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the women of the french salons-第32章

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 and Mme。 de Sevigne; from these to Mme。 de Stael and George Sand; there is a logical sequence。  The Saxon temperament; with a vein of La Bruyere; gives us George Eliot。

This new introduction of the feminine element into literature; which is directly traceable to the salons of the seventeenth century; suggests a point of special interest to the moralist。  It may be assumed that; whether through nature or a long process of evolution; the minds of women as a class have a different coloring from the minds of men as a class。  Perhaps the best evidence of this lies in the literature of the last two centuries; in which women have been an important factor; not only through what they have done themselves; but through their reflex influence。  The books written by them have rapidly multiplied。  Doubtless; the excess of feeling is often unbalanced by mental or artistic training; but even in the crude productions; which are by no means confined to one sex; it may be remarked that women deal more with pure affections and men with the coarser passions。  A feminine Zola of any grade of ability has not yet appeared。

It is not; however; in literature of pure sentiment that the influence of women has been most felt。  It is true that; as a rule; they look at the world from a more emotional standpoint than men; but both have written of love; and for one Sappho there have been many Anacreons。  Mlle。 de Scudery and Mme。 de La Fayette did not monopolize the sentiment of their time; but they refined and exalted it。  The tender and exquisite coloring of Mme。 de Stael and George Sand had a worthy counterpart in that of Chateaubriand or Lamartine。  But it is in the moral purity; the touch of human sympathy; the divine quality of compassion; the swift insight into the soul pressed down by 

The heavy and weary weight  Of all this unintelligible world;

that we trace the minds of women attuned to finer spiritual issues。  This broad humanity has vitalized modern literature。  It is the penetrating spirit of our century; which has been aptly called the Woman's Century。  We do not find it in the great literatures of the past。  The Greek poets give us types of tragic passions; of heroic virtues; of motherly and wifely devotion; but woman is not recognized as a profound spiritual force。  This masculine literature; so perfect in form and plastic beauty; so vigorous; so statuesque; so calm; and withal so cold; shines across the centuries side by side with the feminine Christian idealtwin lights which have met in the world of today。  It may be that from the blending of the two; the crowning of a man's vigor with a woman's finer insight; will spring the perfected flower of human thought。

Robert Browning in his poem 〃By the Fireside〃 has said a fitting word:

Oh; I must feel your brain prompt mine; Your heart anticipate my heart。 You must be just before; in fine; See and make me see; for your part; New depths of the Divine!

CHAPTER VIII。 SALONS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Characteristics of the Eighteenth Century … Its Epicurean Philosophy … Anecdote of Mme。 du Deffandthe Salon an Engine of Political PowerGreat Influence of WomenSalons Defined   Literary DinnersEtiquette of the SalonsAn Exotic on American Soil。

The traits which strike us most forcibly in the lives and characters of the women of the early salons; which colored their minds; ran through their literary pastimes; and gave a distinctive flavor to their conversation; are delicacy and sensibility。  It was these qualities; added to a decided taste for pleasures of the intellect; and an innate social genius; that led them to revolt from the gross sensualism of the court; and form; upon a new basis; a society that has given another complexion to the last two centuries。  The natural result was; at first; a reign of sentiment that was often over…strained; but which represented on the whole a reaction of morality and refinement。  The wits and beauties of the Salon Bleu may have committed a thousand follies; but their chivalrous codes of honor and of manners; their fastidious tastes; even their prudish affectations; were open though sometimes rather bizarre tributes to the virtues that lie at the very foundation of a well…ordered society。  They had exalted ideas of the dignity of womanhood; of purity; of loyalty; of devotion。  The heroines of Mlle。 de Scudery; with their endless discourses upon the metaphysics of love; were no doubt tiresome sometimes to the blase courtiers; as well as to the critics; but they had their originals in living women who reversed the common traditions of a Gabrielle and a Marion Delorme; who combined with the intellectual brilliancy and fine courtesy of the Greek Aspasia the moral graces that give so poetic a fascination to the Christian and medieval types。  Mme。 de la Fayette painted with rare delicacy the old struggle between passion and duty; but character triumphs over passion; and duty is the final victor。  In spite of the low standards of the age; the ideal woman of society; as of literature; was noble; tender; modest; pure; and loyal。

But the eighteenth century brings new types to the surface。  The precieuses; with their sentimental theories and naive reserves; have had their day。  It is no longer the world of Mme。 de Rambouillet that confronts us with its chivalrous models; its refined platonism; and its flavor of literature; but rather that of the epicurean Ninon; brilliant; versatile; free; lax; skeptical; full of intrigue and wit; but without moral sense of spiritual aspiration。  Literary portraits and ethical maxims have given place to a spicy mixture of scandal and philosophy; humanitarian speculations and equivocal bons mots。  It is piquant and amusing; this light play of intellect; seasoned with clever and sparkling wit; but the note of delicacy and sensibility is quite gone。  Society has divested itself of many crudities and affectations perhaps; but it has grown as artificial and self… conscious as its rouged and befeathered leaders。

The woman who presided over these centers of fashion and intelligence represent to us the genius of social sovereignty。  We fall under the glamour of the luminous but factitious atmosphere that surrounded them。  We are dazzled by the subtlety and clearness of their intellect; the brilliancy of their wit。  Their faults are veiled by the smoke of the incense we burn before them; or lost in the dim perspective。  It is fortunate; perhaps; for many of our illusions; that the golden age; which is always receding; is seen at such long range that only the softly colored outlines are visible。  Men and women are transfigured in the rosy light that rests on historic heights as on far…off mountain tops。  But if we bring them into closer view; and turn on the pitiless light of truth; the aureole vanishes; a thousand hidden defects are exposed; and our idol stands out hard and bare; too often divested of its divinity and its charm。

To do justice to these women; we must take the point of view of an age that was corrupt to the core。  It is needless to discuss here the merits of the stormy; disenchanting eighteenth century; which was the mother of our own; and upon which the world is likely to remain hopelessly divided。 But whatev
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