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the women of the french salons-第67章

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 does not hope to rival Mme。 de Sevigne; whom she takes for her model。  She lacked the grace; the lightness; the wit; the humor of this model; but she had an earnestness; a serious depth of thought; that one does not find in Mme。 de Sevigne。  She had also a vein of sentiment that was an underlying force in her character; though it was always subject to her masculine intellect。  She confesses that she should like to be the annalist of her country; and longs for the pen of Tacitus; for whom she has a veritable passion。  When one reads her sharp; incisive pen… portraits; drawn with such profound insight and masterly skill; one feels that her true vocation was in the world of letters。  At the close she verges a little upon the theatrical; as sometimes in her young days。  But when she wrote her final records she felt her last hours slipping away。  Life; with its large possibilities undeveloped and its promises unfulfilled; was behind her。  Darkness was all around her; eternal silence before her。  And she had lived but thirty…nine years。

Mme。 Roland does not really belong to the world of the salons; though she has been included among them by some of her own cotemporaries。  She was of quite another genre。  She represents a social reaction in which old forms are adapted to new ideas and lose their essential quality by the change。  But she foreshadows a type of woman that has had great influence since the salons have lost their prestige。  She relied neither upon the reflected light of a coterie; the arts of the courtier;nor the subtle power of personal attraction; but; firm in her convictions; clear in her purpose; and unselfish in her aims; she laid down her interests; and; in the end; her life; upon the altar of liberty and humanity。  She could hardly be regarded; however; as herself a type。  She was cast in a rare mold and lived under rare conditions。  She was individual; as were Hypatia; Joan of Arc; and Charlotte Cordaya woman fitted for a special mission which brought her little but a martyr's crown and a permanent fame。

CHAPTER XVIII。 MADAME DE STAEL Supremacy of Her GeniusHer Early TrainingHer Sensibility   a Mariage de ConvenanceHer SalonAnecdote of Benjamin ConstantHer ExileLife at CoppetSecret MarriageClose of a Stormy Life。

The fame of all other French women is more or less overshadowed by that of one who was not only supreme in her own world; but who stands on a pinnacle so high that time and distance only serve to throw into stronger relief the grand outlines of her many…sided genius。  Without the simplicity and naturalness of Mme。 de Sevigne; the poise and judgment of Mme。 de Lafayette; or the calm foresight and diplomacy of Mme。 de Maintenon; Mme。 de Stael had a brilliancy of imagination; a force of passion; a grasp of intellect; and a diversity of gifts that belonged to none of these women。  It is not possible within the limits of a brief chapter to touch even lightly upon the various phases of a character so complex and talents so versatile。  One can only gather a few scattered traits and indicate a few salient points in a life of which the details are already familiar。  As woman; novelist; philosopher; litterateur; and conversationist; she has marked; if not equal; claims upon our attention。  To speak of her as simply the leader of a salon is to merge the greater talent into the less; but her brilliant social qualities in a measure brought out and illuminated all the others。  It was not the gift of reconciling diverse elements; and of calling out the best thoughts of those who came within her radius; that distinguished her。  Her personality was too dominant not to disturb sometimes the measure and harmony which fashion had established。  She did not listen well; but her gift was that of the orator; and; taking whatever subject was uppermost into her own hands; she talked with an irresistible eloquence that held her auditors silent and enchained。  Living as she did in the world of wit and talent which had so fascinated her mother; she ruled it as an autocrat。

The mental coloring of Mme。 de Stael was not taken in the shade; as that of Mme。 Roland had been。  She was reared in the atmosphere of the great world。  That which her eager mind gathered in solitude was subject always to the modification which contact with vigorous living minds is sure to give。  The little Germaine Necker who sat on a low stool at her mother's side; charming the cleverest men of her time by her precocious wit; who wrote extracts from the dramas she heard; and opinions upon the authors she read; who made pen…portraits of her friends; and cut out paper kings and queens to play in the tragedies she composed; whose heart was always overflowing with love for those around her; and who had supreme need for an outlet to her sensibilities; was a fresh type in that age of keen analysis; cold skepticism; and rigid forms。  The serious utterances of her childhood were always suffused with feeling。  She loved that which made her weep。  Her sympathies were full and overflowing; and when her vigorous and masculine intellect took the ascendency it directed them; but only partly held them in check。  It never dulled nor subdued them。  The source of her power; as also of her weakness; lay perhaps in her vast capacity for love。  It gave color and force to her rich and versatile character。  It animated all she did and gave point to all she wrote。  It found expression in the eloquence of her conversation; in the exaltation and passionate intensity of her affections; in the fervor of her patriotism; in the self…forgetful generosity that brought her very near the verge of the scaffold。  Here was the source of that indefinable quality we call geniusnot genius of the sort which Buffon has defined as patience; but the divine flame that crowns with life the dead materials which patience has gathered。

It was impossible that a child so eager; so sympathetic; so full of intellect and esprit; should not have developed rapidly in the atmosphere of her mother's salon。  Whether it was the best school for a young girl may be a question; but a character like that of Mme。 de Stael is apt to go its own way in whatever circumstances it finds itself。  She was the despair of Mme。 Necker; whose educational theories were altogether upset by this precocious daughter who refused to be cast in a mold。  But she was habituated to a high altitude of thought。  Men like Marmontel; La Harpe; Grimm; Thomas; and the Abbe Raynal delighted in calling out her ready wit; her brilliant repartee; and her precocious ideas。  Surrounded thus from childhood with all the appointments as well as the talent and esprit that made the life of the salons so fascinating; inheriting the philosophic insight of her father; the literary gifts of her mother; to which she added a genius all her own; heir also to the spirit of conversation; the facility; the enthusiasm; the love of pleasing which are the Gallic birthright; she took her place in the social world as a queen by virtue of her position; her gifts; and her heritage。  Already; before her marriage; she had changed the tone of her mother's salon。  She brought into it an element of freshness and originality which the dignified and rather precise character 
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