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the women of the french salons-第13章

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not fail of its effect。  Platonic love and the ton galant were the texts for innumerable follies which finally reacted upon the Samedis。  After a few years; they lost their influence and were discontinued。  But Mlle。 de Scudery retained the position which her brilliant gifts and literary fame had given her; and was the center of a choice circle of friends until a short time before her death at the ripe age of ninety…four。  Even Tallemant; writing of the decline of these reunions; says; 〃Mlle。 De Scudery is more considered than ever。〃  At sixty…four she received the first Prix D'Eloquence from the Academie Francaise; for an essay on Glory。  This prize was founded by Balzac; and the subject was specified。  Thus the long procession of laureates was led by a woman。

In spite of her subtle analysis of love; and her exact map of the Empire of Tenderness; the sentiment of the 〃Illustrious Sappho〃 seems to have been rather ideal。  She had numerous adorers; of whom Conrart and Pellisson were among the most devoted。  During the long imprisonment of the latter for supposed complicity with Fouquet; she was of great service to him; and the tender friendship ended only with his life; upon which she wrote a touching eulogy at its close。  But she never married。  She feared to lose her liberty。  〃I know;〃 she writes; 〃that there are many estimable men who merit all my esteem and who can retain a part of my friendship; but as soon as I regard them as husbands; I regard them as masters; and so apt to become tyrants that I must hate them from that moment; and I thank the gods for giving me an inclination very much averse to marriage。〃

It was the misfortune of Mlle。 de Scudery to outlive her literary reputation。  The interminable romances which had charmed the eloquent Flechier; the Grand Conde in his cell at Vincennes; the ascetic d'Andilly at Port Royal; as well as the dreaming maidens who signed over their fanciful descriptions and impossible adventures; passed their day。  The touch of a merciless criticism stripped them of their already fading glory。  Their subtle analysis and etherealized sentiment were declared antiquated; and fashion ran after new literary idols。  It was Boileau who gave the severest blow。  〃This Despreaux;〃 said Segrais; 〃knows how to do nothing else but talk of himself and criticize others; why speak ill of Mlle。 de Scudery as he has done?〃

There has been a disposition to credit the founder of the Samedis with many of the affectations which brought such deserved ridicule upon their bourgeois imitators; and to trace in her the original of Moliere's 〃Madelon。〃  But Cousin has relieved her of such reproach; and does ample justice to the truth and sincerity of her character; the purity of her manners; and the fine quality of her intellect。  He calls her 〃a sort of French sister of Addison。〃  Perhaps her resemblance to one of the clearest; purest; and simplest of English essayists is not quite apparent on the surface; but as a moralist and a delineator of manners she may have done a similar work in her own way。

Sainte…Beuve; who has left so many vivid and exquisite portraits of his countrywomen; does not paint Mlle。 de Scudery with his usual kindly touch。  He admits her merit; her accomplishments; her versatility; and the perfect innocence of her life; but he finds her didactic; pedantic; and tiresome as a writer; and without charm or grace as a woman。  Doubtless one would find it difficult to read her romances today。  She lacks the genius which has no age and belongs to all ages。  Her literary life pertains to the first half of the seventeenth century; when style had not reached the Attic purity and elegance of a later period。  She was teacher rather than artist; but no one could be farther from a bas bleu; or more severe upon pedantry or pretension of any sort。  She takes the point of view of her time; and dwells always upon the wisdom of veiling the knowledge she claims for her sex behind the purely feminine graces。  How far she practiced her own theories; we can know only from the testimony of her contemporaries。  It is not possible to perpetuate so indefinable a thing as personal charm; but we are told repeatedly that she had it in an eminent degree。  It is certain that no woman without beauty; fortune; or visible rank; living simply and depending mainly upon her own talents; could have retained such powerful and fastidious friends; during a long life; unless she had had some rare attractions。  That she was much loved; much praised; and much sought; we have sufficient evidence among the writers of her own time。  She was familiarly spoken of as the tenth Muse; and she counted among her personal friends the greatest men and women of the century。  Leibnitz sought her correspondence。  The Abbe de Pure; who was not friendly to the precieuses and made the first severe attack upon them; thus writes of her: 〃One may call Mlle。 de Scudery the muse of our age and the prodigy of her sex。  It is not only her goodness and her sweetness; but her intellect shines with so much modesty; her sentiments are expressed with so much reserve; she speaks with so much discretion; and all that she says is so fit and reasonable; that one cannot help both admiring and loving her。  Comparing what one sees of her; and what one owes to her personally; with what she writes; one prefers; without hesitation; her conversation to her works。  Although she has a wonderful mind; her heart outweighs it。  It is in the heart of this illustrious woman that one finds true and pure generosity; an immovable constancy; a sincere and solid friendship。〃

The loyalty of her character was conspicuously shown in her brave devotion to the interests of the Conde family; through all the reverses of the Fronde。  In one of her darkest moments Mme。 de Longueville received the last volume of the 〃Grand Cyrus;〃 which was dedicated to her; and immediately sent her own portrait encircled with diamonds; as the only thing she had left worthy of this friend who; without sharing ardently her political prejudices; had never deserted her waning fortunes。  The same rare quality was seen in her unwavering friendship for Fouquet; during his long disgrace and imprisonment。  Mme。 de Sevigne; whose satire was so pitiless toward affectation of any sort; writes to her in terms of exaggerated tenderness。

〃In a hundred thousand words; I could tell you but one truth; which reduces itself to assuring you; Mademoiselle; that I shall love you and adore you all my life; it is only this word that can express the idea I have of your extraordinary merit。  I am happy to have some part in the friendship and esteem of such a person。  As constancy is a perfection; I say to myself that you will not change for me; and I dare to pride myself that I shall never be sufficiently abandoned of God not to be always yours 。 。 。  I take to my son your conversations。  I wish him to be charmed with them; after being charmed myself。〃

Mlle。 de Scudery is especially interesting to us as marking a transition point in the history of women; as the author of the first romances of any note written by her sex; as a moral teacher in an age of laxity; and as a woman who combined high aspirations; fine ideals; and versa
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