this glass wall 。 。 。 just like the people are watching us today。 Am I getting through to you at all; Garraty?〃
 〃The scar;〃 Garraty reminded。
 〃I keep wandering away from that; don't I?〃 McVries wiped his forehead and unbuttoned his shirt as they breasted the hill。 Waves of woods stretched away before them to a horizon poked with mountains。 They met the sky like interlocking jigsaw pieces。 Perhaps ten miles away; almost lost in the heat…haze; a fire tower jutted up through the green。 The road cut through it all like a sliding gray serpent。
 〃At first; the joy and bliss was Keatsville all the way。 I screwed her three more times; all at the drive…in with the smell of cowshit ing in through the car window from the next pasture。 And I could never get all of the loose fabric out of my hair no matter how many times I shampooed it; and the worst thing was she was getting away from me; going beyond me I loved her; I really did; I knew it and there was no way I could tell her anymore so she'd understand。 I couldn't even screw it into her。 There was always that smell of cowshit。
 〃The thing of it was; Garraty; the factory was on piecework。 That means we got lousy wages; but a percentage for all we did over a certain minimum。 I wasn't a very good bagger。 I did about twenty…three bags a day; but the norm was usually right around thirty。 And this did not endear me to the rest of the boys; because I was fucking them up。 Harlan down in the dyehouse couldn't make piecework because I was tying up his blower with full bins。 Ralph on the picker couldn't make piecework because I wasn't shifting enough bags over to him。 It wasn't pleasant。 They saw to it that it wasn't pleasant。 You understand?〃
 〃Yeah;〃 Garraty said。 He wiped the back of his hand across his neck and then wiped his hand on his pants。 It made a dark stain。
 〃Meanwhile; down in buttoning; Pris was keeping herself busy。 Some nights she'd talk for hours about her girlfriends; and it was usually the same tune。 How much this one was making。 How much that one was making。 And most of all; how much she was making。 And she was making plenty。 So I got to find out how much fun it is to be in petition with the girl you want to marry。 At the end of the week I'd go home with a check for 64。40 and put some Cornhusker's Lotion on my blisters。 She was making something like ninety a week; and socking it away as fast as she could run to the bank。 And when I suggested we go someplace dutch; you would have thought I'd suggested ritual murder。
 〃After a while I stopped screwing her。 I'd like to say I stopped going to bed with her; it's more pleasant; but we never had a bed to go to。 I couldn't take her to my apartment; there were usually about sixteen guys there drinking beer; and there were always people at her place…that's what she said; anyway…and I couldn't afford another motel room and I certainly wasn't going to suggest we go dutch on that; so it was just screwing in the back seat at the drive…in。 And I could tell she was getting disgusted。 And since I knew it and since I had started to hate her even though I still loved her; I asked her to marry me。 Right then。 She started wrigg
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