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the women of the french salons-第53章

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; his democratic theories did not prevent him from feeling greatly honored by their friendly courtesies; indeed; he loses his usual bitterness when speaking of this noble patroness。  He says that her conversation was marked by an exquisite delicacy that always pleased; and her flatteries were intoxicating because they were simple and seemed to escape without intention。

Mme。 de Luxembourg was an autocrat; and did not hesitate to punish errors in taste by social ostracism。  〃Erase the name of Monsieur    from my list;〃 she said; as a gentleman left after relating a scandalous story reflecting upon some one's honor。  It was one of her theories that 〃society should punish what the law cannot attack。〃  She maintained that good manners are based upon noble and delicate sentiments; that mutual consideration; deference; politeness; gentleness; and respect to age are essential to civilization。  The disloyal; the ungrateful bad sons; bad brothers; bad husbands; and bad wives; whose offenses were serious enough to be made public; she banished from that circle which called itself la bonne compagnie。  It must be admitted; however; that it was les convenances rather than morality which she guarded。

A rival of this brilliant salon; and among the most celebrated of its day; was the one at the Temple。  The animating spirit here was the amiable and vivacious Comtesse de Boufflers; celebrated in youth for her charms; and later for her talent。  She was dame d'honneur to the Princesse de Conti; wife of the Duc d'Orleans; who was noted for her caustic wit; as well as for her beauty。  It was in the salon of his clever and rather capricious sister that the learned Prince de Conti met her and formed the intimacy that ended only with his life。  She was called the idole of the Temple; and her taste for letters gave her also the title of Minerve savante。  She wrote a tragedy which was said to be good; though she would never let it go out of her hands; and has been immortalized by Rousseau; with whom she corresponded for sixteen years。  Hume also exchanged frequent letters with her; and she tried in vain to reconcile these two friends after their quarrel。  President Henault said he had never met a woman of so much esprit; adding that 〃outside all her charms she had character。〃  For society she had a veritable passion。  She said that when she loved England the best she could not think of staying there without 〃taking twenty…four or twenty…five intimate friends; and sixty or eighty others who were absolutely necessary to her。〃  Her conversation was full of fire and brilliancy; and her gaiety of heart; her gracious manners; and her frank appreciation of the talent of others added greatly to her piquant fascination。  She delighted in original turns of expression; which were sometimes far…fetched and artificial。  One of her friends said that 〃she made herself the victim of consideration; and lost it by running after it。〃  Her rule of life may be offered as a model。  〃In conduct; simplicity and reason; in manners; propriety and decorum; in actions; justice and generosity; in the use of wealth; economy and liberality; in conversation; clearness; truth; precision; in adversity; courage and pride; in prosperity; modesty and moderation。〃  Unfortunately she did not put all this wisdom into practice; if we judge her by present standards。  We have a glimpse of the famous circle over which she presided in an interesting picture formerly at Versailles; now at the Louvre。  The figures are supposed to be portraits。  Among others are Mme。 de Luxembourg; the Comtesse de Boufflers; and the lovely but ill… fated young stepdaughter; Amelie; Comtesse de Lauzun; to whom she is so devoted; the beautiful Comtesse d'Egmont; Mme。 de Beauvan; President Henault; the witty Pont de Veyle; Mairan; the versatile scientist; and the Prince de Conti。  In the midst of this group the little Mozart; whose genius was then delighting Europe; sits at the harpsichord。  The chronicles of the time give us pleasant descriptions of the literary diversions of this society; which met by turns at the Temple and Ile…Adam。  But the Prince as well as the clever Comtesse had a strong leaning towards philosophy; and the amusements were interspersed with much conversation of a serious character that has a peculiar interest today when read by the light of after events。

Among the numerous salons of the noblesse there was one which calls for more than a passing word; both on account of its world… wide fame and the exceptional brilliancy of its hostess。  Though far less democratic and cosmopolitan than that of Mme。 Geoffrin; with which it was contemporary; its character was equally distinct and original。  Linked by birth with the oldest of the nobility; allied by intellect with the most distinguished in the world of letters; Mme。 du Deffand appropriated the best in thought; while retaining the spirit of an elegant and refined social life。  She was exclusive by nature and instinct; as well as by tradition; and could not dispense with the arts and amenities which are the fruit of generations of ease; but the energy and force of her intellect could as little tolerate shallowness and pretension; however disguised beneath the graceful tyranny of forms。  Her salon offers a sort of compromise between the freedom of the philosophical coteries and the frivolities of the purely fashionable ones。  It included the most noted of the men of lettersthose who belonged to the old aristocracy and a few to whom nature had given a prescriptive title of nobilityas well as the flower of the great world。  Her sarcastic wit; her clear intelligence; and her rare conversational gifts added a tone of individuality that placed her salon at the head of the social centers of the time in brilliancy and in esprit。  In this group of wits; LITTERATEURS; philosophers; statesmen; churchmen; diplomats; and men of rank; Mme。 du Deffand herself is always the most striking figure。  The art of self…suppression she clearly did not possess。  But the art of so blending a choice society that her own vivid personality was a pervading note of harmony she had to an eminent degree。  She could easily have made a mark upon her time through her intellectual gifts without the factitious aid of the men with whom her name is associated。  But society was her passion   society animated by intellect; sparkling with wit; and expressing in all its forms the art instincts of her race。  She never aspired to authorship; but she has left a voluminous correspondence in which one reads the varying phases of a singularly capricious character。  In her old age she found refuge from a devouring ennui in writing her own memoirs。  Merciless to herself as to others; she veils nothing; revealing her frailties with a freedom that reminds one of Rousseau。

It is not the portrait of an estimable woman that we can paint from these records; but in her intellectual force; her social gifts; and her moral weakness she is one of the best exponents of an age that trampled upon the finest flowers of the soul in the blind pursuit of pleasure and the cynical worship of a hard and unpitying realism。  Living from 1697 to 1780; she saw the train laid for the Revolution; and died in time to escape
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