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little novels-第89章

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〃I was getting the vegetables; ma'am;〃 Amelia proceeded; 〃when I heard voices on the other side of the paling。 The wood is so old that one can see through the cracks easy enough。 I saw my master; and Mr。 Linwood; and Captain Bervie。 The Captain seemed to have stopped the other two on the pathway that leads to the field; he stood; as it might be; between them and the back way to the houseand he spoke severely; that he did!〃

〃What did Captain Bervie say?〃

〃He said these words; ma'am: 'For the last time; Mr。 Bowmore;' says he; 'will you understand that you are in danger; and that Mr。 Linwood is in danger; unless you both leave this neighborhood to…night?' My master made light of it。 'For the last time;' says he; 'will you refer us to a proof of what you say; and allow us to judge for ourselves?' 'I have told you already;' says the Captain; 'I am bound by my duty toward another person to keep what I know a secret。' 'Very well;' says my master; '_I_ am bound by my duty to my country。 And I tell you this;' says he; in his high and mighty way; 'neither Government; nor the spies of Government; dare touch a hair of my head: they know it; sir; for the head of the people's friend!' 〃

〃That's quite true;〃 said Mrs。 Bowmore; still believing in her husband as firmly as ever。

Amelia went on:

〃Captain Bervie didn't seem to think so;〃 she said。 〃He lost his temper。 'What stuff!' says he; 'there's a Government spy in your house at this moment; disguised as your footman。' My master looked at Mr。 Linwood; and burst out laughing。 'You won't beat that; Captain;' says he; 'if you talk till doomsday。' He turned about without a word more; and went home。 The Captain caught Mr。 Linwood by the arm; as soon as they were alone。 'For God's sake;' says he; 'don't follow that madman's example!' 〃

Mrs。 Bowmore was shocked。 〃Did he really call my husband a madman?〃 she asked。

〃He did; indeed; ma'amand he was in earnest about it; too。 'If you value your liberty;' he says to Mr。 Linwood; 'if you hope to become Charlotte's husband; consult your own safety。 I can give you a passport。 Escape to France and wait till this trouble is over。' Mr。 Linwood was not in the best of tempersMr。 Linwood shook him off。 'Charlotte's father will soon be my father;' says he; 'do you think I will desert him? My friends at the Club have taken up my claim; do you think I will forsake them at the meeting to…morrow? You ask me to be unworthy of Charlotte; and unworthy of my friendsyou insult me; if you say more。' He whipped round on his heel; and followed my master。〃

〃And what did the Captain do?〃

〃Lifted up his hands; ma'am; to the heavens; and lookedI declare it turned my blood to see him。 If there's truth in mortal man; it's my firm belief〃

What the housemaid's belief was; remained unexpressed。 Before she could get to her next word; a shriek of horror from the hall announced that the cook's powers of interruption were not exhausted yet。

Mistress and servant both hurried out in terror of they knew not what。 There stood the cook; alone in the hall; confronting the stand on which the overcoats and hats of the men of the family were placed。

〃Where's the master's traveling coat?〃 cried the cook; staring wildly at an unoccupied peg。 〃And where's his cap to match! Oh Lord; he's off in the post…chaise! and the footman's after him!〃

Simpleton as she was; the woman had blundered on a very serious discovery。

Coat and capboth made after a foreign pattern; and both strikingly remarkable in form and color to English eyeshad unquestionably disappeared。 It  was equally certain that they were well known to the foot man; whom the Captain had declared to be a spy; as the coat and cap which his master used in traveling。 Had Mr。 Bowmore discovered (since the afternoon) that he was really in danger? Had the necessities of instant flight only allowed him time enough to snatch his coat and cap out of the hall? And had the treacherous manservant seen him as he was making his escape to the post…chaise? The cook's conclusions answered all these questions in the affirmativeand; if Captain Bervie's words of warning had been correctly reported; the cook's conclusion for once was not to be despised。

Under this last trial of her fortitude; Mrs。 Bowmore's feeble reserves of endurance completely gave way。 The poor lady turned faint and giddy。 Amelia placed her on a chair in the hall; and told the cook to open the front door; and let in the fresh air。

The cook obeyed; and instantly broke out with a second terrific scream; announcing nothing less; this time; than the appearance of Mr。 Bowmore himself; alive and hearty; returning with Percy from the meeting at the Club!

The inevitable inquiries and explanations followed。

Fully assured; as he had declared himself to be; of the sanctity of his person (politically speaking); Mr。 Bowmore turned pale; nevertheless; when he looked at the unoccupied peg on his clothes stand。 Had some man unknown personated him? And had a post…chaise been hired to lead an impending pursuit of him in the wrong direction? What did it mean? Who was the friend to whose services he was indebted? As for the proceedings of the man…servant; but one interpretation could now be placed on them。 They distinctly justified what Captain Bervie had said of him。 Mr。 Bowmore thought of the Captain's other assertion; relating to the urgent necessity for making his escape; and looked at Percy in silent dismay; and turned paler than ever。

Percy's thoughts; diverted for the moment only from the lady of his love; returned to her with renewed fidelity。 〃Let us hear what Charlotte thinks of it;〃 he said。 〃Where is she?〃

It was impossible to answer this question plainly and in few words。

Terrified at the effect which her attempt at explanation produced on Percy; helplessly ignorant when she was called upon to account for her daughter's absence; Mrs。 Bowmore could only shed tears and express a devout trust in Providence。 Her husband looked at the new misfortune from a political point of view。 He sat down and slapped his forehead theatrically with the palm of his hand。 〃Thus far;〃 said the patriot; 〃my political assailants have only struck at me through the newspapers。 _Now_ they strike at me through my child!〃

Percy made no speeches。 There was a look in his eyes which boded ill for Captain Bervie if the two met。 〃I am going to fetch her;〃 was all he said; 〃as fast as a horse can carry me。〃

He hired his horse at an inn in the town; and set forth for Justice Bervie's house at a gallop。

During Percy's absence; Mr。 Bowmore secured the front and back entrances to the cottage with his own hands。

These first precautions taken; he ascended to his room and packed his traveling…bag。 〃Necessaries for my use in prison;〃 he remarked。 〃The bloodhounds of Government are after me。〃 〃Are they after Percy; too?〃 his wife ventured to ask。 Mr。 Bowmore looked up impatiently; and cried 〃Pooh!〃as if Percy was of no consequence。 Mrs。 Bowmore thought otherwise: the good woman privately packed a bag for Percy; in the sanctuary of her own room。

For an hour; and more than an hour; no event of any sort occurred。

Mr。 Bowmore stalked up and down the parlor; meditating。 At in
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