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the women of the french salons-第36章

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tly; but more or less intellectual; atmosphere; nor that of the clever and critical Marechale de Luxembourg; so elegant; so witty; so noted in its daywhich left the most permanent traces and the widest fame。  It was those presided over by women of lesser rank and more catholic sympathies; of whom Voltaire aptly said that 〃the decline of their beauty revealed the dawn of their intellect;〃 women who had the talent; tact; and address to gather about them a circle of distinguished men who have crowned them with a luminous ray from their own immortality。  The names of Mme。 de Lambert; Mme。 de Tencin; Mme。 Geoffrin; Mme。 du Deffand; Mme。 Necker; Mme。 de Stael; and others of lesser note; call up visions of a society which the world is not likely to see repeated。

Not the least among the attractions of this society was its charming informality。  A favorite custom in the literary and philosophical salons was to give dinners; at an early hour; two or three times a week。  In the evening a larger company assembled without ceremony。  A popular man of letters; so inclined; might dine Monday and Wednesday with Mme。 Geoffrin; Tuesday with Mme。 Helvetius; Friday with Mme。 Necker; Sunday and Thursday with Mme。 d'Holbach; and have ample time to drop into other salons afterward; passing an hour or so; perhaps; before going to the theater; in the brilliant company that surrounded Mlle。 de Lespinasse; and; very likely; supping elsewhere later。  At many of these gatherings he would be certain to find readings; recitations; comedies; music; games; or some other form of extemporized amusement。  The popular mania for esprit; for literary lions; for intellectual diversions ran through the social world; as the craze for clubs and culture; poets and parlor readings; musicales and amateur theatricals; runs through the society of today。  It had numberless shades and gradations; with the usual train of pretentious follies which in every age furnish ample material for the pen of the satirist; but it was a spontaneous expression of the marvelously quickened taste for things of the intellect。  The woman who improvised a witty verse; invented a proverb; narrated a story; sang a popular air; or acted a part in a comedy entered with the same easy grace into the discussion of the last political problem; or listened with the subtlest flattery to the new poem; essay; or tale of the aspiring young author; whose fame and fortune perhaps hung upon her smile。  In the musical and artistic salon of Mme。 de la Popeliniere the succession of fetes; concerts; and receptions seems to have been continuous。  On Sunday there was a mass in the morning; afterward a grand dinner; at five o'clock a light repast; at nine a supper; and later a musicale。  One is inclined to wonder if there was ever any retirement; any domesticity in this life so full of movement and variety。

But it was really the freedom; wit; and brilliancy of the conversation that constituted the chief attraction of the salons。  Men were in the habit of making the daily round of certain drawing rooms; just as they drop into clubs in our time; sure of more or less pleasant discussion on whatever subject was uppermost at the moment; whether it was literature; philosophy; art; politics; music; the last play; or the latest word of their friends。  The talk was simple; natural; without heat; without aggressive egotism; animated with wit and repartee; glancing upon the surface of many things; and treating all topics; grave or gay; with the lightness of touch; the quick responsiveness that make the charm of social intercourse。

The unwritten laws that governed this brilliant world were drawn from the old ideas of chivalry; upon which the etiquette of the early salons was founded。  The fine morality and gentle virtues which were the bases of these laws had lost their force in the eighteenth century; but the manners which grew out of them had passed into a tradition。  If morals were in reality not pure; nor principles severe; there was at least the vanity of posing as models of good breeding。  Honor was a religion; politeness and courtesy were the current; though by no means always genuine; coin of unselfishness and amiability; the amenities stood in the place of an ethical code。  Egotism; ill temper; disloyalty; ingratitude; and scandal were sins against taste; and spoiled the general harmony。  Evil passions might exist; but it was agreeable to hide them; and enmities slept under a gracious smile。  noblesse OBLIGE was the motto of these censors of manners; and as it is perhaps a Gallic trait to attach greater importance to reputation than to character; this sentiment was far more potent than conscience。  Vice in many veiled forms might be tolerated; but that which called itself good society barred its doors against those who violated the canons of good taste; which recognize at least the outward semblance of many amiable virtues。  Sincerity certainly was not one of these virtues; but no one was deceived; as it was perfectly well understood that courteous forms meant little more than the dress which may or may not conceal a physical defect; but is fit and becoming。  It was not best to inquire too closely into character and motives; so long as appearances were fair and decorous。  How far the individual may be affected by putting on the garb of qualities and feelings that do not exist may be a question for the moralist; but this conventional untruth has its advantages; not only in reducing to a minimum the friction of social machinery; and subjecting the impulses to the control of the will; but in the subtle influence of an ideal that is good and true; however far one may in reality fall short of it。

Imagine a society composed of a leisure class with more or less intellectual tastes; men eminent in science and letters; men less eminent; whose success depended largely upon their social gifts; and clever women supremely versed in the art of pleasing; who were the intelligent complements of these men; add a universal talent for conversation; a genius for the amenities of social life; habits of daily intercourse; and manners formed upon an ideal of generosity; amiability; loyalty; and urbanity; consider; also; the fact that the journals and the magazines; which are so conspicuous a feature of modern life; were practically unknown; that the salons were centers in which the affairs of the world were discussed; its passing events notedand the power of these salons may be to some extent comprehended。

The reason; too; why it is idle to dream of reproducing them today on American soil will be readily seen。  The forms may be repeated; but the vitalizing spirit is not there。  We have no leisure class that finds its occupation in this pleasant daily converse。  Our feverish civilization has not time for it。  We sit in our libraries and scan the news of the world; instead of gathering it in the drawing rooms of our friends。  Perhaps we read and think more; but we talk less; and conversation is a relaxation rather than an art。  The ability to think aloud; easily and gracefully; is not eminently an Anglo…Saxon gift; though there are many individual exceptions to this limitation。  Our social life is largely a form; a whirl; a commercial re
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