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little novels-第96章

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 at least; put off the visit; my dear; until you have set yourself right with Captain Stanwick。〃

I began to feel a little alarmed; but I was too obstinate to yield without a struggle。 〃Give me time to think over it;〃 I said。 〃To write an excuse seems like acknowledging the Captain's authority。 Let us wait till to…morrow morning。〃


THE morning brought with it another visit from Captain Stanwick。 This time my aunt was present。 He looked at her without speaking; and turned to me; with his fiery temper showing itself already in his eyes。

〃I have a word to say to you in private;〃 he began。

〃I have no secrets from my aunt;〃 I answered。 〃Whatever you have to say; Captain Stanwick; may be said here。〃

He opened his lips to reply; and suddenly checked himself。 He was controlling his anger by so violent an effort that it turned his ruddy face pale。 For the moment he conquered his temperhe addressed himself to me with the outward appearance of respect at least。

〃Has that man Varleigh lied?〃 he asked; 〃or have you given _him_ hopes; tooafter what you said to me yesterday?〃

〃I said nothing to you yesterday which gives you any right to put that question to me;〃 I rejoined。 〃You have entirely misunderstood me; if you think so。〃

My aunt attempted to say a few temperate words; in the hope of soothing him。 He waved his hand; refusing to listen to her; and advanced closer to me。

〃_You_ have misunderstood _me_;〃 he said; 〃if you think I am a man to be made a plaything of in the hands of a coquette!〃

My aunt interposed once more; with a resolution which I had not expected from her。

〃Captain Stanwick;〃 she said; 〃you are forgetting yourself。〃

He paid no heed to her; he persisted in speaking to me。 〃It is my misfortune to love you;〃 he burst out。 〃My whole heart is set on you。 I mean to be your husband; and no other man living shall stand in my way。 After what you said to me yesterday; I have a right to consider that you have favored my addresses。 This is not a mere flirtation。 Don't think it! I say it's the passion of a life! Do you hear? It's the passion of a man's whole life! I am not to be trifled with。 I have had a night of sleepless misery about youI have suffered enough for youand you're not worth it。 Don't laugh! This is no laughing matter。 Take care; Bertha! Take care!〃

My aunt rose from her chair。 She astonished me。 On all ordinary occasions the most retiring; the most feminine of women; she now walked up to Captain Stanwick and looked him full in the face; without flinching for an instant。

〃You appear to have forgotten that you are speaking in the presence of two ladies;〃 she said。 〃Alter your tone; sir; or I shall be obliged to take my niece out of the room。〃

Half angry; half frightened; I  tried to speak in my turn。 My aunt signed to me to be silent。 The Captain drew back a step as if he felt her reproof。 But his eyes; still fixed on me; were as fiercely bright as ever。 _There_ the gentleman's superficial good…breeding failed to hide the natural man beneath。

〃I will leave you in undisturbed possession of the room;〃 he said to my aunt with bitter politeness。 〃Before I go; permit me to give your niece an opportunity of reconsidering her conduct before it is too late。〃 My aunt drew back; leaving him free to speak to me。 After considering for a moment; he laid his hand firmly; but not roughly; on my arm。 〃You have accepted Lionel Varleigh's invitation to visit him;〃 he said; 〃under pretense of seeing his curiosities。 Think again before you decide on keeping that engagement。 If you go to Varleigh tomorrow; you will repent it to the last day of your life。〃 Saying those words; in a tone which made me tremble in spite of myself; he walked to the door。 As he laid his hand on the lock; he turned toward me for the last time。 〃I forbid you to go to Varleigh's lodgings;〃 he said; very distinctly and quietly。 〃Understand what I tell you。 I forbid it。〃

With those words he left us。

My aunt sat down by me and took my hand kindly。 〃There is only one thing to be done;〃 she said; 〃we must return at once to Nettlegrove。 If Captain Stanwick attempts to annoy you in your own house; we have neighbors who will protect us; and we have Mr。 Loring; our rector; to appeal to for advice。 As for Mr。 Varleigh; I will write our excuses myself before we go away。〃

She put out her hand to ring the bell and order the carriage。 I stopped her。 My childish pride urged me to assert myself in some way; after the passive position that I had been forced to occupy during the interview with Captain Stanwick。

〃No;〃 I said; 〃it is not acting fairly toward Mr。 Varleigh to break our engagement with him。 Let us return to Nettlegrove by all means; but let us first call on Mr。 Varleigh and take our leave。 Are we to behave rudely to a gentleman who has always treated us with the utmost consideration; because Captain Stanwick has tried to frighten us by cowardly threats? The commonest feeling of self…respect forbids it。〃

My aunt protested against this outbreak of folly with perfect temper and good sense。 But my obstinacy (my firmness as I thought it!) was immovable。 I left her to choose between going with me to Mr。 Varleigh; or letting me go to him by myself。 Finding it useless to resist; she decided; it is needless to say; on going with me。

We found Mr。 Varleigh very courteous; but more than usually grave and quiet。 Our visit only lasted for a few minutes; my aunt using the influence of her age and her position to shorten it。 She mentioned family affairs as the motive which recalled us to Nettlegrove。 I took it on myself to invite Mr。 Varleigh to visit me at my own house。 He bowed and thanked me; without engaging himself to accept the invitation。 When I offered him my hand at parting; he raised it to his lips; and kissed it with a fervor that agitated me。 His eyes looked into mine with a sorrowful admiration; with a lingering regret; as if they were taking their leave of me for a long while。 〃Don't forget me!〃 he whispered; as he stood at the door; while I followed my aunt out。 〃Come to Nettlegrove;〃 I whispered back。 His eyes dropped to the ground; he let me go without a word more。

This; I declare solemnly; was all that passed at our visit。 By some unexpressed consent among us; no allusion whatever was made to Captain Stanwick; not even his name was mentioned。 I never knew that the two men had met; just before we called on Mr。 Varleigh。 Nothing was said which could suggest to me the slightest suspicion of any arrangement for another meeting between them later in the day。 Beyond the vague threats which had escaped Captain Stanwick's lipsthreats which I own I was rash enough to despiseI had no warning whatever of the dreadful events which happened at Maplesworth on the day after our return to Nettlegrove Hall。

I can only add that I am ready to submit to any questions that may be put to me。 Pray don't think me a heartless woman。 My worst fault was ignorance。 In those days; I knew nothing of the false pretenses under which men hide what is selfish and savage in their natures from the women whom it is their interest to deceive。

No。 2。Julius Bender; fencing…master; testifies and says:

I am of German nationality; estab
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