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anomalies and curiosities of medicine-第126章

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ley; gent。; who died in 1719; aged one hundred and fifty…one。

There was a Dane named Draakenburg; born in 1623; who until his ninety…first year served as a seaman in the royal navy; and had spent fifteen years of his life in Turkey as a slave in the greatest misery。 He was married at one hundred and ten to a woman of sixty; but outlived her a long time; in his one hundred and thirtieth year he again fell in love with a young country girl; who; as may well be supposed; rejected him。 He died in 1772 in his one hundred and forty…sixth year。 Jean Effingham died in Cornwall in 1757 in his one hundred and forty…fourth year。 He was born in the reign of James I and was a soldier at the battle of Hochstadt; he never drank strong liquors and rarely ate meat; eight days before his death he walked three miles。

Bridget Devine; the well…known inhabitant of Olean Street; Manchester died at the age of one hundred and forty…seven in 1845。 On the register of the Cheshire Parish is a record of the death of Thomas Hough of Frodsam in 1591 at the age of one hundred and forty…one。

Peter Garden of Auchterless died in 1775 at the age of one hundred and thirty…one。 He had seen and talked with Henry Jenkins about the battle of Flodden Field; at which the latter was present when a boy of twelve。 It seems almost incredible that a man could say that he had heard the story of an event which had happened two hundred and sixty…three years before related by the lips of an eye…witness to that event; nevertheless; in this case it was true。 A remarkable instance of longevity in one family has recently been published in the St。 Thomas's Hospital Gazette。 Mrs。 B。; born in 1630 (five years after the accession of Charles I); died March 13; 1732。 She was tended in her last illness by her great…granddaughter; Miss Jane C。; born 1718; died 1807; and Miss Sarah C。; born 1725; died 1811。 A great…niece of one of these two ladies; Mrs。 W。; who remembers one of them; was born in 1803; and is at the present time alive and well。 It will be seen from the above facts that there are three lives only to bridge over the long period between 1630 and 1896; and that there is at present living a lady who personally knew Miss C。; who had nursed a relative born in 1630。 The last lady of this remarkable trio is hale and hearty; and has just successfully undergone an operation for cataract。 Similar to the case of the centenarian who had seen Henry Jenkins was that of James Horrocks; who was born in 1744 and died in 1844。 His father was born in 1657; one year before the death of the Protector; and had issue in early life。 He married again at eighty…four to a woman of twenty…six; of which marriage James was the offspring in 1744。 In 1844 this man could with verity say that he had a brother born during the reign of Charles II; and that his father was a citizen of the Commonwealth。

Among the Mission Indians of Southern California there are reported instances of longevity ranging from one hundred and twenty to one hundred and forty。 Lieutenant Gibbons found in a village in Peru one hundred inhabitants who were past the century mark; and another credible explorer in the same territory records a case of longevity of one hundred and forty。 This man was very temperate and always ate his food cold; partaking of meat only in the middle of the day。 In the year of 1840 in the town of Banos; Ecuador; died 〃Old Morales;〃 a carpenter; vigorous to his last days。 He was an elderly man and steward of the Jesuits when they were expelled from their property near this location in 1767。 In the year 1838 there was a witness in a judicial trial in South America who was born on the night of the great earthquake which destroyed the town of Ambato in 1698。 How much longer this man who was cradled by an earthquake lived is not as yet reported。 In the State of Vera Cruz; Mexico; as late as 1893 a man died at the age of one hundred and thirty…seven。 The census of 1864 for the town of Pilaguin; Ecuador; lying 11;000 feet above the level of the sea and consisting of about 2000 inhabitants; gives 100 above seventy; 30 above ninety; five above one hundred; and one at one hundred and fifteen years。

Francis Auge died in Maryland in 1767 at the age of one hundred and thirty…four。 He remembered the execution of Charles I and had a son born to him after he was one hundred。

There are several other instances in which men have displayed generative ability in old age。 John Gilley; who died in Augusta; Maine; in 1813; was born in Ireland in 1690。 He came to this country at the age of sixty; and continued in single blessedness until seventy…five; when he married a girl of eighteen; by whom he had eight children。 His wife survived him and stated that he was virile until his one hundred and twentieth year。 Baron Baravicino de Capelis died at Meran in 1770 at the age of one hundred and four; being the oldest man in Tyrol。 His usual food was eggs; and he rarely tasted meat。 He habitually drank tea and a well…sweetened cordial of his own recipe。 He was married four times during his life; taking his fourth wife when he was eighty…four。 By her he had seven children and at his death she was pregnant with the eighth child。

Pliny mentions cases of men begetting sons when past the age of eighty and Plot speaks of John Best of the parish of Horton; who when one hundred and four married a woman of fifty…six and begat a son。 There are also records of a man in Stockholm of one hundred who had several children by a wife of thirty。

On August 7; 1776; Mary; the wife of Joseph Yates; at Lizard Common not far from London; was buried at the age of one hundred and twenty…seven。 She had walked to London in 1666; and was hearty and strong at one hundred and twenty; and had married a third husband at ninety…two。

A case without parallel; of long survival of a deaf mute; is found in Mrs。 Gray of Northfleet; Kent; who died in 1770; one hundred and twenty…one years old。 She was noted for her cheerful disposition; and apparently enjoyed life in spite of her infirmity; which lasted one hundred and twenty…one years。

Macklin the actor was born in 1697 and died in 1797。 Several years before his death he played 〃Shylock;〃 displaying great vigor in the first act; but in the second his memory failed him; and with much grace and solemnity he advanced to the foot…lights and apologized for his inability to continue。 It is worthy of remark that several instances of longevity in Roman actresses have been recorded。 One Luceja; who came on the stage very young; performed a whole century; and even made her public appearance in her one hundred and twelfth year。 Copiola was said to have danced before Augustus when past ninety。

Influence of Stimulants; etc。There have been men who have attributed their long lives to their excesses in stimulants。 Thomas Wishart of Annandale; Dumfries; died in 1760 at one hundred and twenty…four。 He had chewed tobacco one hundred and seventeen years; contracting the habit when a child; his father gave it to him to allay hunger while shepherding in the mountains。 John de la Somet of Virginia died in 1766 aged one hundred and thirty。 He was a great smoker; and according to Eaton the habit agreed with his constitution; and w
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