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anomalies and curiosities of medicine-第35章

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y of a woman of twenty…seven; five months pregnant; without interruption of this or subsequent pregnancies。 The child was living。 He says that Fancon cites instances of operation without abortion。

Lovort describes an enucleation of the eye in the second month of pregnancy。 Pilcher cites the instance of a woman of fifty…eight; eight months in her fourth pregnancy; whose breast and axilla he removed without interruption of pregnancy。 Robson; Polaillon; and Coen report similar instances。

Rein speaks of the removal of an enormous echinococcus cyst of the omentum without interruption of pregnancy。 Robson reports a multi…locular cyst of the ovary with extensive adhesions of the uterus; removed at the tenth week of pregnancy and ovariotomy performed without any interruption of the ordinary course of labor。 Russell cites the instance of a woman who was successfully tapped at the sixth month of pregnancy。

McLean speaks of a successful amputation during pregnancy; Napper; one of the arm; Nicod; one of the arm; Russell; an amputation through the shoulder joint for an injury during pregnancy; with delivery and recovery; and Vesey speaks of amputation for compound fracture of the arm; labor following ten hours afterward with recovery。 Keen reports the successful performance of a hip…joint amputation for malignant disease of the femur during pregnancy。 The patient; who was five months advanced in gestation; recovered without aborting。

Robson reports a case of strangulated hernia in the third month of pregnancy with stercoraceous vomiting。 He performed herniotomy in the femoral region; and there was a safe delivery at full term。 In the second month of pregnancy he also rotated an ovarian tumor causing acute symptoms and afterward performed ovariotomy without interfering with pregnancy。 Mann quotes Munde in speaking of an instance of removal of elephantiasis of the vulva without interrupting pregnancy; and says that there are many cases of the removal of venereal warts without any interference with gestation。 Campbell of Georgia operated inadvertently at the second and third month in two cases of vesicovaginal fistula in pregnant women。 The first case showed no interruption of pregnancy; but in the second case the woman nearly died and the fistula remained unhealed。 Engelmann operated on a large rectovaginal fistula in the sixth month of pregnancy without any interruption of pregnancy; which is far from the general result。 Cazin and Rey both produced abortion by forcible dilatation of the anus for fissure; but Gayet used both the fingers and a speculum in a case at five months and the woman went to term。 By cystotomy Reamy removed a double hair…pin from a woman pregnant six and a half months; without interruption; and according to Mann again; McClintock extracted stones from the bladder by the urethra in the fourth month of pregnancy; and Phillips did the same in the seventh month。 Hendenberg and Packard report the removal of a tumor weighing 8 3/4 pounds from a pregnant uterus without interrupting gestation。

The following extract from the University Medical Magazine of Philadelphia illustrates the after…effects of abdominal hysteropasy on subsequent pregnancies:

〃Fraipont (Annales de la Societe Medico…Chirurgicale de Liege; 1894) reports four cases where pregnancy and labor were practically normal; though the uterus of each patient had been fixed to the abdominal walls。 In two of the cases the hysteropexy had been performed over five years before the pregnancy occurred; and; although the bands of adhesion between the fundus and the parietes must have become very tough after so long a period; no special difficulty was encountered。 In two of the cases the forceps was used; but not on account of uterine inertia; the fetal head was voluminous; and in one of the two cases internal rotation was delayed。 The placenta was always expelled easily; and no serious postpartum hemorrhage occurred。 Fraipont observed the progress of pregnancy in several of these cases。 The uterus does not increase specially in its posterior part; but quite uniformly; so that; as might be expected; the fundus gradually detaches itself from the abdominal wall。 Even if the adhesions were not broken down they would of necessity be so stretched as to be useless for their original purpose after delivery。 Bands of adhesion could not share in the process of involution。 As; however; the uterus undergoes perfect involution; it is restored to its original condition before the onset of the disease which rendered hysteropexy necessary。〃

The coexistence of an extensive tumor of the uterus with pregnancy does not necessarily mean that the product of conception will be blighted。 Brochin speaks of a case in which pregnancy was complicated with fibroma of the uterus; the accouchement being natural at term。 Byrne mentions a case of pregnancy complicated with a large uterine fibroid。 Delivery was effected at full term; and although there was considerable hemorrhage the mother recovered。 Ingleby describes a case of fibrous tumor of the uterus terminating fatally; but not until three weeks after delivery。 Lusk mentions a case of pregnancy with fibrocystic tumor of the uterus occluding the cervix。 At the appearance of symptoms of eclampsia version was performed and delivery effected; followed by postpartum hemorrhage。 The mother died from peritonitis and collapse; but the stillborn child was resuscitated。 Roberts reports a case of pregnancy associated with a large fibrocellular polypus of the uterus。 A living child was delivered at the seventh month; ecrasement was performed; and the mother recovered。

Von Quast speaks of a fibromyoma removed five days after labor。 Gervis reports the removal of a large polypus of the uterus on the fifth day after confinement。 Davis describes the spontaneous expulsion of a large polypus two days after the delivery of a fine; healthy; male child。 Deason mentions a case of anomalous tumor of the uterus during pregnancy which was expelled after the birth of the child; and Daly also speaks of a tumor expelled from the uterus after delivery。 Cathell speaks of a case of pregnancy complicated with both uterine fibroids and measles。 Other cases of a similar nature to the foregoing are too numerous to mention。 Figure 13; taken from Spiegelberg; shows a large fibroid blocking the pelvis of a pregnant woman。

There are several peculiar accidents and anomalies not previously mentioned which deserve a place here; viz。; those of the membranes surrounding the fetus。 Brown speaks of protrusion of the membranes from the vulva several weeks before confinement。 Davies relates an instance in which there was a copious watery discharge during pregnancy not followed by labor。 There is a case mentioned in which an accident and an inopportune dose of ergot at the fifth month of pregnancy were followed by rupture of the amniotic sac; and subsequently a constant flow of watery fluid continued for the remaining three months of pregnancy。 The fetus died at the time; and was born in an advanced state of putrefaction; by version; three months after the accident。 The mother died five months after of carcinoma of the uterus。 Montgomery reports the instance of a woman who mens
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