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little novels-第15章

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In my position; there was but one possible answer to this。 Governesses must not make appointments with strange gentlemeneven when the children are present in the capacity of witnesses。 I said; No。 Am I claiming too much for my readiness to forgive injuries; when I add that I should have preferred saying Yes?

We had our early dinner; and then got ready to go out walking as usual。 These pages contain a true confession。 Let me own that I hoped Mr。 Sax would understand my refusal; and ask Mrs。 Fosdyke's leave to accompany us。 Lingering a little as we went downstairs; I heard him in the hallactually speaking to Mrs。 Fosdyke! What was he saying? That darling boy; Freddy; got into a difficulty with one of his boot…laces exactly at the right moment。 I could help him; and listenand be sadly disappointed by the result。 Mr。 Sax was offended with me。

〃You needn't introduce me to the new governess;〃 I heard him say。 〃We have met on a former occasion; and I produced a disagreeable impression on her。 I beg you will not speak of me to Miss Morris。〃

Before Mrs。 Fosdyke could say a word in reply; Master Freddy changed suddenly from a darling boy to a detestable imp。 〃I say; Mr。 Sax!〃 he called out; 〃Miss Morris doesn't mind you a bitshe only laughs at you。〃

The answer to this was the sudden closing of a door。 Mr。 Sax had taken refuge from me in one of the ground…floor rooms。 I was so mortified; I could almost have cried。

Getting down into the hall; we found Mrs。 Fosdyke with her garden hat on; and one of the two ladies who were staying in the house (the unmarried one) whispering to her at the door of the morning…room。 The ladyMiss Melburylooked at me with a certain appearance of curiosity which I was quite at a loss to understand; and suddenly turned away toward the further end of the hall。

〃I will walk with you and the children;〃 Mrs。 Fosdyke said to me。 〃Freddy; you can ride your tricycle if you like。〃 She turned to the girls。 〃My dears; it's cool under the trees。 You may take your skipping…ropes。〃

She had evidently something special to say to me; and she had adopted the necessary measures for keeping the children in front of us; well out of hearing。 Freddy led the way on his horse on three wheels; the girls followed; skipping merrily。 Mrs。 Fosdyke opened the business by the most embarrassing remark that she could possibly have made under the circumstances。

〃I find that you are acquainted with Mr。 Sax;〃 she began; 〃and I am surprised to hear that you dislike him。〃

She smiled pleasantly; as if my supposed dislike of Mr。 Sax rather amused her。 What 〃the ruling passion〃 may be among men; I cannot presume to consider。 My own sex; however; I may claim to understand。 The ruling passion among women is Conceit。 My ridiculous notion of my own consequence was wounded in some way。 I assumed a position of the loftiest indifference。

〃Really; ma'am;〃 I said; 〃I can't undertake to answer for any impression that Mr。 Sax may have formed。 We met by the merest accident。 I know nothing about him。〃

Mrs。 Fosdyke eyed me slyly; and appeared to be more amused than ever。

〃He is a very odd man;〃 she admitted; 〃but I can tell you there is a fine nature under that strange surface of his。 However;〃 she went on; 〃I am forgetting that he forbids me to talk about him in your presence。 When the opportunity offers; I shall take my own way of teaching you two to understand each other: you will both be grateful to me when I have succeeded。 In the meantime; there is a third person who will be sadly disappointed to hear that you know nothing about Mr。 Sax。〃

〃May I ask; ma'am; who the person is?〃

〃Can you keep a secret; Miss Morris? Of course you can! The person is Miss Melbury。〃

(Miss Melbury was a dark woman。 It cannot be because I am a fair woman myselfI hope I am above such narrow prejudices as thatbut it is certainly true that I don't admire dark women。)

〃She heard Mr。 Sax telling me that you particularly disliked him; 〃 Mrs。 Fosdyke proceeded。 〃And just as you appeared in the hall; she was asking me to find out what your reason was。 My own opinion of Mr。 Sax; I ought to tell you; doesn't satisfy her; I am his old friend; and I present him of course from my own favorable point of view。 Miss Melbury is anxious to be made acquainted with his faultsand she expected you to be a valuable witness against him。〃

Thus far we had been walking on。 We now stopped; as if by common consent; and looked at one another。

In my previous experience of Mrs。 Fosdyke; I had only seen the more constrained and formal side of her character。 Without being aware of my own success; I had won the mother's heart in winning the goodwill of her children。 Constraint now seized its first opportunity of melting away; the latent sense of humor in the great lady showed itself; while I was inwardly wondering what the nature of Miss Melbury's extraordinary interest in Mr。 Sax might be。 Easily penetrating my thoughts; she satisfied my curiosity without committing herself to a reply in words。 Her large gray eyes sparkled as they rested on my face; and she hummed the tune of the old French song; _〃C'est l'amour; l'amour; l'amour!〃_ There is no disguising itsomething in this disclosure made me excessively angry。 Was I angry with Miss Melbury? or with Mr。 Sax? or with myself? I think it must have been with myself。

Finding that I had nothing to say on my side; Mrs。 Fosdyke looked at her watch; and remembered her domestic duties。 To my relief; our interview came to an end。

〃I have a dinner…party to…day;〃 she said; 〃and I have not seen the housekeeper yet。 Make yourself beautiful; Miss Morris; and join us in the drawing…room after dinner。〃


I WORE my best dress; and; in all my life before; I never took such pains with my hair。 Nobody will be foolish enough; I hope; to suppose that I did this on Mr。 Sax's account。 How could I possibly care about a man who was little better than a stranger to me? No! the person I dressed at was Miss Melbury。

She gave me a look; as I modestly placed myself in a corner; which amply rewarded me for the time spent on my toilet。 The gentlemen came in。 I looked at Mr。 Sax (mere curiosity) under shelter of my fan。 His appearance was greatly improved by evening dress。 He discovered me in my corner; and seemed doubtful whether to approach me or not。 I was reminded of our first odd meeting; and I could not help smiling as I called it to mind。 Did he presume to think that I was encouraging him? Before I could decide that question; he took the vacant place on the sofa。 In any other manafter what had passed in the morningthis would have been an audacious proceeding。 _He_ looked so painfully embarrassed; that i t became a species of Christian duty to pity him。

〃Won't you shake hands?〃 he said; just as he had said it at Sandwich。

I peeped round the corner of my fan at Miss Melbury。 She was looking at us。 I shook hands with Mr。 Sax。

〃What sort of sensation is it;〃 he asked; 〃when you shake hands with a man whom you hate?〃

〃I really can't tell you;〃 I answered innocently; 〃I have never done such a thing。〃

〃You would not lunch with me at Sandwich;〃 he protested; 〃and; after the humblest apology on my part; you won't forgive me
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