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t warships themselves。 Consequently; contingents of Shadow Fighters had fallen back to protect their mother craft; leaving vast regions of space unprotected and vulnerable to infiltration。 And though the hive barrier shield had been breached; the Terran ground troops had yet to gain entry to Reflex Point itself。 Reinhardt; of course; had no way of knowing that six Humans not only had been inside the hive but had met the Invid Regis face to face。

〃Three cruisers wiped out!〃 Sparks reported from his duty station as the flagship was rocked by another volley of enemy fire。 〃They're all over us; mander。 Even the Shadow Fighters can't stop them!〃

Reinhardt swiveled in the mand chair to study one of the threat board displays。 〃Blast it! What in heaven's name is preventing Harrington's men from getting into that hive?!〃

〃Sir; the Second; Third; and Fifth Divisions are reporting extremely heavy casualties。 I can't raise the Fourteenth at all。〃

Reinhardt cursed。 If the fourteenth was wiped out; it meant that responsibility for the entire assault had fallen to the Cyclone squadrons。 And they would have to acplish that without air support。

〃At this rate we won't be able to hold out for more than a few hours;〃 Reinhardt muttered。 〃Order one of the Shadow squadrons to prepare for a direct assault against the hive。 I don't care how they acplish it…even if we have to pull everyone back for a diversionary move。 Tell the air wing mander that I'm instructing cruisers in the fleet to concentrate their firepower in sector six。 We'll guarantee a hole; but the rest is up to them。〃

Sparks swung to his tasks。

Reinhardt sucked in his breath and waited。

In the hive chamber the Regis regarded the Protoculture globe with growing alarm。 Though her children were meeting with success; the battle was far from won。 And could it ever be? she began to ask herself。

〃This planet retains the malignant spirit of the Robotech Masters;〃 she said out loud to Sera and the three Humans。 〃Whether one race or the other emerges victorious is of little consequence now; because such lingering hatred will only breed greater hatred into the race that survives。 This world is contaminated; and I am only just beginning to understand。。。〃

〃The conflict will rage from generation to generation unless every last Human is wiped out; and that still won't be enough。 Because we have inherited that evil bent。 Our gene pool is polluted by it。〃

Cocooned within her column of cold white fire; the Regis turned slowly to gaze down upon Sera。 〃My child; this is not what we seek。 This is not what we have traveled so long to achieve。 But I begin to see a way clear of the treachery that has ensnared us。。。the truth I refused to grasp on Haydon IV It is almost as if he were speaking to me across the very reaches of space and time。。。as though he had some inkling of the injustices he unleashed even then; when his Masters first directed their greed against us。。。 〃

She could see Zor's image in her mind's eye; and it came to her now that the Flower。 that had been the cause of it all was about to bring their long journey full circle。 That the Protoculture he had conjured from its seeds was to provide her with the energy she needed to plete the Great Work and ascend with her children to a higher plane; the noncorporeal one at last; that timeless dimension。 No earthly chains to bind them。。。no emotions; no lust; only the continuous joys and raptures to be found in that realm of pure thought。

But could he really have seen this all along; been so omniscient? she asked herself。 Such a precise vision; such an incredible realtering and reshaping of events。。。Sending his ship away to this world; then drawing the Masters and their gargantuan armies here; only so that the Flower could take root and flourish; so that the Invid might follow。

And now these returning ships with their untapped reservoirs of Protoculture…destined from the start to be her mate in the new order。

She had been so misguided in assuming his form; in so doing she had been captured by the rage and fears and emotions that blinded her to Protoculture's true purpose。 It was not simply to supply mecha with the ability to transform and interact with its sentient pilots; it was meant to merge with the race that had passed eons cultivating its source。 They had used the Flowers for nourishment and sustenance and spiritual succor; and for all these millennia the Flower had been trying to offer them something more。

And Zor had played the catalyst。

〃My child;〃 the Regis continued; 〃I see now the new world that calls to us。 And we shall consume and bond with that blessed life that provides our passage。〃

〃Do you understand what she's saying?〃 Lancer asked Sera as the Regis seemed to reincorporate with the chamber globe。

Sera nodded; her attention still fixed on the battle scenes displayed there。 Lunk and Annie gasped as the latest view was flashed into the inner chamber: Shadow Fighters; visible now; piercing through the hive's protective envelope。

And Reflex Point was beginning to react to their entry。 Colored lights began to strobe into the chamber from unseen sources; dissolving the weblike neural arrangements supporting it and eliciting a threatening tide of organic waste and refuse from those collapsing cells。

〃Well; the takeoff may be decided; but she just ran outta time;〃 said Lunk。

Sera started off in one direction of her mand ship; but Lancer put his arm out to stop her。 〃Let me go;〃 she pleaded with him。 〃I must protect the Regis and the hive until she has assured our departure。〃

〃I want to help you;〃 Lancer told her。

She stopped struggling and turned to him。 〃You will be fighting against your own people。〃

Tight…lipped; he nodded。 〃If they knew what I know now。。。they'd understand。〃

〃We understand;〃 Annie encouraged him。 She grabbed hold of Lunk's arm and led him toward the APC。 〃Now let's get out of here before this whole place es apart。〃

Word of the Shadow Fighters' successful penetration of the hive was relayed to the flagship; but Reinhardt was still not encouraged。 Six cruisers had been taken out in the past hour; and it had required over fifty fighters to get a mere four through the hive's defenses。 And if those few survivors didn't make it into the central chamber; Reinhardt asked himself; what then?

〃Sir?〃 Sparks said from his station。

Reinhardt looked at him wearily。 〃I have no choice。。。I want all neutron missiles armed and ready for an immediate launch against Reflex Point。〃

Sparks swung around to his console。 Reinhardt listened while his orders were radioed to the rest of the fleet。 He wondered what the other manders must be thinking of him。 But there was no alternative; they had to realize that。。。

〃T minus fifty and counting;〃 he heard Sparks say。

At the edge of Earthspace; the thrusters of two dozen mushroom…shaped droneships flared briefly; propelling their armed warheads toward the target area。

The hive corridor was oval…shaped and surgeon's…gown green。 Lancer had no idea as to its purpose or its direction。 But Sera appeared to know where she was going; and that was all that mattered。 She was at the controls of her pink and purple mand ship
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