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oliver wendell holmes-第3章

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successive numbers of his story; and it was no secret that he felt the
persecution keenly。  Perhaps he thought that he had already reached that
time in his literary life when he was a fact rather than a question;
and when reasons and not feelings must have to do with his acceptance or
rejection。  But he had to live many years yet before he reached this
state。  When he did reach it; happily a good while before his death;
I do not believe any man ever enjoyed the like condition more。 He loved
to feel himself out of the fight; with much work before him still;
but with nothing that could provoke ill…will in his activities。  He loved
at all times to take himself objectively; if I may so express my sense of
a mental attitude that misled many。  As I have said before; he was
universally interested; and he studied the universe from himself。  I do
not know how one is to study it otherwise; the impersonal has really no
existence; but with all his subtlety and depth he was of a make so
simple; of a spirit so naive; that he could not practise the feints some
use to conceal that interest in self which; after all; every one knows is
only concealed。  He frankly and joyously made himself the starting…point
in all his inquest of the hearts and minds of other men; but so far from
singling himself out in this; and standing apart in it; there never was
any one who was more eagerly and gladly your fellow…being in the things
of the soul。


In the things of the world; he had fences; and looked at some people
through palings and even over the broken bottles on the tops of walls;
and I think he was the loser by this; as well as they。  But then I think
all fences are bad; and that God has made enough differences between men;
we need not trouble ourselves to multiply them。  Even behind his fences;
however; Holmes had a heart kind for the outsiders; and I do not believe
any one came into personal relations with him who did not experience this
kindness。  In that long and delightful talk I had with him on my return
from Venice (I can praise the talk because it was mainly his); we spoke
of the status of domestics in the Old World; and how fraternal the
relation of high and low was in Italy; while in England; between master
and man; it seemed without acknowledgment of their common humanity。
〃Yes;〃 he said; 〃I always felt as if English servants expected to be
trampled on; but I can't do that。  If they want to be trampled on; they
must get some one else。〃  He thought that our American way was infinitely
better; and I believe that in spite of the fences there was always an
instinctive impulse with him to get upon common ground with his fellow…
man。  I used to notice in the neighborhood cabman who served our block on
Beacon Street a sort of affectionate reverence for the Autocrat; which
could have come from nothing but the kindly terms between them; if you
went to him when he was engaged to Doctor Holmes; he told you so with a
sort of implication in his manner that the thought of anything else for
the time was profanation。  The good fellow who took him his drives about
the Beverly and Manchester shores seemed to be quite in the joke of the
doctor's humor; and within the bounds of his personal modesty and his
functional dignity permitted himself a smile at the doctor's sallies;
when you stood talking with him; or listening to him at the carriage…

The civic and social circumstance that a man values himself on is
commonly no part of his value; and certainly no part of his greatness。
Rather; it is the very thing that limits him; and I think that Doctor
Holmes appeared in the full measure of his generous personality to those
who did not and could not appreciate his circumstance; and not to those
who formed it; and who from life…long association were so dear and
comfortable to him。  Those who best knew how great a man he was were
those who came from far to pay him their duty; or to thank him for some
help they had got from his books; or to ask his counsel or seek his
sympathy。  With all such he was most winningly tender; most intelligently
patient。  I suppose no great author was ever more visited by letter and
in person than he; or kept a faithfuler conscience for his guests。  With
those who appeared to him in the flesh he used a miraculous tact; and I
fancy in his treatment of all the physician native in him bore a
characteristic part。  No one seemed to be denied access to him; but it
was after a moment of preparation that one was admitted; and any one who
was at all sensitive must have felt from the first moment in his presence
that there could be no trespassing in point of time。  If now and then
some insensitive began to trespass; there was a sliding…scale of
dismissal that never failed of its work; and that really saved the author
from the effect of intrusion。  He was not bored because he would not be。

I transfer at random the impressions of many years to my page; and I
shall not try to observe a chronological order in these memories。  Vivid
among them is that of a visit which I paid him with Osgood the publisher;
then newly the owner of the Atlantic Monthly; when I had newly become the
sole editor。  We wished to signalize our accession to the control of the
magazine by a stroke that should tell most in the public eye; and we
thought of asking Doctor Holmes to do something again in the manner of
the Autocrat and the Professor at the Breakfast Table。  Some letters had
passed between him and the management concerning our wish; and then
Osgood thought that it would be right and fit for us to go to him in
person。  He proposed the visit; and Doctor Holmes received us with a mind
in which he had evidently formulated all his thoughts upon the matter。
His main question was whether at his age of sixty years a man was
justified in seeking to recall a public of the past; or to create a new
public in the present。  He seemed to have looked the ground over not only
with a personal interest in the question; but with a keen scientific zest
for it as something which it was delightful to consider in its generic
relations; and I fancy that the pleasure of this inquiry more than
consoled him for such pangs of misgiving as he must have had in the
personal question。  As commonly happens in the solution of such problems;
it was not solved; he was very willing to take our minds upon it; and to
incur the risk; if we thought it well and were willing to share it。

We came away rejoicing; and the new series began with the new year
following。  It was by no means the popular success that we had hoped;
not because the author had not a thousand new things to say; or failed to
say them with the gust and freshness of his immortal youth; but because
it was not well to disturb a form associated in the public mind with an
achievement which had become classic。  It is of the Autocrat of the
Breakfast Table that people think; when they think of the peculiar
species of dramatic essay which the author invented; and they think also
of the Professor at the Breakfast Table; because he followed so soon;
but the Poet at the Breakfast Table came so long after that his advent
alienated rather 
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