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the women of the french salons-第19章

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cratic and rather speculative circle。  Mme。 de Sable writes an essay upon the education of children; which is very much talked about; also a characteristic paper upon friendship。  The latter is little more than a series of detached sentences; but it indicates the drift of her thought; and might have served as an antidote to the selfish philosophy of La Rochefoucauld。  It calls out an appreciative letter from d'Andilly; who; in his anchorite's cell; continues to follow the sayings and doings of his friends in the little salon at Port Royal。

〃Friendship;〃 she writes; 〃is a kind of virtue which can only be founded upon the esteem of people whom one lovesthat is to say; upon qualities of the soul; such as fidelity; generosity; discretion; and upon fine qualities of mind。〃

After insisting that it must be reciprocal; disinterested; and based upon virtue; she continues: 〃One ought not to give the name of friendship to natural inclinations because they do not depend upon our will or our choice; and; though they render our friendships more agreeable; they should not be the foundation of them。  The union which is founded upon the same pleasures and the same occupations does not deserve the name of friendship because it usually comes from a certain egotism which causes us to love that which is similar to ourselves; however imperfect we may be。〃  She dwells also upon the mutual offices and permanent nature of true friendship; adding; 〃He who loves his friend more than reason and justice; will on some other occasion love his own pleasure and profit more than his friend。〃

The Abbe Esprit; Jansenist and academician; wrote an essay upon 〃Des Amities en Apparence les Plus Saints des Hommes avec les Femmes;〃 which was doubtless suggested by the conversations in this salon; where the subject was freely discussed。  The days of chivalry were not so far distant; and the subtle blending of exalted sentiment with thoughtful companionship; which revived their spirit in a new form; was too marked a feature of the time to be overlooked。  These friendships; half intellectual; half poetic; and quite platonic; were mostly formed in mature life; on a basis of mental sympathy。  〃There is a taste in pure friendship which those who are born mediocre do not reach;〃 said La Gruyere。  Mme。 de Lambert speaks of it as 〃the product of a perfect social culture; and; of all affections; that which has most charm。〃

The well…known friendship of Mme。 de La Fayette and La Rochefoucauld; which illustrates the mutual influence of a critical man of intellect and a deep…hearted; thoughtful woman who has passed the age of romance; began in this salon。  Its nature was foreshadowed in the tribute La Rochefoucauld paid to women in his portrait of himself。  〃Where their intellect is cultivated;〃 he writes; :〃I prefer their society to that of men。  One finds there a gentleness one does not meet with among ourselves; and it seems to me; beyond this; that they express themselves with more neatness; and give a more agreeable turn to the things they talk about。〃

Mme。 de Sable was herself; in less exclusive fashion; the intimate friend and adviser of Esprit; d'Andilly; and La Rochefoucauld。  The letters of these men show clearly their warm regard as well as the value they attached to her opinions。  〃Indeed;〃 wrote Voiture to her many years before; 〃those who decry you on the side of tenderness must confess that if you are not the most loving person in the world; you are at least the most obliging。  True friendship knows no more sweetness than there is in your words。〃  Her character; so delicately shaded and so averse to all violent passions; seems to have been peculiarly fitted for this calm and enduring sentiment which cast a soft radiance; as of Indian summer; over her closing years。

At a later period; the sacred name of friendship was unfortunately used to veil relations that had lost all the purity and delicacy of their primitive character。  This fact has sometimes been rather illogically cited; as an argument not only against the moral influence of the salons but against the intellectual development of women。  There is neither excuse nor palliation to be offered for the Italian manners and the recognized system of amis intimes; which disgraced the French society the next century。  But; while it is greatly to be deplored that the moral sense has not always kept pace with the cultivation of the intellect; there is no reason for believing that license of manners is in any degree the result of it。  There is striking evidence to the contrary; in the incredible ignorance and laxity that found its reaction in the early salons; also in the dissolute lives of many distinguished women of rank who had no pretension to wit or education。  The fluctuation of morals; which has always existed; must be traced to quite other causes。  Virtue has not invariably accompanied intelligence; but it has been still less the companion of ignorance。

It was Mme。 de Sable who set the fashion of condensing the thoughts and experiences of life into maxims and epigrams。  This was her specific gift to literature; but her influence was felt through what she inspired others to do rather than through what she did herself。  It was her good fortune to be brought into contact with the genius of a Pascal and a La Rochefoucauld;men who reared immortal works upon the pastime of an idle hour。  One or two of her own maxims will suffice to indicate her style as well as to show the estimate she placed upon form and measure in the conduct of life:

A bad manner spoils everything; even justice and reason。  The HOW constitutes the best part of things; and the air which one gives them gilds; modifies; and softens the most disagreeable。

There is a certain command in the manner of speaking and acting; which makes itself felt everywhere; and which gains; in advance; consideration and respect。

We find here the spirit that underlies French manners; in which form counts for so much。

There is another; which suggests the delicate flavor of sentiment then in vogue:

Wherever it is; love is always the master。  It seems truly that it is to the soul of the one who loves; what the soul is to the body it animates。

Among the eminent men who lent so much brilliancy to this salon was the great jurist Domat。  He adds his contribution and falls into the moralizing vein:

A little fine weather; a good word; a praise; a caress; draws me from a profound sadness from which I could not draw myself by any effort of meditation。  What a machine is my soul; what an abyss of misery and weakness!

Here is one by the Abbe d'Ailly; which foreshadows the thought of the next century:

Too great submission to books; and to the opinions of the ancients; as to the eternal truths revealed of God; spoils the head and makes pedants。

The finest and most vigorous of these choice spirits was Pascal; who frequented more or less the salon of Mme。 de Sable previous to his final retirement to the gloom and austerity of the cloister。  His delicate platonism and refined spirituality go far towards offsetting the cold cynicism of La Rochefoucauld。  Each gives us a different phase of life as reflected in a clear and luminous intelligence。  Th
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