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anomalies and curiosities of medicine-第217章

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ple。 This wound received no medical attention for forty…eight hours; when the protruding portion of lung was thought to be dead; and was ligated and cut off; it weighed about three ounces。 In about two weeks the wound healed with the lung adherent to it and this condition was found six years later at the necropsy of this individual。 Tulpius quoted Celaus and Hippocrates as authorities for the surgical treatment of this case。 In 1787 Bell gave an account of a case in which a large portion of the lung protruded and was strangulated by the edges of the thoracic wound; yet the patient made a good recovery。 Fabricius Hildanus and Ruysch record instances of recovery in which large pieces of lung have been cut off; and it is said that with General Wolfe at Quebec there was another officer who was shot through the thorax and who recovered after the removal of a portion of the lung。 In a letter to one of his medical friends Roscius says that he succeeded in cutting off part of a protruding; livid; and gangrenous lung; after a penetrating wound of the chest; with a successful result。 Hale reports a case of a penetrating stab…wound in which a piece of lung was removed from a man of twenty…five。

Tait claims that surgical treatment; as exemplified by Biondi's experiment in removing portions of lung from animals; such as dogs; sheep; cats; etc。; is not practical; he adds that his deductions are misleading; as the operation was done on healthy tissue and in deep and narrow…chested animals。 Excision of diseased portions of the lung has been practised by Kronlein (three cases); Ruggi of Bologna (two cases); Block; Milton; Weinlechner; one of Kronlein's patients recovered and Milton's survived four months; but the others promptly succumbed after the operation。 Tuffier is quoted as showing a patient; aged twenty…nine; upon whom; for beginning tuberculosis; he had performed pneumonectomy four years before。 At the operation he had removed the diseased area at the apex of the right lung; together with sound tissue for two cm。 in every direction。 Tuffier stated that the result of his operation had been perfectly successful and the patient had shown no suspicious symptoms since。

Rupture of the Lung Without Fracture。It is quite possible for the lung to be ruptured by external violence without fracture of the ribs; there are several such cases on record。 The mechanism of this rare and fatal form of injury has been very aptly described by Gosselin as due to a sudden pressure exerted on the thoracic wall at the moment of full inspiration; there being a spasm of the glottis or obstruction of the larynx; in consequence of which the lung bursts。 An extravasation of air occurs; resulting in the development of emphysema; pneumothorax; etc。 Subsequently pleurisy; pneumonia; or even pus in the pleural cavity often result。 Hemoptysis is a possible; but not a marked symptom。 The mechanism is identical with that of the bursting of an inflated paper bag when struck by the hand。 Other observers discard this theory of M。 Gosselin and claim that the rupture is due to direct pressure; as in the cases in which the heart is ruptured without fracture of the ribs。 The theory of Gosselin would not explain these cardiac ruptures from external violence on the thoracic walls; and; therefore; was rejected by some。 Pare; Morgagni; Portal; Hewson Smith; Dupuytren; Laennec; and others mention this injury。 Gosselin reports two cases terminating in recovery。 Ashurst reports having seen three cases; all of which terminated fatally before the fifth day; he has collected the histories of 39 cases; of which 12 recovered。 Otis has collected reports of 25 cases of this form of injury from military practice exclusively。 These were generally caused by a blow on the chest; by a piece of shell; or other like missile。 Among the 25 cases there were 11 recoveries。 As Ashhurst very justly remarks; this injury appears more fatal in civil than in military life。

Pyle reports a case successfully treated; as follows:

〃Lewis W。; ten years old; white; born in Maryland; and living now in the District of Columbia; was brought in by the Emergency Hospital ambulance; on the afternoon of November 10th; with a history of having been run over by a hose…cart of the District Fire Department。 The boy was in a state of extreme shock; having a weak; almost imperceptible pulse; his respirations were shallow and rapid; and his temperature subnormal。 There were no signs of external injury about his thoracic cavity and no fracture of the ribs could be detected; although carefully searched for; there was marked emphysema; the neck and side of the face were enormously swollen with the extravasated air; the tissues of the left arm were greatly infiltrated with air; which enabled us to elicit the familiar crepitus of such infiltration when an attempt at the determination of the radial pulse was made。 Consciousness was never lost。 There were several injuries to the face and scalp; and there was hemorrhage from the nose and mouth; which was attributed to the fact that the patient had fallen on his face; striking both nose and lip。 This was confirmed subsequently by the absence of any evidences of hemoptysis during the whole period of convalescence。 The saliva was not even blood…streaked; therefore; it can be said with verity that there was no hemoptysis。 Shortly after admission the patient reacted to the stimulating treatment; his pulse became stronger; and all evidences of threatened collapse disappeared。 He rested well the first night and complained of no pain; then or subsequently。 The improvement was continuous。 The temperature remained normal until the evening of the fifth day; when it rose to 102。2 degrees; end again; on the evening of the sixth; to 102。3 degrees。 This rise was apparently without significance as the patient at no time seemed disturbed by it。 On the eighth day the temperature again reached the normal and has since remained there。 The boy is apparently well now; suffers no inconvenience; and has left the hospital; safe from danger and apparently free from any pulmonary embarrassment。 He uses well…developed diaphragmatic breathing which is fully sufficient。〃

Pollock reports the case of a boy of seven; whose lung was ruptured by a four…wheeled cab which ran over him。 He was discharged well in thirty…two days。 Bouilly speaks of recovery in a boy of seventeen; after a rupture of the lung without fracture。 There are several other interesting cases of recovery on record。

There are instances of spontaneous rupture of the lung; from severe cough。 Hicks speaks of a child of ten months suffering with a severe cough resembling pertussis; whose lung ruptured about two weeks after the beginning of the cough; causing death on the second day。 Ferrari relates a curious case of rupture of the lung from deep inspiration。

Complete penetration or transfixion of the thoracic cavity is not necessarily fatal; and some marvelous instances of recovery after injuries of this nature; are recorded。 Eve remarks that General Shields was shot through the body by a discharge of a cannon at Cerro Gordo; and was given up as certain to die。 The General himself thought it was grape…shot that traversed his chest。 He showe
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