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little novels-第69章

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〃You will keep a lookout; sir; with a lantern in the bows。 If the natives annoy you; you know what to do。 Always shoot natives。 When you get anigh the island; you will fire a gun and sing out for the Captain。〃

〃Quite needless;〃 interposed a voice from the sea。 〃The Captain is here!〃

Without taking the slightest notice of the astonishment that he had caused; the commander of the _Fortuna_ paddled his canoe to the side of the ship。 Instead of ascending to the deck; he stepped into the boat; waiting alongside。 〃Lend me your pistols;〃 he said quietly to the second officer; 〃and oblige me by taking your men back to their duties on board。〃 He looked up at Mr。 Duncalf and gave some further directions。 〃If there is any change in the weather; keep the ship standing off and on; at a safe distance from the land; and throw up a rocket from time to time to show your position。 Expect me on board again by sunrise。〃

〃What!〃 cried the mate。 〃Do you mean to say you are going back to the islandin that boatall by yourself?〃

〃I am going back to the island;〃 answered the Captain; as quietly as ever; 〃in this boatall by myself。〃 He pushed off from the ship; and hoisted the sail as he spoke。

〃You're deserting your duty!〃 the old sea…dog shouted; with one of his loudest oaths。

〃Attend to my directions;〃 the Captain shouted back; as he drifted away into the darkness。

Mr。 Duncalfviolently agitated for the first time in his lifetook leave of his superior officer; with a singular mixture of solemnity and politeness; in these words:

〃The Lord have mercy on your soul! I wish you good…evening。〃


ALONE in the boat; the Captain looked with a misgiving mind at the flashing of the volcano on the main island。

If events had favored him; he would have removed Aimata to the shelter of the ship on the day when he saw the emptied basin on the lake。 But the smoke of the Priest's sacrifice had been discovered by the chief; and he had dispatched two canoes with instructions to make inquiries。 One of the canoes had returned; the other was kept in waiting off the cape; to place a means of communicating with the main island at the disposal of the Priest。 The second shock of earthquake had naturally increased the alarm of the chief。 He had sent messages to the Priest; entreating him to leave the island; and other messages to Aimata suggesting that she should exert her influence over her father; if he hesitated。 The Priest refused to leave the Temple。 He trusted in his gods and his sacrificeshe believed they might avert the fatality that threatened his sanctuary。

Yielding to the holy man; the chief sent re…enforcements of canoes to take their turn at keeping watch off the headland。 Assisted by torches; the islanders were on the alert (in superstitious terror of the demon of the prophecy) by night as well as by day。 The Captain had no alternative but to keep in hiding; and to watch his opportunity of approaching the place in which he had concealed his canoe。 It was only after Aimata had left him as usual; to return to her father at the close of evening; that the chances declared themselves in his favor。 The fire…flashes from the mountain; visible when the night came; had struck terror into the hearts of the men on the watch。 They thought of their wives; their children; and their possessions on the main island; and they one and all deserted their Priest。 The Captain seized the opportunity of communicating with the ship; and of exchanging a frail canoe which he was ill able to manage; for a swift…sailing boat capable of keeping the sea in the event of stormy weather。

As he now neared the land; certain small sparks of red; moving on the distant water; informed him that the canoes of the sentinels had been ordered back to their duty。

Carefully avoiding the lights; he reached his own side of the island without accident; and; guided by the boat's lantern; anchored under the cliff。 He climbed the rocks; advanced to the door of the hut; and was met; to his delight and astonishment; by Aimata on the threshold。

〃I dreamed that some dreadful misfortune had parted us forever;〃 she said; 〃and I came here to see if my dream was true。 You have taught me what it is to be miserable; I never felt my heart ache till I looked into the hut and found that you had gone。 Now I have seen you; I am satisfied。 No! you must not go back with me。 My father may be out looking for me。 It is you that are in danger; not I。 I know the forest as well by dark as by daylight。〃

The Captain detained her when she tried to leave him。

〃Now you _are_ here;〃 he said; 〃why should I not place you at once in safety? I have been to the ship; I have brought back one of the boats。 The darkness will befriend uslet us embark while we can。〃

She shrank away as he took her hand。 〃You forget my father!〃 she said。

〃Your father is in no danger; my love。 The canoes are waiting for him at the cape; I saw the lights as I passed。〃

With that reply he drew her out of the hut and led her toward the sea。 Not a breath of the breeze was now to be felt。 The dead calm had returnedand the boat was too large to be easily managed by one man alone at the oars。

〃The breeze may come again;〃 he said。 〃Wait here; my angel; for the chance。〃

As he spoke; the deep silence of the forest below them was broken by a sound。 A harsh wailing voice was heard; calling:

〃Aimata! Aimata!〃

〃My father!〃 she whispered; 〃he has missed me。 If he comes here you are lost。〃

She kissed him with passionate fervor; she held him to her for a moment with all her strength。

〃Expect me at daybreak;〃 she said; and disappeared down the landward slope of the cliff。

He listened; anxious for her safety。 The voices of the father and daughter just reached him from among the trees。 The Priest spoke in no angry tones; she had apparently found an acceptable excuse for her absence。 Little by little; the failing sound of their voices told him that they were on their way back together to the Temple。 The silence fell again。 Not a ripple broke on the beach。 Not a leaf rustled in the forest。 Nothing moved but the reflected flashes of the volcano on the main island over the black sky。 It was an airless and an awful calm。

He went into the hut; and laid down on his bed of leavesnot to sleep; but to rest。 All his energies might be required to meet the coming events of the morning。 After the voyage to and from the ship; and the long watching that had preceded it; strong as he was he stood in need of repose。

For some little time he kept awake; thinking。 Insensibly the oppression of the intense heat; aided in its influence by his own fatigue; treacherously closed his eyes。 In spite of himself; the weary man fell into a deep sleep。

He was awakened by a roar like the explosion  of a park of artillery。 The volcano on th e main island had burst into a state of eruption。 Smoky flame…light overspread the sky; and flashed through the open doorway of the hut。 He sprang from his bedand found himself up to his knees in water。

Had the sea overflowed the land?

He waded out of the hut; and the water rose to his middle。 He looked round him by the lurid light of the eruption。 The one visible object within the range of view 
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