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the women of the french salons-第8章

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isit you until I have been three days absent from the Hotel de Conde; to change all my clothing; to choose a day when it has frozen; not to approach you within four paces; not to sit down upon more than one seat。  You might also have a great fire in your room; burn juniper in the four corners; surround yourself with imperial vinegar; rue; and wormwood。  If you can feel safe under these conditions; without my cutting off my hair; I swear to you to execute them religiously; and if you need examples to fortify you; I will tell you that the Queen saw M。 de Chaudebonne when he came from Mlle。 de Bourbon's room; and that Mme。 d'Aiguillon; who has good taste and is beyond criticism on such points; has just sent me word that if I did not go to see her; she should come after me。

Mme。 de Sable retorts in a satirical vein; that her friend is too well instructed in the needed precautions; to be quite free from the charge of timidity; adding the hope that since she understands the danger; she will take better care of herself in the future。

This calls forth another letter; in which Mlle。 de Rambouillet says; 〃One never fears to see those whom one loves。  I would have given much; for your sake; if this had not occurred。〃  She closes this spicy correspondence; however; with a very affectionate letter which calms the ruffled temper of her sensitive companion。

Mme。 de Sable has another friend; Mlle。 d'Attichy; who figures quite prominently in the social life of a later period; as the Comtesse de Maure。  〃This lady was just leaving Paris to visit her in the country; when she learned that Mme。 de Sable had written to Mme。 de Rambouillet that she could conceive of no greater happiness than to pass her life alone with Julie d'Angennes。  This touches her sensibilities so keenly that she changes her plans; and refuses to visit one who could find her pleasure away from her。  Mme。 de Sable tries in vain to appease her exacting friend; who replies to her explanations by a long letter in which she recalls their tender and inviolable friendship; and closes with these words:

Malheurteuse est l'ignorance; Et plus malheureux le savoir。

Having thus lost a confidence which alone rendered life supportable to me; I cannot dream of taking the journey so much talked of; for there would be no propriety in traveling sixty leagues at this season; in order to burden you with a person so uninteresting to you; that after years of a passion without parallel you cannot help thinking that the greatest pleasure would consist in passing life without her。  I return then into my solitude; to examine the faults which cause me so much unhappiness; and unless I can correct them; I should have less joy than confusion in seeing you。  I kiss your hands very humbly。

How this affair was adjusted does not appear; but as they remained devoted friends through life; unable to live apart; or pass a day happily without seeing each other; it evidently did not end in a serious alienation。  It suggests; however; a delicacy and an exaltation of feeling which we are apt to accord only to love; and which go far toward disproving the verdict of Mongaigne; that 〃the soul of a woman is not firm enough for so durable a tie as friendship。〃

We like to dwell upon these inner phases of a famous and powerful coterie; not only because they bring before us so vividly the living; moving; thinking; loving women who composed it; letting us into their intimate life with its quiet shadings; its fantastic humors; and its wayward caprices; but because they lead us to the fountain head of a new form of literary expression。  We have seen that the formal letters of Balzac were among the early entertainments of the Hotel de Rambouillet; and that Voiture had a witty or sentimental note for every occasion。  Mlle。 de Scudery held a ready pen; and was in the habit of noting down in her letters to absent friends the conversation; which ran over a great variety of topics; from the gossip of the moment to the gravest questions。  There was no morning journal with its columns of daily news; no magazine with its sketches of contemporary life; and these private letters were passed from one to another to be read and discussed。  The craze for clever letters spread。  Conversations literally overflowed upon paper。  A romantic adventure; a bit of scandal; a drawing room incident; or a personal pique; was a fruitful theme。  Everybody aimed to excel in an art which brought a certain prestige。  These letters; most of which had their brief day; were often gathered into little volumes。  Many have long since disappeared; or found burial in the dust of old libraries from which they are occasionally exhumed to throw fresh light upon some forgotten nook and by way of an age whose habits and manners; virtues and follies; they so faithfully record。  A few; charged with the vitality of genius; retain their freshness and live among the enduring monuments of the society that gave them birth。  The finest outcome of this prevailing taste was Mme。 de Sevigne; who still reigns as the queen of graceful letter writers。  Although her maturity belongs to a later period; she was familiar with the Rambouillet circle in her youth; and inherited its best spirit。

The charm of this literature is its spontaneity。  It has no ulterior aim; but delights in simple expression。  These people write because they like to write。  They are original because they sketch from life。  There is something naive and fresh in their vivid pictures。  They give us all the accessories。  They tell us how they lived; how they dressed; how they thought; how they acted。  They talk of their plans; their loves; and their private piques; with the same ingenuous frankness。  They condense for us their worldly philosophy; their sentiments; and their experience。  The style of these letters is sometimes heavy and stilted; the wit is often strained and far…fetched; but many of them are written with an easy grace and a lightness of touch as fascinating as inimitable。

The marriage of Julie d'Angennes; in 1645; deprived the Hotel de Rambouillet of one of its chief attractions。  It was only through the earnest wish of her family that; after a delay of thirteen years; she yielded at last to the persevering suit of the Marquis; afterwards the Duc de Montausier; and became his wife。  She was then thirty…eight; and he three years younger。  The famous 〃Guirlande de Julie;〃 which he dedicated and presented to her; still exists; as the unique memorial of his patient and enduring love。  This beautiful volume; richly bound; decorated with a flower exquisitely painted on each of the twenty…nine leaves and accompanied by a madrigal written by the Marquis himself or by some of the poets who frequented her house; was a remarkable tribute to the graces of the woman whose praises were so delicately sung。  The faithful lover; who was a Protestant; gave a crowning proof of his devotion; in changing his religion。  So much adoration could hardly fail to touch the most capricious and obdurate of hearts。

We cannot dismiss this woman; whom Cousin regards as the most accomplished type of the society she adorned; without a word more。  Though her ambition was gratified by the honors that fell upon her
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