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S!!!; pictures of blondes with tired breasts and five…o'clock shadows。 They stumbled past racks of postcards; racks of T…shirts; bars that opened onto the sidewalk and served drinks to passersby。 Overhead; fireworks blossomed and turned the sky purple with their smoke; and the air was thick with smoke and liquor…breath and river…mist。 Molochai let his head fall back on Twig's shoulder and looked up at the sky; and the fireworks dazzled his eyes。
  They left the sleazy lights of Bourbon Street behind; swayed left onto dark Conti and right onto Chartres。 Soon enough they found a tiny bar with stained…glass windows and a friendly light inside。 The sign above the door said CHRISTIAN'S。 The vampires staggered in。
  They were the only customers except for a silent little girl sitting at the bar; so they mandeered a table and slammed down another bottle of Chartreuse; talking loudly to each other; then looking at Christian and laughing; shrugging。 His forehead was very high and pale; and his nails were as long and pointed as Zillah's。 〃Maybe…〃 said Molochai; and Twig said; 〃Ask him。〃 They both looked at Zillah for approval。 Zillah glanced over at Christian and raised a languid eyebrow; then lifted one shoulder in a tiny shrug。
  No one paid any attention to the girl at the bar; although she stared at them ceaselessly; her eyes bright; her lips moist and slightly parted。
  When Christian brought them their tab; Molochai dug deep in his pocket and produced a coin。 He did not put the coin in Christian's hand; but held it up to the light so that Christian might look well at it。 It was a silver doubloon; of the same shape and size as those thrown from Mardi Gras parade floats along with the treasure trove of other trinkets…the beads; the bright toys; the sweet sugar candy。 But this doubloon was heavier and far; far older than those。 Christian could not make out the year; the silver was scarred; tarnished; smudged with Molochai's sticky fingerprints。 But the picture was still clear: the head of a beautiful man with enormous sensuous lips。 Lips that would be as red as blood were they not carved in cold; heavy silver。 Lips pricked by long; sharp fangs。 Below the man's face; in ornate letters; the word BACCHUS curved。
  〃How…how do you e?〃 Christian stammered。 
  Molochai smiled his chocolatey smile。 〃In peace;〃 he said。 He looked at Zillah; who nodded。 Molochai did not take his eyes from Zillah's as he picked up the empty green…and…gold Chartreuse bottle; broke it against the edge of the table; and drew a razor…edge of glass across the soft skin of his right wrist。 A shallow crimson gash opened there; nearly obscene in its brightness。 Molochai; still smiling; offered his wrist to Christian。 Christian pressed his lips to the gash; closed his eyes; and sucked like a baby; tasting the Garden of Eden in the drops of Chartreuse that mingled with Molochai's blood。
  Twig watched for a few moments; his eyes dark; his face lost; almost bewildered。 Then he picked up Molochai's left arm and bit at the skin of the wrist until the blood flowed there too。
  Jessy watched with eyes wide and disbelieving。 She saw her dignified friend Christian's mouth smeared with blood; trembling with passion。 She saw Twig's teeth at Molochai's wrist; saw the flesh part and the blood flow into Twig's mouth。 Most of all she saw the lovely impassive face of Zillah looking on; his brilliant eyes like green jewels set in moonstone。 And her stomach clenched; and her mouth watered; and a secret message travelled from the softest fold between her legs to the deepest whorl of her brain…The vampires! The VAMPIRES!
  Jessy stood up very quietly; and then the bloodlust she had wanted so badly was upon her。 She leapt; tore Molochai's arm away from Twig; and tried to fasten her lips on the gash。 But Molochai turned furiously on her and batted her away; hard across the face; and she felt the pain in her lip before she tasted the blood there; her own dull blood in her mouth。 Molochai and Twig and even kind Christian stood staring at her; bloodied and wild…eyed; like dogs startled at a kill; like interrupted lovers。
  But as she backed away from them; a pair of warm arms went around her from behind and a pair of large strong hands caressed her through the silk dress; and a voice whispered; 〃His blood is sticky…sweet anyway; my dear…I can give you something nicer。〃
  She never knew Zillah's name; or how she ended up with him on a blanket in the back room of Christian's bar。 She only knew that her blood was smeared across his face; that his fingers and his tongue explored her body more thoroughly than any had before; that once she thought he was inside her and she was inside him at once; and that his sperm smelled like altars; and that his hair drifted across her eyes as she went to sleep。
  It was one of the rare nights that Molochai; Twig; and Zillah spent apart。 Zillah slept on the blanket with Jessy; hidden between cases of whiskey; cupping her breasts in his hands。 Molochai slept in Christian's room above the bar with Christian and Twig cuddled close to him; their mouths still working sleepily at his wrists。
  Below; far away on Bourbon Street; the mounted police rode their high…stepping steeds through the crowd; chanting; 〃Leave the street。 Mardi Gras is officially over。 Leave the street。 Mardi Gras is officially over;〃 each one ready with a sap for a drunken skull。 And the sun came up on the Wednesday morning trash in the gutters; the butts and the cans and the gaudy; forgotten beads; and the vampires slept with their lovers; for they preferred to do their roaming at night。
  Molochai; Twig; and Zillah left town the next evening after the sun went down; so they never knew that Jessy was pregnant。 None of them had seen a child of their race being born; but they all knew that their mothers had died in childbirth。 They would not have stayed around。
  Jessy disappeared for nearly a month。 When she came back to Christian's bar; it was to stay for good。 Christian gave her the richest food he could afford and let her wash glasses when she insisted on earning her keep。 Sometimes; remembering Molochai's blood smeared around Christian's mouth; remembering Zillah's fragrant sperm inside her; Jessy crept into bed with Christian and sat on top of him until he would make love to her。 He would not bite her; and for that she beat at his face with her fists until he slapped her and told her to stop。 Then she moved quietly over him。 He watched her grow gravid through the sweltering oily summer months; lazily shaped her tight distended belly and her swollen breasts with his hands。
  When her time came; Christian poured whiskey down her throat like water。 It wasn't enough。 Jessy screamed until she could scream no more; and her eyes showed only the whites with their silvery rims; and great gouts of blood poured from her。 When the baby slipped out of Jessy; its head turned and its eyes met Christian's: confused; intelligent; innocent。 A shred of deep pink tissue was caught in the tiny mouth; softening between the working gums。
  Christian separated the baby from Jessy; wrapped it in a blanket; and held it up to the window。 If its first sight was 
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