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Robotech: Symphony of Light
Book 12 of the Robotech Series
Copyright 1987 by Jack McKinney

arranged by dayuan ' robotech zone '


I am intrigued by these beings and their strange rituals; which center around this plant their language calls 〃the Flower of Life。〃 This world; Optera; is a veritable garden for the plant in its myriad forms; and the Invid seem to utilize all these for physical as well as spiritual nutrition…they ingest the flower's petals and the fruits of the mature crop; in addition to drinking the plant's psychoactive sap。 The Regis; the Queen…Mother of this race; is the key to unlocking Optera's mysteries; and I have set myself the goal of possessing this key…if I have to seduce this queen to make that happen!
Zor's log: The Optera Chronicles (translated by Dr。 Emil Lang)

It was never Scott's intention to make camp at the high pass; he had simply given his okay for a quick food stop…if only to put an end to all the grousing that was going on。 Lunk's stomach needed tending to; Annie was restless from too many hours in the APC; and even Lancer was plaining about the wind chill。

Oh; to be back in the tropics; Scott thought wistfully。

He had always been one for wastes and deserts…weathered landscapes; rugged; ravaged by time and the stuff of stars…but only because he knew of little else。 Here he had been to the other side of the galaxy and remained the most parochial member of the team in spite of it。 But since their brief stopover in the tropics; he had begun to understand why Earth was so revered by the crew of the Expeditionary Mission; those same men and women who had raised him aboard the SDF…3 and watched him grow to manhood on Tirol。 In the tropics he had had a glimpse of the Earth they must have been remembering: the life…affirming warmth of its yellow sun; the splendor of its verdant forests; the sweetness of its air; and the miracle that was its wondrous ocean。

Even if Rand had insisted that they try that swimming!

Scott would have almost been willing to trade victory itself for another view of sunset from that Pacific isle。。。

Instead; he was surrounded by water in the forms more familiar to him: ice and snow。 The thrill the team had experienced on reaching the Northlands and realizing that Reflex Point was actually within reach had been somewhat dampened by the formidable range of mountains they soon faced。 But Scott was determined to make this as rapid a crossing as was humanly possible。 Unfortunately; the humanly possible part of it called for unscheduled stops。 It was Lunk's APC that was slowing them down; but there was that old one about a chain being only as strong as its weakest link。

The land vehicles were approaching the summit of the mountain highway now。 Rook and Lancer; riding Cyclones; were escorting the truck along the mostly ruined switchback road that led to the pass。 The ridgeline above was buried under several feet of fresh snow; but the vehicles were making good progress on the long grade nonetheless。

Scott was overhead in the Beta; with Rand just off the fighter's wingtip。 Short on fuel canisters; they had been forced to leave Rook's red Alpha behind; concealed in the remains of a school gymnasium building in the valley。 Scott planned to retrieve it just as soon as they located a Protoculture supply ripe for pilfering。 Down below; Annie and Marlene were waving up at the VTs from the back seat of the APC; Scott went on the mecha's tac net to inform Lunk that a rest stop was probably in order。

The two Robotech fighters banked away from the mountain face to search out a suitable spot; and within minutes they were reconfiguring to Guardian mode and using their foot thrusters to warm a reasonably flat area of cirque above the road and just shy of the saddle。 By the time they put down; the sun had already dropped below one of the peaks; but the temperature was still almost preternaturally warm。 The weather was balmy enough for the two pilots to romp around in their duotherm suits; especially with the added luxury of residual heat from the snow…cleared moraine。 There was a strong breeze rippling over the top of the col; but it carried with it the scent of the desert beyond。

The rest of the team joined them in a short time。 Lunk; Rook; and Lancer began to unload the firewood they had hauled up from the tree line; while Rand went to work on the deer he had shot and butchered。 Moonrise fringed the eastern peaks in a kind of silvery glow and found the seven freedom fighters grouped around a sizzling fire。 The northern sky's constellations were on display。 Scott had developed a special fondness for the brilliant stars of the southern hemisphere; but Gemini and Orion were reassuring for a different reason: They reinforced the fact that Reflex Point was close at hand。 He had to admit; however; that it was foolish to be thinking of the Invid central hive as some sort of end in itself; when really their arrival there would represent more in the way of a beginning。 He wondered whether the rest of the team understood this…that the mission; as loose as it was; was focused on destroying the hive; or at the very least accumulating as much recon data as possible to be turned over to Admiral Hunter when the Expeditionary Force returned to Earth for what would surely be the final showdown。

Glancing at his teammates; Scott shook his head in wonder that they had made it as far as they had; a group of strangers all but thrown together on a journey that had so far covered thousands of miles。

Scott regarded Lunk while the big; brutish man was laughing heartily; a shank of meat gripped in his big hand。 He had done so much for the team; yet he still seemed to carry the weight of past defeats on his huge shoulders。 Then there was Annie; their daughter; mascot; mother; in the green jumpsuit that had seen so much abuse and the ever…present E。T。 cap that crowned her long red hair。 She had almost left them a while back; convinced she had found the man of her dreams in the person of a young primitive named Magruder。 It wasn't the first time she had wandered away; but she always managed to return to the fold; and her bond with Lunk was perhaps stronger than either of them knew。

Rand and Rook; who could almost have passed for siblings; had had their moments of doubt about the mission as well。 They had formed a fiery partnership; one that seemed to rely on strikes and counterstrikes; but it was just that unspoken pact that kept them loyal to the team; if only to prove something to each other。

More than anyone; Lancer had remained true to the cause。 Scott had grown so accustomed to the man's lean good looks; his lavender…tinted shoulder…length hair and trademark headband; that he had almost forgotten about Yellow Dancer; Lancer's alter ego。 That feminine part of the Robotech rebel was all but submerged now; especially so since the tropics; when something had occurred that had left Lancer changed and Scott wondering。

But the most enigmatic among them was the woman they had named Marlene。 She was not really a member of the team at all but the still shell…shocked victim of an Invid assault; the nature of which Scott could only guess。 It had robbed her of her pa
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