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the women of the french salons-第50章

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shed;〃 she writes to d'Alembert; 〃I feel that I shall have seen enough of men and things to be convinced that they are everywhere about the same。  I have my storehouse of reflections and comparisons well furnished for the rest of my life。  All that I have seen since leaving my Penates makes me thank God for having been born French and a private person。〃

The peculiar charm which attracted such rare and marked attentions to a woman not received at her own court; and at a time when social distinctions were very sharply defined; eludes analysis; but it seems to have lain largely in her exquisite sense of fitness; her excellent judgment; her administrative talent; the fine tact and penetration which enabled her to avoid antagonism; an instinctive knowledge of the art of pleasing; and a kind but not too sensitive heart。  These qualities are not those which appeal to the imagination or inspire enthusiasm。  We find in her no spark of that celestial flame which gives intellectual distinction。  In her amiability there seems to be a certain languor of the heart。  Her kindness has a trace of calculation; and her friendship of self…consciousness。  Of spontaneity she has none。  〃She loved nothing passionately; not even virtue;〃 says one of her critics。  There was a certain method in her simplicity。  She carried to perfection the art of savoir vivre; and though she claimed freedom of thought and action; it was always strictly within conventional limits。

She suffered the fate of all celebrities in being occasionally attacked。  The role assigned to her in the comedy of 〃The Philosophers〃 was not a flattering one; and some criticisms of Montesquieu wounded her so deeply that she succeeded in having them suppressed。  She did not escape the shafts of envy; nor the sneers of the grandes dames who did not relish her popularity。  But these were only spots on the surface of a singularly brilliant career。  Calm; reposeful; charitable; without affectation or pretension; but not untouched by ennui; the malady of her time; she held her position to the end of a long life which closed in 1777。

〃Alas;〃 said d'Alembert; who had been in the habit of spending his mornings with Mlle。 de Lespinasse until her death; and his evenings with Mme。 Geoffrin; 〃I have neither evenings nor mornings left。〃

〃She has made for fifty years the charm of her society;〃 said the Abbe Morellet。  〃She has been constantly; habitually virtuous and benevolent。〃 Her salon brought authors and artists into direct relation with distinguished patrons; especially foreigners; and thus contributed largely to the spread of French art and letters。  It was counted among 〃the institutions of the eighteenth century。〃

CHAPTER XIII。 ULTRA…PHILOSOPHICAL SALONSMADAME D'EPINAY Mme。 de GraffignyBaron d'HolbachMme。 d'Epinay's Portrait of HerselfMlle。 QuinaultRousseauLa ChevretteGrimm DiderotThe Abbe GalianiEstimate of Mme。 d'Epinay

A few of the more radical and earnest of the philosophers rarely; if ever; appeared at the table of Mme。 Geoffrin。  They would have brought too much heat to this company; which discussed everything in a light and agreeable fashion。  Perhaps; too; these free and brilliant spirits objected to the leading…strings which there held every one within prescribed limits。  They could talk more at their ease at the weekly dinners of Baron d'Holbach; in the salons of Mme。 Helvetius; Mme。 de Marchais; or Mme。 de Graffigny; in the Encyclopedist coterie of Mlle。 de Lespinasse; or in the liberal drawing room of Mme。 d'Epinay; who held a more questionable place in the social world; but received much good company; Mme。 Geoffrin herself included。

Mme。 de Graffigny is known mainly as a woman of letters whose life had in it many elements of tragedy。  Her youth was passed in the brilliant society of the little court at Luneville。  She was distantly related to Mme。 du Chatelet; and finally took refuge from the cruelties of a violent and brutal husband in the 〃terrestrial paradise〃 at Cirey。  La belle Emilie was moved to sympathy; and Voltaire wept at the tale of her sorrows。  A little later she became a victim to the poet's sensitive vanity。  He accused her of sending to a friend a copy of his 〃Pucello;〃 an unfinished poem which was kept under triple lock; though parts of it had been read to her。  Her letters were opened; her innocent praises were turned against her; there was a scene; and Cirey was a paradise no more。  She came to Paris; ill; sad; and penniless。  She wrote 〃Les Lettres d'une Peruvienne〃 and found herself famous。  She wrote 〃Cenie;〃 which was played at the Comedie Francaise; and her success was established。  Then she wrote another drama。  〃She read it to me;〃 says one of her friends; 〃I found it bad; she found me ill…natured。  It was played; the public died of ennui and the author of chagrin。〃  〃I am convinced that misfortune will follow me into paradise;〃 she said。  At all events; it seems to have followed her to the entrance。

Her salon was more or less celebrated。  The freedom of the conversations may be inferred from the fact that Helvetius gathered there the materials for his 〃De l'Esprit;〃 a book condemned by the Pope; the Parliament; and the Sorbonne。  It was here also that he found his charming wife; a niece of Mme。 de Graffigny; and the light of her house as afterwards of his own。

A more permanent interest is attached to the famous dinners of Baron d'Holbach; where twice a week men like Diderot; Helvetius; Grimm; Marmontel; Duclos; the Abbe Galiani and for a time Buffon and Rousseau; met in an informal way to enjoy the good cheer and good wines of this 〃maitre d'hotel of philosophy;〃 and discuss the affairs of the universe。  The learned and free…thinking baron was agreeable; kind; rich; and lavish in his hospitality; but without pretension。  〃He was a man simply simple;〃 said Mme。 Geoffrin。  We have many pleasant glimpses of his country place at Grandval; with its rich and rare collections; its library; its pictures; its designs; and of the beautiful wife who turned the heads of some of the philosophers; whom; as a rule; she did not like overmuch; though she received them so graciously。  〃We dine well and a long time;〃 wrote Diderot。  〃We talk of art; of poetry; of philosophy; and of love; of the greatness and vanity of our own enterprises 。 。 。  Of gods and kings; of space and time; of death and of life。〃

〃They say things to make a thunderbolt strike the house a hundred times; if it struck for that;〃 said the Abbe Morellet。

Among the few women admitted to these dinners was Mme。 d'Epinay; for whom d'Holbach; as well as his amiable wife; always entertained the warmest friendship。  This woman; whose position was not assured enough to make people overlook her peculiar and unfortunate domestic complications; has told the story of her own life in her long and confidential correspondence with Grimm; Galiani; and Voltaire。  The senseless follies of a cruel and worthless husband; who plunged her from great wealth into extreme poverty; and of whom Diderot said that 〃he had squandered two millions without saying a good word or doing a good action;〃 threw her into intimate relations with Grimm; this brought her into the center of a famous circle。  Her lett
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