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anomalies and curiosities of medicine-第177章

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icarditis。 Tardieu has seen a fluid…dram of the tincture of digitalis cause alarming symptoms in a young woman who was pregnant。 He also quotes cases of death on the tenth day from ingestion of 20 grains of the extract; and on the fifth day from 21 grams of the infusion。 Kohuhorn mentions a death from what might be called chronic digitalis poisoning。

There is a deleterious practice of some of the Irish peasantry connected with their belief in fairies; which consists of giving a cachetic or rachitic child large doses of a preparation of fox…glove (Irishluss…more; or great herb); to drive out or kill the fairy in the child。 It was supposed to kill an unhallowed child and cure a hallowed one。 In the Hebrides; likewise; there were many cases of similar poisoning。

Epidemics of ergotism have been recorded from time to time since the days of Galen; and were due to poverty; wretchedness; and famine; resulting in the feeding upon ergotized bread。 According to Wood; gangrenous ergotism; or 〃Ignis Sacer〃 of the Middle Ages; killed 40;000 persons in Southwestern France in 922 A。 D。; and in 1128…29; in Paris alone; 14;000 persons perished from this malady。 It is described as commencing with itchings and formications in the feet; severe pain in the back; contractions in the muscles; nausea; giddiness; apathy; with abortion in pregnant women; in suckling women drying of milk; and in maidens with amenorrhea。 After some time; deep; heavy aching in the limbs; intense feeling of coldness; with real coldness of the surfaces; profound apathy; and a sense of utter weariness develop; then a dark spot appears on the nose or one of the extremities; all sensibility is lost in the affected part; the skin assumes a livid red hue; and adynamic symptoms in severe cases deepen as the gangrene spreads; until finally death ensues。 Very generally the appetite and digestion are preserved to the last; and not rarely there is a most ferocious hunger。 Wood also mentions a species of ergotism characterized by epileptic paroxysms; which he calls 〃spasmodic ergotism。〃 Prentiss mentions a brunette of forty…two; under the influence of ergot; who exhibited a peculiar depression of spirits with hysteric phenomena; although deriving much benefit from the administration of the drug from the hemorrhage caused by uterine fibroids。 After taking ergot for three days she felt like crying all the time; became irritable; and stayed in bed; being all day in tears。 The natural disposition of the patient was entirely opposed to these manifestations; as she was even… tempered and exceptionally pleasant。

In addition to the instance of the fatal ingestion of a dose of Epsom salts already quoted; Lang mentions a woman of thirty…five who took four ounces of this purge。 She experienced burning pain in the stomach and bowels; together with a sense of asphyxiation。 There was no purging or vomiting; but she became paralyzed and entered a state of coma; dying fifteen minutes after ingestion。

Iodin Preparations。The eruptions following the administration of small doses of potassium iodid are frequently noticed; and at the same time large quantities of albumin have been seen in the urine。 Potassium iodid; although generally spoken of as a poisonous drug; by gradually increasing the dose can be given in such enormous quantities as to be almost beyond the bounds of credence; several drams being given at a dose。 On the other hand; eight grains have produced alarming symptoms。 In the extensive use of iodoform as a dressing instances of untoward effects; and even fatal ones; have been noticed; the majority of them being due to careless and injudicious application。 In a French journal there is mentioned the history of a man of twenty…five; suspected of urethral ulceration; who submitted to the local application of one gram of iodoform。 Deep narcosis and anesthesia were induced; and two hours after awakening his breath smelled strongly of iodoform。 There are two similar instances recorded in England。 

Pope mentions two fatal cases of lead…poisoning from diachylon plaster; self…administered for the purpose of producing abortion。 Lead water…pipes; the use of cosmetics and hair…dyes; coloring matter in confectionery and in pastry; habitual biting of silk threads; imperfectly burnt pottery; and cooking bread with painted wood have been mentioned as causes of chronic lead…poisoning。

Mercury。Armstrong mentions recovery after ingestion of 1 1/2 drams of corrosive sublimate; and Lodge speaks of recovery after a dose containing 100 grains of the salt。 It is said that a man swallowed 80 grains of mercuric chlorid in whiskey and water; and vomited violently about ten minutes afterward。 A mixture of albumin and milk was given to him; and in about twenty…five minutes a bolus of gold…leaf and reduced iron; in eight days he perfectly recovered。 Severe and even fatal poisoning may result from the external application of mercury。 Meeres mentions a case in which a solution (two grains to the fluid…ounce) applied to the head of a child of nine for the relief of tinea tonsurans caused diarrhea; profuse salivation; marked prostration; and finally death。 Washing out the vagina with a solution of corrosive sublimate; 1:2000; has caused severe and even fatal poisoning。 Bonet mentions death after the inunction of a mercurial ointment; and instances of distressing salivation from such medication are quite common。 There are various dermal affections which sometimes follow the exhibition of mercury and assume an erythematous type。 The susceptibility of some persons to calomel; the slightest dose causing profuse salivation and painful oral symptoms; is so common that few physicians administer mercury to their patients without some knowledge of their susceptibility to this drug。 Blundel relates a curious case occurring in the times when mercury was given in great quantities; in which to relieve obstinate constipation a half ounce of crude mercury was administered and repeated in twelve hours。 Scores of globules of mercury soon appeared over a vesicated surface; the result of a previous blister applied to the epigastric region。 Blundel; not satisfied with the actuality of the phenomena; submitted his case to Dr。 Lister; who; after careful examination; pronounced the globules metallic。

Oils。Mauvezin tells of the ingestion of three drams of croton oil by a child of six; followed by vomiting and rapid recovery。 There was no diarrhea in this case。 Wood quotes Cowan in mentioning the case of a child of four; who in two days recovered from a teaspoonful of croton oil taken on a full stomach。 Adams saw recovery in an adult after ingestion of the same amount。 There is recorded an instance of a woman who took about an ounce; and; emesis being produced three…quarters of an hour afterward by mustard; she finally recovered。 There is a record in which so small a dose as three minims is supposed to have killed a child of thirteen months。〃 According to Wood; Giacomini mentions a case in which 24 grains of the drug proved fatal in as many hours。

Castor oil is usually considered a harmless drug; but the castor bean; from which it is derived; contains a poisonous acrid principle; three such beans having sufficed to produce death i
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