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anomalies and curiosities of medicine-第22章

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 in 1721; describes a similar case; the child reaching adult life。 Elvert records a case of late pregnancy; and Henschel one of forty…six weeks; but the fetus was dead。 Schneider cites an instance of three hundred and eight days' duration。 Campbell says that Simpson had cases of three hundred and nineteen; three hundred and thirty…two; and three hundred and thirty…six days'; Meigs had one of four hundred and twenty。 James Reid; in a table of 500 mature births; gives 14 as being from three hundred and two to three hundred and fifteen days'。

Not so long ago a jury rendered a verdict of guilty of fornication and bastardy when it was alleged that the child was born three hundred and seventeen days after intercourse。 Taylor relates a case of pregnancy in which the wife of a laborer went to America three hundred and twenty…two days before the birth。 Jaffe describes an instance of the prolongation of pregnancy for three hundred and sixty…five days; in which the developments and measurements corresponded to the length of protraction。 Bryan speaks of a woman of twenty…five who became pregnant on February 10; 1876; and on June 17th felt motion。 On July 28th she was threatened with miscarriage; and by his advice the woman weaned the child at the breast。 She expected to be confined the middle of November; 1876; but the expected event did not occur until April 26; 1877; nine months after the quickening and four hundred and forty days from the time of conception。 The boy was active and weighed nine pounds。 The author cites Meigs' case; and also one of Atlee's; at three hundred and fifty…six days。

Talcott; Superintendent of the State Homeopathic Asylum for the Insane; explained the pregnancy of an inmate who had been confined for four years in this institution as one of protracted labor。 He said that many such cases have been reported; and that something less than two years before he had charge of a case in which the child was born。 He made the report to the New York Senate Commission on Asylums for the Insane as one of three years' protraction。 Tidd speaks of a woman who was delivered of a male child at term; and again in ten months delivered of a well…developed male child weighing 7 1/4 pounds; he relates the history of another case; in Clifton; W。 Va。; of a woman expecting confinement on June 1st going over to September 16th; the fetus being in the uterus over twelve months; and nine months after quickening was felt。

Two extraordinary cases are mentioned; one in a woman of thirty…five; who expected to be confined April 24; 1883。 In May she had a few labor…pains that passed away; and during the next six months she remained about as large as usual; and was several times thought to be in the early stages of labor。 In September the os dilated until the first and second fingers could be passed directly to the head。 This condition lasted about a month; but passed away。 At times during the last nine months of pregnancy she was almost unable to endure the movements of the child。 Finally; on the morning of November 6th; after a pregnancy of four hundred and seventy…six days; she was delivered of a male child weighing 13 pounds。 Both the mother and child did well despite the use of chloroform and forceps。 The other case was one lasting sixteen months and twenty days。

In a rather loose argument; Carey reckons a case of three hundred and fifty days。 Menzie gives an instance in a woman aged twenty…eight; the mother of one child; in whom a gestation was prolonged to the seventeenth month。 The pregnancy was complicated by carcinoma of the uterus。 Ballard describes the case of a girl of sixteen years and six months; whose pregnancy; the result of a single intercourse; lasted three hundred and sixty days。 Her labor was short and easy for a primipara; and the child was of the average size。 Mackenzie cites the instance of a woman aged thirty…two; a primipara; who had been married ten years and who always had been regular in menstruation。 The menses ceased on April 28; 1888; and she felt the child for the first time in September。 She had false pains in January; 1889; and labor did not begin until March 8th; lasting sixty…six hours。 If all these statements are correct; the probable duration of this pregnancy was eleven months and ten days。

Lundie relates an example of protracted gestation of eleven months; in which an anencephalous fetus was born; and Martin of Birmingham describes a similar case of ten and a half months' duration。 Raux…Tripier has seen protraction to the thirteenth month。 Enguin reports an observation of an accouchement of twins after a pregnancy that had been prolonged for eleven months。 Resnikoff mentions a pregnancy of eleven months' duration in an anemic secundipara。 The case had been under his observation from the beginning of pregnancy; the patient would not submit to artificial termination at term; which he advised。 After a painful labor of twenty…four hours a macerated and decomposed child was born; together with a closely…adherent placenta。 Tarnier reports an instance of partus serotinus in which the product of conception was carried in the uterus forty days after term。 The fetus was macerated but not putrid; and the placenta had undergone fatty degeneration。 At a recent meeting of the Chicago Gynecological Society; Dr。 F。 A。 Stahl reported the case of a German…Bohemian woman in which the fifth pregnancy terminated three hundred and two days after the last menstruation。 Twenty days before there had occurred pains similar to those of labor; but they gradually ceased。 The sacral promontory was exaggerated; and the anteroposterior pelvic diameter of the inlet in consequence diminished。 The fetus was large and occupied the first position。 Version was with difficulty effected and the passage of the after…coming head through the superior strait required expression and traction; during which the child died。 The mother suffered a deep laceration of the perineum involving an inch of the wall of the rectum。

Among others reporting instances of protracted pregnancy are Collins; eleven months; Desbrest; eighteen months; Henderson; fifteen months; Jefferies; three hundred and fifty…eight days; and De la Vergne gives the history of a woman who carried an infant in her womb for twenty…nine months; this case may possibly belong under the head of fetus long retained in the uterus。

Unconscious Pregnancy。There are numerous instances of women who have had experience in pregnancy unconsciously going almost to the moment of delivery; yet experiencing none of the usual accompanying symptoms of this condition。 Crowell speaks of a woman of good social position who had been married seven years; and who had made extensive preparations for a long journey; when she was seized with a 〃bilious colic;〃 and; to her dismay and surprise; a child was born before the arrival of the doctor summoned on account of her sudden colic and her inability to retain her water。 A peculiar feature of this case was the fact that mental disturbance set in immediately afterward; and the mother became morbid and had to be removed to an asylum; but recovered in a few months。 Tanner saw a woman of forty…two who had been suffering with abdominal pains。 She had been married
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