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anomalies and curiosities of medicine-第315章

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e seized with violent trembling; this ended in a few minutes with vomiting and great mental and physical prostration lasting several hours。 Her husband would have sent the woman away; but Mrs。 X insisted on her remaining; as she was a good servant; in order that she might overcome what she regarded as an unreasonable prejudice。 The effort was; however; too great; for upon one occasion when the woman entered Mrs。 X's apartment rather unexpectedly; the latter became greatly excited; and; jumping from an open window in her fright; broke her arm; and otherwise injured herself so severely that she was confined to her bed for several weeks。 During this period; and for some time afterward; she was almost constantly subject to hallucinations; in which the Indian woman played a prominent part。 Even after her recovery the mere thought of the woman would sometimes bring on a paroxysm of trembling; and it was not till after her confinement that the antipathy disappeared。

Circular or periodic insanity is a rare psychosis。 According to Drewry reports of very few cases have appeared in the medical journals。 〃Some systematic writers;〃 says Drewry; 〃regard it as a mere subdivision of periodic insanity (Spitzka)。 A distinguished alienist and author of Scotland however has given us an admirable lecture on the subject。 He says: 'I have had under my care altogether about 40 cases of typical folie circulaire。' In the asylum at Morningside there were; says Dr。 Clouston; in 800 patients 16 cases of this peculiar form of mental disease。 Dr。 Spitzka; who was the first American to describe it; found in 2300 cases of pauper insane four per cent to be periodic; and its sub…group; circular; insanity。 Dr。 Stearns states that less than one…fourth of one per cent of cases in the Hartford (Conn。) Retreat classed as mania and melancholia have proved to be folie circulaire。 Upon examination of the annual reports of the superintendents of hospitals for the insane in this country; in only a few are references made to this as a distinct form of insanity。 In the New York State hospitals there is a regular uniform classification of mental diseases in which 'circular (alternating) insanity' occupies a place。 In the report of the Buffalo Hospital for 1892; in statistical table No。 4; 'showing forms of insanity in those admitted; etc。; since 1888;' out of 1428 cases; only one was 'alternating (circular) insanity。' In the St。 Lawrence Hospital only one case in 992 was credited to this special class。 In the institution in Philadelphia; of which Dr。 Chapin is the superintendent; 10;379 patients have been treated; only three of whom were diagnosed cases of manie circulaire。 Of the 900 cases of insanity in the State Hospital at Danville; Pa。; less than four per cent were put in this special class。 There are in the Central (Va。) State Hospital (which is exclusively for the colored insane) 775 patients; three of whom are genuine cases of circular insanity; but they are included in 'periodic insanity。' This same custom evidently prevails in many of the other hospitals for the insane。〃

Drewry reports three cases of circular insanity; one of which was as follows:

〃William F。; a negro; thirty…six years old; of fair education; steady; sober habits; was seized with gloomy depression a few weeks prior to his admission to this hospital; in September; 1886。 This condition came on after a period of fever。 He was a stranger in the vicinity and scarcely any information could be obtained regarding his antecedents。 When admitted he was in a state of melancholic hypochondriasis; he was the very picture of abject misery。 Many imaginary ills troubled his peace of mind。 He spoke of committing suicide; but evidently for the purpose of attracting attention and sympathy。 On one occasion he said he intended to kill himself; but when the means to do so were placed at his command; he said he would do the deed at another time。 The most trivial physical disturbances were exaggerated into very serious diseases。 From this state of morbid depression he slowly emerged; grew brighter; more energetic; neater in personal appearance; etc。 During this period of slow transition or partial sanity he was taken out on the farm where he proved to be a careful and industrious laborer。 He escaped; and when brought back to the hospital a few weeks subsequently he was in a condition of great excitement and hilarity。 His expression was animated; and he was; as it were; overflowing with superabundance of spirit; very loquacious; and incessantly moving。 He bore an air of great importance and self…satisfaction; said he felt perfectly well and happy; but abused the officers for keeping him 'confined unjustly in a lunatic asylum。' It was his habit almost daily; if not interfered with; to deliver a long harangue to his fellow…patients; during which he would become very excited and noisy。 He showed evidences of having a remarkable memory; particularly regarding names and dates。 (Unusual memory is frequently observed in this type of insanity; says Stearns。) He was sometimes disposed to be somewhat destructive to furniture; etc。; was neat in person; but would frequently dress rather 'gorgeously;' wearing feathers and the like in his hat; etc。 He was not often noisy and sleepless at night; and then only for a short time。 His physical health was good。 This 'mental intoxication;' as it were; lasted nearly a year。 After this long exacerbation of excitement there was a short remission and then depression again set in; which lasted about fifteen months。 At this time this patient is in the depressed stage or period of the third circle。 So; thus the cycles have continuously repeated their weary rounds; and in all probability they will keep this up 'until the final capitation in the battle of life has taken place。' 〃

Katatonia; according to Gray; is a cerebral disease of cyclic symptoms; ranging in succession from primary melancholia to mania; confusion; and dementia; one or more of these stages being occasionally absent; while convulsive and epileptoid symptoms accompany the mental changes。

It is manifestly impossible to enter into the manifold forms and instances of insanity in this volume; but there is one case; seldom quoted; which may be of interest。 It appeared under the title; 〃A Modern Pygmalion。〃 It recorded a history of a man named Justin; who died in the Bicetre Insane Asylum。 He had been an exhibitor of wax works at Montrouge; and became deeply impressed with the beautiful proportions of the statue of a girl in his collection; and ultimately became intensely enamored with her。 He would spend hours in contemplation of the inanimate object of his affections; and finally had the illusion that the figure; by movements of features; actually responded to his devotions。 Nemesis as usual at last arrived; and the wife of Justin; irritated by his long neglect; in a fit of jealousy destroyed the wax figure; and this resulted in a murderous attack on his wife by Justin who resented the demolition of his love。 He was finally secured and lodged in Bicetre; where he lived for five years under the influence of his lost love。

An interesting condition; which has been studied more in France than elsewhere; is double consciousness; 
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