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 〃Shacked up in Augusta;〃 Olson said。
 They all grinned; and Garraty reflected how strange it was about the Major; who had gone from God to Mammon in just ten hours。
 Ninety…five left。 But that wasn't even the worst anymore。 The worst was trying to visualize McVries buying it; or Baker。 Or Harkness with his silly book idea。 His mind shied away from the thought。
 Once Caribou was behind them; the road became all but deserted。 They walked through a country crossroads with a single lightpole rearing high above; spotlighting them and making crisp black shadows as they passed through the glare。 Far away a train whistle hooted。 The moon cast a dubious light on the groundfog; leaving it pearly and opalescent in the fields。
 Garraty took a drink of water。
 〃Warning! Wanting 12! This is your final warning; 12!〃
 12 was a boy named Fenter who was wearing a souvenir T…shirt which read I RODE THE MT。 WASHINGTON COG RAILWAY。 Fenter was licking his lips。 The word was that his foot had stiffened up on him badly。 When he was shot ten minutes later; Garraty didn't feel much。 He was too tired。 He walked around Fenter。 Looking down he saw something glittering in Fenter's hand。 A St。 Christopher's medal。
 〃If I get out of this;〃 McVries said abruptly; 〃you know what I'm going to do?〃
 〃What?〃 Baker asked。
 〃Fornicate until my cock turns blue。 I've never been so horny in my life as I am right this minute; at quarter of eight on May first。〃
 〃You mean it?〃 Garraty asked。
 〃I do;〃 McVries assured。 〃I could even get horny for you; Ray; if you didn't need a shave。〃
 Garraty laughed。
 〃Prince Charming; that's who I am;〃 McVries said。 His hand went to the scar on his cheek and touched it。 〃Now all I need is a Sleeping Beauty。 I could awake her with a biggy sloppy soul kiss and the two of us would ride away into the sunset。 At least as far as the nearest Holiday Inn。 〃
 〃Walk;〃 Olsen said listlessly。
 〃Walk into the sunset。〃
 〃Walk into the sunset; okay;〃 McVries said。 〃True love either way。 Do you believe in true love; Hank dear?〃
 〃I believe in a good screw;〃 Olson said; and Art Baker burst out laughing。
 〃I believe in true love;〃 Garraty said; and then felt sorry he had said it。 It sounded naive。
 〃You want to know why I don't?〃 Olson said。 He looked up at Garraty and grinned a scary; furtive grin。 〃Ask Fenter。 Ask Zuck。 They know。〃
 〃That's a hell of an attitude;〃 Pearson said。 He had e out of the dark from someplace and was walking with them again。 Pearson was limping; not badly; but very obviously limping。
 〃No; it's not;〃 McVries said; and then; after a moment; he added cryptically: 〃Nobody loves a deader。〃
 〃Edgar Allan Poe did; 〃 Baker said。 〃I did a report on him in school and it said he had tendencies that were ne…recto…〃
 〃Necrophiliac;〃 Garraty said。
 〃Yeah; that's right。 〃
 〃What's that?〃 Pearson asked。
 〃It means you got an urge to sleep with a dead woman;〃 Baker said。 〃Or a dead man; if you're a woman。〃
 〃Or if you're a fruit;〃 McVries put in。
 〃How the hell did we get on this?〃 Olson croaked。 〃Just how in the hell did we get on the subject of screwing dead people? It's fucking repulsive。〃
 〃Why not?〃 A deep; somber voice said。 It was Abraham; 2。 He was tall and disjointed…looking; he walked in a perpetual shamble。 〃I think we all might take a moment or two to stop and think about whatever kind of sex life there may be in the next world。 〃
 〃I get Marilyn Monroe;〃 McVries said。 〃You can have Eleanor Roosevelt; Abe old buddy。〃
 Abraham gave him the finger。 Up ahead; one of the soldiers droned out a warning。
 〃Just a second now。 Just one motherfucking second here。 〃 Olson spoke slowly; as if he wrestled with a tremendous problem in expression。 〃You're all off the subject。 All off。〃
 〃The Transcendental Quality of Love; a lecture by the noted philosopher and Ethiopian jug…rammer Henry Olson;〃 McVries said。 〃Author of A Peach Is Not a Peach without a Pit and other works of…'
 〃Wait!〃 Olson cried out。 His voice was as shrill as broken glass。 〃You wait just one goddam second! Love is a put…on! It's nothing! One big fat el zilcho! You got it?〃
 No one replied。 Garraty looked out ahead of him; where the dark charcoal hills met the star…punched darkness of the sky。 He wondered if he couldn't feel the first faint twinges of a charley horse in the arch of his left foot。 I want to sit down; he thought irritably。 Damn it all; I want to sit down。
 〃Love is a fake! 〃 Olson was blaring。 〃There are three great truths in the world and they are a good meal; a good screw; and a good shit; and that's all! And when you get like Fenter and Zuck…〃
 〃Shut up;〃 a bored voice said; and Garraty knew it was Stebbins。 But when he looked back; Stebbins was only looking at the road and walking along near the left…hand edge。
 A jet passed overhead; trailing the sound of its engines behind it and chalking a feathery line across the night sky。 It passed low enough for them to be able to see its running lights; pulsing yellow and green。 Baker was whistling again。 Garraty let his eyelids drop mostly shut。 His feet moved on their own。
 His half…dozing mind began to slip away from him。 Random thoughts began to chase each other lazily across its field。 He remembered his mother singing him an Irish lullaby when he was very small 。 。 。 something about cockles and mussels; alive; alive…o。 And her face; so huge and beautiful; like the face of an actress on a movie screen。 Wanting to kiss her and be in love with her for always。 When he grew up; he would marry her。
 This was replaced by Jan's good…humored Polish face and her dark hair that streamed nearly to her waist。 She was wearing a two…piece bathing suit beneath a short beach coat because they were going to Reid Beach。 Garraty himself was wearing a ragged pair of denim shorts and his zoris。
 Jan was gone。 Her face became that of Jimmy Owens; the kid down the block from them。 He had been five and Jimmy had been five and Jimmy's mother had caught them playing Doctor's Office in the sandpit behind Jimmy's house。 They both had boners。 That's what they called them…boners。 Jimmy's mother had called his mother and his mother had e to get him and had sat him down in her bedroom and had asked him how he would like it if she made him go out and walk down the street with no clothes on。 His dozing body contracted with the groveling embarrassment of it; the deep shame。 He had cried and begged; not to make him walk down the street with no clothes on 。 。 。 and not to tell his father。
 Seven years old now。 He and Jimmy Owens peering through the dirt…grimed window of the Burr's Building Materials office at the naked lady calendars; knowing what they were looking at but not really knowing; feeling a crawling shameful exciting pang of something。 Of something。 There had been one blond lady with a piece of blue silk draped across her hips and they had stared at it for a long; long time。 They argued about what might be down there under the cloth。 Jimmy said he had seen his mother naked。 Jimmy said he knew。 Jimmy said it was hairy and cut open。 He had refused to believe Jimmy; because what Jimmy said was disgusting。
 Still he was sure that ladies must be diffe
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