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anomalies and curiosities of medicine-第311章

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produce similar states; for example; the magic drum's sound among the Lapps; or among other races the monotony of rhythm in song; etc。 Instead of these continuous; monotonous; weak stimulations of the senses; we find also that sudden and violent ones are made use offor example in the Salpetriere; the field of Charcot's work; the loud noise of a gong; or a sudden ray of light; however; it is more than doubtful whether these sudden; strong; physical stimuli; without any mental stimuli; can induce hypnosis。 Perhaps we have to do here with states not far removed from paralysis from fright。 The sense of touch is also brought into play in hypnosis; Richet set great value on the so…called mesmeric strokes or passes。 It is often stated that touches on the forehead induce a sleepy state in many persons。 Hypnotism is practiced by stimulation of the muscular sense; such as cradle…rocking; used to send little children to sleep。 Similar states are said to be produced among uncivilized people by violent whirling or dancing movements; the movements are; however; accompanied by music and other mental excitations。

Hypnosis is spoken of by Huc and Hellwald of the Buddhist convents in Thibet; and Sperling; who has had a particularly wide experience in the field of hypnotism; and whose opinion is of particular value; says that he has seen dervishes in Constantinople who; from the expression of their eyes and their whole appearance; as well as from peculiar postures they maintain for a long time; impressed him as being in a hypnotic state。 The state may have been induced by singing and uniform whirling motions。 Hildebrandt; Jacolliot; Fischer; Hellwald; and other trustworthy witnesses and authors tell us strange things about the fakirs of India; which set any attempt at explanation on the basis of our present scientific knowledge at defiancethat is; if we decline to accept them as mere juggler's tricks。 Hypnotism seems to be the only explanation。 It is a well known fact that both wild and domestic beasts can be hypnotized and the success of some of the animal…tamers is due to this fact。 In hypnotism we see a probable explanation for the faith…cures which have extended over many centuries; and have their analogy in the supposed therapeutic powers of the Saints。

The medicolegal aspect of hypnotism may be called in to answer whether crime may be committed at suggestion。 Such examples have already been before the public in the recent trial of the Parisian strangler; Eyraud。 It was claimed that his accomplice in the crime; Gabrielle Bompard; had been hypnotized。 Bernheim narrates a case of outrage effected in the hypnotic condition; which was brought to light by a trial in the South of France。

As to the therapeutic value of hypnotism; with the exception of some minor benefits in hysteric cases and in insomnia; the authors must confess that its use in Medicine seems very limited。

African sleep…sickness is a peculiar disorder; apparently infectious in character; which occurs among the negroes of the western coast of Africa。 It has been transported to other regions but is endemic in Africa。 According to Dana it begins gradually with malaise and headache。 Soon there is drowsiness after meals which increases until the patient is nearly all the time in a stupor。 When awake he is dull and apathetic。 There is no fever; the temperature may be subnormal。 The pulse; too; is not rapid; the skin is dry; the tongue moist but coated; the bowels regular。 The eyes become congested and prominent。 The cervical glands enlarge。 The disease ends in coma and death。 Recovery rarely occurs。 Sometimes the disease is more violent; and toward the end there are epileptic convulsions and muscular tremors。 Autopsies have revealed no pathologic changes。

Recently Forbes contributes an interesting paper on the sleeping sickness of Africa。 The disease may occur in either sex and at any age; though it is most frequent from the twelfth to the twentieth years; and in the male sex。 It begins with enlargement of the cervical glands; and drowsiness and sleep at unusual hours。 At first the patient may be aroused; but later sinks into a heavy stupor or coma。 Death occurs in from three to twelve months; and is due to starvation。 Forbes reports 11 fatal cases; and two that passed from observation。 At the autopsy are found hyperemia of the arachnoid; and slight chronic leptomeningitis and pachymeningitis。 There is also anemia of the brain…substance。 In one of his cases the spleen was enlarged。 He was inclined to regard the disease as a neurosis。

Aphasia is a disease of the faculty of language; that is; a disturbance of the processes by which we see; hear; and at the same time appreciate the meaning of symbols。 It includes also the faculty of expressing our ideas to others by means of the voice; gesture; writing; etc。 The trouble may be central or in the conducting media。 The varieties of aphasia are:

(1) Amnesia of speech。

(2) Amnesia of speech and written language。

(3) Amnesia of speech; written language; and gesture。

In most cases there is no paralysis of the tongue or speech…forming organs。 As a rule the intellect is unaffected; the patient has the ideas; but lacks the power to give them proper expression through words; written language; or gesture。 If the patient is enable to write; the condition is known as agraphia。 Word…blindness; word…deafness; etc。; are terms of different forms of aphasia。

What was probably a case of incomplete aphasia is mentioned by Pliny; that of Messala Corvinus who was unable to tell his own name; and many instances of persons forgetting their names are really nothing but cases of temporary or incomplete aphasia。 In some cases of incomplete and in nearly all cases of complete aphasia; involuntary sentences are ejaculated。 According to Seguin a reverend old gentleman affected with amnesia of words was forced to utter after the sentence; 〃Our Father who art in heaven;〃 the words 〃let Him stay there。〃 A lady seen by Trousseau would rise on the coming of a visitor to receive him with a pleased and amiable expression of countenance; and show him to a chair; at the same time addressing to him the words; 〃cochon; animal; fichue bete;〃 French words hardly allowable in drawing…room usage。 She was totally aphasic but not paralyzed。 Women often use semi…religious expressions like 〃Oh dear;〃 or 〃Oh Lord。〃 Men of the lower classes retain their favorite oaths remarkably。 Sometimes the phrases ejaculated are meaningless; as in Broca's celebrated case。

Aphasia may he the result of sudden strong emotions; in such cases being usually temporary; it may be traumatic; it may be the result of either primary or secondary malnutrition or degeneration。

There are some cases on record in which the sudden loss and the sudden return of the voice are quite marvelous。

Habershon reports the case of a woman who on seeing one of her children scalded fell unconscious and motionless; and remained without food for three days。 It was then found that she suffered from complete aphasia。 Five weeks after the incident she could articulate only in a very limited vocabulary。

In the Philosophical Transactions Archdeacon Squire tells of the case of Henry Axford; who lost 
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