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anomalies and curiosities of medicine-第190章

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 right eye; which had to be enucleated; and was found full of tenia echinococcus; evidently derived from the dog's tongue。

Gabb mentions a case of epistaxis in which the blood welled up through the lacrimal ducts and suffused into the eye so that it was constantly necessary to wipe the lower eyelid; and the discharge ceased only when the nose stopped bleeding。 A brief editorial note on epistaxis through the eyes; referring to a case in the Medical News of November 30; 1895; provoked further reports from numerous correspondents。 Among others; the following:

〃Dr。 T。 L。 Wilson of Bellwood; Pa。; relates the case of an old lady of seventy…eight whom he found with the blood gushing from the nostrils。 After plugging the nares thoroughly with absorbent cotton dusted with tannic acid he was surprised to see the blood ooze out around the eyelids and trickle down the cheeks。 This oozing continued for the greater part of an hour; being controlled by applications of ice to both sides of the nose。〃

〃Dr。 F。 L。 Donlon of New York City reports the case of a married woman; about fifty years old; in whom epistaxis set in suddenly at 11 P。M。; and had continued for several hours; when the anterior nares were plugged。 In a short time the woman complained that she could scarcely see; owing to the welling up of blood in the eyes and trickling down her face。 The bleeding only ceased when the posterior nares also were plugged。〃

〃Dr。 T。 G。 Wright of Plainville; Conn。; narrates the case of a young man whom he found in the night; bleeding profusely; and having already lost a large amount of blood。 Shortly after plugging both anterior and posterior nares the blood found its way through the lacrimal ducts to the eyes and trickled down the cheeks。〃

〃Dr。 Charles W。 Crumb cites the case of a man; sixty…five years old; with chronic nephritis; in whom a slight bruise of the nose was followed by epistaxis lasting twenty…four hours。 When the nares were plugged blood escaped freely from the eyes。 A cone…shaped bit of sponge; saturated with ferrous sulphate; was passed into each anterior naris; and another piece of sponge; similarly medicated; into either posterior naris。 The patient had been taking various preparations of potassium; and it was thought that his blood contained a deficiency of fibrin。 Upon removal of the nasal plugs a catarrhal inflammation developed which lasted a long time and was attended with considerable purulent discharge。〃

Late Restoration of Sight。There are some marvelous cases on record in which; after many years of blindness; the surgeon has been able; by operation; to restore the sight。 McKeown gives the history of a blind fiddler of sixty…three; who; when one and a half years old; had lost the sight of both eyes after an attack of small…pox。 Iridectomy was performed; and after over sixty years of total blindness his sight was restored; color…perception was good。 Berncastle mentions a case of extraction of double cataract and double iridectomy for occluded pupils; which; after thirty years of blindness; resulted in the recovery of good sight。 The patient was a blind beggar of Sydney。

To those interested in this subject; Jauffret has a most interesting description of a man by the name of Garin; who was born blind; who talked at eight or nine months; showed great intelligence; and who was educated at a blind asylum。 At the age of twenty…four he entered the hospital of Forlenze; to be operated upon by that famous oculist。 Garin had never seen; but could distinguish night or darkness by one eye only; and recognized orange and red when placed close to that eye。 He could tell at once the sex and age of a person approximately by the voice and tread; and formed his conclusions more rapidly in regard to females than males。 Forlenze diagnosed cataract; and; in the presence of a distinguished gathering; operated with the happiest result。 The description that follows; which is quoted by Fournier and is readily accessible to any one; is well worth reading; as it contains an account of the first sensations of light; objects; distance; etc。; and minor analogous thoughts; of an educated and matured mind experiencing its first sensations of sight。

Hansell and Clark say that the perplexities of learning to see after twenty…six years of blindness from congenital disease; as described by a patient of Franke; remind one of the experience of Shelley's Frankenstein。 Franke's patient was successfully operated on for congenital double cataract; at twenty…six years of age。 The author describes the difficulties the patient had of recognizing by means of vision the objects he had hitherto known through his other senses; and his slowness in learning to estimate distances and the comparative size of objects。

Sight is popularly supposed to be occasionally restored without the aid of art; after long years of blindness。 Benjamin Rush saw a man of forty…five who; twelve years before; became blind without ascertainable cause; and recovered his sight equally without reason。 St。 Clair mentions Marshal Vivian; who at the age of one hundred regained sight that for nearly forty years had gradually been failing almost to blindness; and preserved this new sight to the time of his death。

There are many superstitions prevalent among uneducated people as to 〃second sight;〃 recovery of vision; etc。; which render their reports of such things untrustworthy。 The real explanations of such cases are too varied for discussion here。

Nyctalopia etymologically means night blindness; but the general usage; making the term mean night…vision; is so strongly intrenched that it is useless and confusing to attempt any reinstatement of the old significance。 The condition in which one sees better by night; relatively speaking; than by day is due to some lesion of the macular region; rendering it blind。 At night the pupil dilates more than in the day…time; and hence vision with the extramacular or peripheral portions of the retina is correspondingly better。 It is; therefore; a symptom of serious retinal disease。 All night…prowling animals have widely dilatable pupils; and in addition to this they have in the retina a special organ called the tapetum lucidum; the function of which is to reflect to a focus in front of them the relatively few rays of light that enter the widely…dilated pupil and thus enable them the better to see their way。 Hence the luminous appearance of the eyes of such animals in the dark。

Hemeralopia (etymologically day…blindness; but by common usage meaning day…vision or night…blindness) is a symptom of a peculiar degenerative disease of the retina; called retinitis pigmentosa。 It also occurs in some cases of extreme denutrition; numerous cases having been reported among those who make the prolonged fasts customary in the Russian church。 In retinitis pigmentosa the peripheral or extramacular portions of the retina are subject to a pigmentary degeneration that renders them insensitive to light; and patients so afflicted are consequently incapable of seeing at night as well as others。 They stumble and run against objects easily seen by the normal eye。

Snow…blindness occurs from prolonged exposure of the eyes to snow upon which the sun is shining。 Som
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