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  Ghost found the coffee in the freezer and started making it。 He used only his grandmother's old Corningware drip pot at home; and he had already put water on to boil before he realized that the Bransby kitchen had an automatic coffee maker。 It took him several minutes to figure out where the coffee went and where to pour the cold water in。
  〃You're not a part of the machine age; Ghost;〃 said Ann。 She lit a Camel and narrowed her eyes at him through the smoke。 At last she asked; 〃Why did you e over?〃 
  〃I just wanted to see how you were doing。〃 
  〃Oh? And how am I doing?〃 
  〃You look bad。〃
  Ann gazed levelly at him。 〃Thanks。 You look a little spooky yourself。〃
  〃You know that's not what I mean。〃 Ghost pulled the coffeepot out from under the drip…spout too soon。 Hot coffee hissed against the burner; and he hurriedly put the pot back。 〃You're beautiful; Ann。 But you look sad。 Twitchy。 You look like those kids you used to make fun of at the Sacred Yew…black clothes; black eyes; dead white skin。 What are you doing?〃
  〃I'm in mourning;〃 she said。 〃I'm mourning the death of a relationship。〃 She got up and pushed him away from the coffee maker; expertly slid the pot out; and poured them each a cup。 Ghost put lots of milk and sugar in his。 Ann left hers black; which meant she was doing some kind of penance。 Ghost knew she hated black coffee。
  〃Steve told me he hadn't seen you for over a month;〃 he said。 She flinched at the name; but he made himself go on。 〃Things must not be too good with your new guy if you're still in mourning。〃 It was out: he had crossed over into territory that was officially None of His Business。
  〃Look; Ghost。〃 Ann swung around in her chair; faced him。 〃I worked last night; okay? I was at that shitty restaurant until midnight。 Then I drove out to Corinth to see Eliot…more precisely; to fuck Eliot。 We fucked until four in the morning because that's about all we can do together anymore。 Then I had to drive back here because Simon usually wakes up around six; and he gets crazy if I'm not home。 So I've spent the last twenty…four hours doing two things you don't know much about…working and fucking。 I'm tired。 Now lay off me。〃
  〃Okay;〃 Ghost said quietly。 The attack on his areas of ignorance didn't sting much; but the reference to fucking Eliot did; because he knew it would drive Steve up the wall。 〃I'll leave if that's what you want。 I brought you something; though。〃 He put a cassette on the table next to Ann's coffee cup。 The words LOST SOULS? were printed in multicolored crayon on the liner。
  Ann stared at the tape; then up at him。 Her tough posure wavered。 Her carefully arranged expression began to crumble。 〃Oh; Ghost。。。〃 She picked up the tape and pressed it to her lips。 A couple of stray tears made crystal tracks through the smudged black makeup。 〃I miss you。 I even miss Steve。 But I can't go back。〃
  〃I know。〃 He knew some of what had happened between them; not all。 Steve hadn't told him everything; but most of it got through anyway。 And the rest…well; he guessed he could see it now; in Ann's deathly pale face; in her smudgy; haunted eyes。
  She and Steve had always been stormy together。 Steve had blithely dated his way through high school; getting laid but never quite getting involved。 His tastes were diverse。 The only girls he couldn't stomach were the ones who seemed to make themselves up according to some redneck template; with the bleached…blond bubble hairdo; the feverish streak of blush across the cheeks; and the eyeshadow of colors never seen in nature。 He had casual girlfriends of all other types: hippies who liked to get stoned with him; preppies who thought him wild and slightly dangerous; smart girls who appreciated his pulsive reading habit。
  But Ann was the first one he had fallen for。 In her way; Ann loved Steve as fiercely as she loved her weird father; and Steve wanted her more than he had wanted anything since he had learned to play the guitar。 But one of the first things that had drawn them to each other was also one of the first things to start tearing them apart。 They both pretended to be so tough and cynical that there was no room left to give each other the gentleness they both really needed。 Steve had always been like that; and Ghost knew his way around it; there was an honesty between them that surpassed any facade Steve could put up。 But Ann wouldn't play that game。
  Ghost took a sip of his coffee。 It was cold and too sweet even for him。 He drank more of it anyway; because he didn't want to ask the question that had e into his head。 But it wouldn't go away; it had worried him ever since Steve had e home that night; his shirt untucked and his eyes wild and a bite mark on his hand。 So finally he spoke again。 〃That was a shitty thing Steve did to you。 You could have called the cops on him…or told your father。 What stopped you?〃
  Ann laughed。 It was a humorless sound。 〃Right; Ghost。 The cops。 'Officer; my boyfriend…the one I've been sleeping with for four years…he raped me。〃 She made her voice deeper and spoke in an exaggerated redneck drawl。 〃'Sure; little lady; we understand。 You been givin' it away; and now you want to take it back。 Why don't you e on down to the station and maybe you can show us exactly what he did to you。〃 I don't think they would have been too sympathetic。 And Simon…well 〃 The bitter smoke from her cigarette swirled around her head; obscuring her eyes。 〃Simon would have killed him。〃
  Ghost believed her。 But she still hadn't told him what he really wanted to know。 〃How e you did it; Ann? You loved Steve。 Maybe you still do。 How e you wanted to go running to that guy over in Corinth?〃
  For a moment Ann only looked at him with something flickering far back in her eyes; and Ghost thought she might throw her cup at his head。 But then she looked at her burning cigarette as if she had just realized it was there in her hand; and she sucked smoke deep into her lungs; coughed a little; and answered him。 Her voice was hoarser than usual。 〃I believe in whatever gets you through the night;〃 she said。 〃Night is the hardest time to be alive。 For me; anyway。 It lasts so long; and four A。M。 knows all my secrets。 And when I was lying in bed next to Steve feeling like I was about to fly apart and he wouldn't hold me because we'd been arguing about some damn stupid thing…well; I went looking for something to get me through the night a little bit better。〃
  Ghost couldn't say much to that。 Her point of view still bothered him; but he knew that was just because no matter how much he cared for Ann; he would always love Steve more。 So he talked about mutual friends Ann hadn't seen for a while…she had been afraid of running into Steve; and Eliot was apparently a virtual hermit with no close friends of his own and no interest in meeting hers。 Ann hadn't been getting out much。
  Ghost gave her the news; such as it was。 R。J。 Miller's supposedly male cat had a litter of seven kittens; six solid black and one a sort of green。 Terry; who owned the Whirling Disc record store in town; had gone on vacation and left the assistant manager in charge。 The guy had filled out the form wrong when making an order; and they received a 
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