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anomalies and curiosities of medicine-第52章

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etritus; a Greek physician; speaks of the birth of quintuplets at the seventh month。 Two males and one female were born dead; being attached to the same placenta; the others were united to a common placenta and lived three days。 Chambon mentions an instance of 5 at a birth。 Not far from Berne; Switzerland; the wife of John Gelinger; a preacher in the Lordship of Berne; brought forth twins; and within a year after she brought forth quintuplets; 3 sons and 2 daughters。 There is a similar instance reported in 1827 of a woman of twenty…seven who; having been delivered of twins two years before; was brought to bed with 5 children; 3 boys and 2 girls。 Their length was from 15 1/2 to 16 1/2 inches。 Although regularly formed; they did not seem to have reached maturity。 The mother was much exhausted; but recovered。 The children appeared old…looking; had tremulous voices; and slept continually; during sleep their temperatures seemed very low。

Kennedy showed before the Dublin Pathological Society 5 fetuses with the involucra; the product of an abortion at the third month。 At Naples in 1839 Giuseppa Califani gave birth to 5 children; and about the same time Paddock reported the birth in Franklin County; Pa。; of quintuplets。 The Lancet relates an account of the birth of quintuplets; 2 boys and 3 girls; by the wife of a peasant on March 1; 1854。 Moffitt records the birth at Monticello; Ill。; of quintuplets。 The woman was thirty…five years of age; examination showed a breech presentation; the second child was born by a foot…presentation; as was the third; but the last was by a head…presentation。 The combined weight was something over 19 pounds; and of the 5; 3 were still…born; and the other 2 died soon after birth。 The Elgin Courant (Scotland); 1858; speaks of a woman named Elspet Gordon; at Rothes; giving birth to 3 males and 2 females。 Although they were six months' births; the boys all lived until the following morning。 The girls were still…born。 One of the boys had two front teeth when born。 Dr。 Dawson of Rothes is the obstetrician mentioned in this case。

The following recent instance is given with full details to illustrate the difficulties attending the births of quintuplets。 Stoker has reported the case of a healthy woman; thirty…five years old; 5 feet 1 inch high; and of slight build; whom he delivered of 5 fetuses in the seventh month of pregnancy; none of the children surviving。 The patient's mother had on two occasions given birth to twins。 The woman herself had been married for six years and had borne 4 children at full term; having no difficulty in labor。 When she came under observation she computed that she had been pregnant for six months; and had had her attention attracted to the unusually large size of her abdomen。 She complained of fixed pain in the left side of the abdomen on which side she thought she was larger。 Pains set in with regularity and the labor lasted eight and three…quarter hours。 After the rupture of the membranes the first child presented by the shoulder。 Version was readily performed; the child was dead (recently)。 Examination after the birth of the first child disclosed the existence of more than one remaining fetus。 The membranes protruded and became tense with each contraction。 The presentation was a transverse one。 In this case also there was little difficulty in effecting internal version。 The child lived a couple of hours。 The third fetus was also enclosed in a separate sac; which had to be ruptured。 The child presented by the breech and was delivered naturally; and lived for an hour。 In the fourth case the membranes had likewise to be ruptured; and alarming hemorrhage ensued。 Version was at once practised; but the chin became locked with that of the remaining fetus。 There was some difficulty and considerable delay in freeing the children; though the extent of locking was not at any time formidable。 The child was dead (recently)。 The fifth fetus presented by the head and was delivered naturally。 It lived for half an hour。 The placenta was delivered about five minutes after the birth of the last child; and consisted of two portions united by a narrow isthmus。 One; the smaller; had two cords attached centrally and close together; the other; and larger; had two cords attached in a similar way and one where it was joined to the isthmus。 The organ appeared to be perfectly healthy。 The cord of the fourth child was so short that it had to be ligated in the vagina。 The children were all females and of about the same size; making a total weight of 8 pounds。 The mother rallied quickly and got on well。

Trustworthy records of sextuplets are; of course; extremely scarce。 There are few catalogued at Washington; and but two authentic cases are on record in the United States。 On December 30; 1831; a woman in Dropin was delivered of 6 daughters; all living; and only a little smaller than usual in size。 The mother was not quite twenty years old; but was of strong constitution。 The 6 lived long enough to be baptized; but died the evening of their births。 There was a case a of sextuplets in Italy in 1844。 In Maine; June 27; 1847; a woman was delivered of 6 children; 2 surviving and; together with the mother; doing well。 In 1885 there was reported the birth of sextuplets in Lorca; Spain; of which only one survived。 At Dallas; Texas; in 1888; Mrs。 George Hirsh of Navarro County gave birth to 6 children; the mother and the children all doing well。 There were 4 boys and 2 girls; and they were all perfect; well formed; but rather small。

Valsalli gives an instance which is quoted by the Medical News without giving the authority。 Valsalli's account; which differs slightly from the account in the Medical News; is briefly as follows: While straining at stool on the one hundred and fifteenth day of pregnancy the membranes ruptured and a foot prolapsed; no pain having been felt before the accident。 A fetus was delivered by the midwife。 Valsalli was summoned and found the woman with an enormously distended abdomen; within which were felt numerous fetal parts; but no fetal heart…sounds or movements were noticed。 The cervix was only slightly dilated; and; as no pains were felt; it was agreed to wait。 On the next day the membranes were ruptured and 4 more fetuses were delivered。 Traction on the umbilical cord started hemorrhage; to check which the physician placed his hand in the uterine cavity。 In this most arduous position he remained four hours until assistance from Lugano came。 Then; in the presence of the three visiting physicians; a sixth amniotic sac was delivered with its fetus。 The woman had a normal convalescence; and in the following year gave birth to healthy; living twins。 The News says the children all moved vigorously at birth; there were 4 males and 2 females; and for the 6 there was only one placenta The mother; according to the same authority; was thirty…six years of age; and was in her second pregnancy。

Multiple Births over Six。When we pass sextuplets the records of multiple births are of the greatest rarity and in modern records there are almost none。 There are several cases mentioned by the older writers whose statements are generally worthy of credence; which; however incredible; are of sufficient inte
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