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the women of the french salons-第47章

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er; and when her ignorance was too visible; she got out of it by pleasantries which baffled the pedants who tried to humiliate her。  She was so contented with her lot that she looked upon knowledge as a very useless thing for a woman。  She said: 'I have done without it so well that I have never felt the need of it。  If my granddaughter is stupid; learning will make her conceited and insupportable; if she has talent and sensibility; she will do as I have donesupply by address and with sentiment what she does not know; when she becomes more reasonable; she will learn that for which she has the most aptitude; and she will learn it very quickly。'  She taught me in my childhood simply to read; but she made me read much; she taught me to think by making me reason; she taught me to know men by making me say what I thought of them; and telling me also the opinion she had formed。  She required me to render her an account of all my movements and all my feelings; correcting them with so much sweetness and grace that I never concealed from her anything that I thought or felt; my internal life was as visible as my external。  My education was continual。〃

The daughter of a valet de chambre of the Duchess of Burgundy; who gave her a handsome dowry; Marie Therese Rodet became; at fourteen; the wife of a lieutenant…colonel of the National Guard and a rich manufacturer of glass。  Her husband did not count for much among the distinguished guests who in later years frequented her salon; and his part in her life seems to have consisted mainly in furnishing the money so essential to her success; and in looking carefully after the interests of the menage。  It is related that some one gave him a history to read; and when he called for the successive volumes the same one was always returned to him。  Not observing this; he found the work interesting; but 〃thought the author repeated a little。〃  He read across the page a book printed in two columns; remarking that 〃it seemed to be very good; but a trifle abstract。〃  One day a visitor inquired for the white…haired old gentleman who was in the habit of sitting at the head of the table。  〃That was my husband;〃 replied Mme。 Geoffrin; 〃he is dead。〃

But if her marriage was not an ideal one; it does not appear that it was unhappy。  Perhaps her bourgeois birth and associations saved her youth from the domestic complications which were so far the rule in the great world as to have; in a measure; its sanction。  At all events her life was apparently free from the shadows that rested upon many of her contemporaries。

〃Her character was a singular one;〃 writes Marmontel; who lived for ten years in her house; 〃and difficult to understand or paint; because it was all in half…tints and shades; very decided nevertheless; but without the striking traits by which one's nature distinguishes and defines itself。  She was kind; but had little sensibility; charitable; without any of the charms of benevolence; eager to aid the unhappy; but without seeing them; for fear of being moved; a sure; faithful; even officious friend; but timid and anxious in serving others; lest she should compromise her credit or her repose。  She was simple in her taste; her dress; and her furniture; but choice in her simplicity; having the refinements and delicacies of luxury; but nothing of its ostentation nor its vanity; modest in her air; carriage; and manners; but with a touch of pride; and even a little vainglory。  Nothing flattered her more than her intercourse with the great。  At their houses she rarely saw them; indeed she was not at her ease there;but she knew how to attract them to her own by a coquetry subtly flattering; and in the easy; natural; half…respectful and half…familiar air with which she received them; I thought I saw remarkable address。〃

In a woman of less tact and penetration; this curious vein of hidden vanity would have led to pretension。  But Mme。 Geoffrin was preeminently gifted with that fine social sense which is apt to be only the fruit of generations of culture。  With her it was innate genius。  She was mistress of the amiable art of suppressing herself; and her vanity assumed the form of a gracious modesty。  〃I remain humble; but with dignity;〃 she writes to a friend; 〃that is; in depreciating myself I do not suffer others to depreciate me。〃  She had the instinct of the artist who knows how to offset the lack of brilliant gifts by the perfection of details; the modesty that disarms criticism; and a rare facility in the art of pleasing。

There was an air of refinement and simple elegance in her personality that commanded respect。  Tall and dignified; with her silvery hair concealed by her coif; she combined a noble presence with great kindliness of manner。  She usually wore somber colors and fine laces; for which she had great fondness。  Her youth was long past when she came before the world; and that sense of fitness which always distinguished her led her to accept her age seriously and to put on its hues。  The 〃dead…leaf mantle〃 of Mme。 de Maintenon was worn less severely perhaps; but it was worn without affectation。  Diderot gives us a pleasant glimpse of her at Grandval; where they were dining with Baron d'Holbach。  〃Mme。 Geoffrin was admirable;〃 he wrote to Mlle。 Volland。  〃I remark always the noble and quiet taste with which this woman dresses。  She wore today a simple stuff of austere color; with large sleeves; the smoothest and finest linen; and the most elegant simplicity throughout。〃

In her equanimity and her love of repose she was a worthy disciple of Fontenelle。  She carefully avoided all violent passions and all controversies。  To her lawyer; who was conducting a suit that worried her; she said; 〃Wind up my case。  Do they want my money?  I have some; and what can I do with money better than to buy tranquillity with it?〃  This aversion to annoyance often reached the proportions of a very amiable selfishness。  〃She has the habit of detesting those who are unhappy;〃 said the witty Abbe Galiani; 〃for she does not wish to be so; even by the sight of the unhappiness of others。  She has an impressionable heart; she is old; she is well; she wishes to preserve her health and her tranquillity。  As soon as she learns that I am happy she will love me to folly。〃

But her generosity was exceptional。  〃Donner et pardonner〃 was her device。  Many anecdotes are related of her charitable temper。  She had ordered two marble vases of Bouchardon。  One was broken before reaching her。  Learning that the man who broke it would lose his place if it were known; and that he had a family of four children; she immediately sent word to the atelier that the sculptor was not to be told of the loss; adding a gift of twelve francs to console the culprit for his fright。  She often surprised her impecunious friends with the present of some bit of furniture she thought they needed; or an annuity delicately bestowed。 〃I have assigned to you fifteen thousand francs;〃 she said one day to the Abbe Morellet; 〃do not speak of it and do not thank me。〃  〃Economy is the source of independence and liberty〃 was one of her mottoes; and she denied herself the luxuries of life that she might have more to spend in charities。  But she never permitt
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