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little novels-第12章

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and。 〃Won't you even shake hands with me?〃 he inquired piteously。 When we have most properly administered a reproof to a man; what is the perversity which makes us weakly pity him the minute afterward? I was fool enough to shake hands with this perfect stranger。 And; having done it; I completed the total loss of my dignity by running away。 Our dear crooked little streets hid me from him directly。

As I rang at the door…bell of my employer's house; a thought occurred to me which might have been alarming to a better regulated mind than mine。

〃Suppose he should come back to Sandwich?〃


BEFORE many more days passed I had troubles of my own to contend with; which put the eccentric stranger out of my head for the time。

Unfortunately; my troubles are part of my story; and my early life mixes itself up with them。 In consideration of what is to follow; may I say two words relating to the period before I was a governess?

I am the orphan daughter of a shopkeeper of Sandwich。 My father died; leaving to his widow and child an honest name and a little income of L80 a year。 We kept on the shopneither gaining nor losing by it。 The truth is nobody would buy our poor little business。 I was thirteen years old at the time; and I was able to help my mother; whose health was then beginning to fail。 Never shall I forget a certain bright summer's day; when I saw a new customer enter our shop。 He was an elderly gentleman; and he seemed surprised to find so young a girl as myself in charge of the business; and; what is more; competent to support the charge。 I answered his questions in a manner which seemed to please him。 He soon discovered that my education (excepting my knowledge of the business) had been sadly neglected; and he inquired if he could see my mother。 She was resting on the sofa in the back parlorand she received him there。 When he came out; he patted me on the cheek。 〃I have taken a fancy to you;〃 he said; 〃and perhaps I shall come back again。〃 He did come back again。 My mother had referred him to the rector for our characters in the town; and he had heard what our clergyman could say for us。 Our only relations had emigrated to Australia; and were not doing well there。 My mother's death would leave me; so far as relatives were concerned; literally alone in the world。 〃Give this girl a first…rate education;〃 said our elderly customer; sitting at our tea…table in the back parlor; 〃and she will do。 If you will send her to school; ma'am; I'll pay for her education。〃 My poor mother began to cry at the prospect of parting with me。 The old gentleman said: 〃Think of it;〃 and got up to go。 He gave me his card as I opened the shop…door for him。 〃If you find yourself in trouble;〃 he whispered; so that my mother could not hear him; 〃be a wise child; and write and tell me of it。〃 I looked at the card。 Our kind…hearted customer was no less a person than Sir Gervase Damian; of Garrum Park; Sussexwith landed property in our county as well! He had made himself (through the rector; no doubt) far better acquainted than I was with the true state of my mother's health。 In four months from the memorable day when the great man had taken tea with us; my time had come to be alone in the world。 I have no courage to dwell on it; my spirits sink; even at this distance of time; when I think of myself in those days。 The good rector helped me with his adviceI wrote to Sir Gervase Damian。

A change had come over his life as well as mine in the interval since we had met。

Sir Gervas e had married for the second timeand; what was more foolish still; perhaps; at his age; had married a young woman。 She was said to be consumptive; and of a jealous temper as well。 Her husband's only child by his first wife; a son and heir; was so angry at his father's second marriage that he left the house。 The landed property being entailed; Sir Gervase could only express his sense of his son's conduct by making a new will; which left all his property in money to his young wife。

These particulars I gathered from the steward; who was expressly sent to visit me at Sandwich。

〃Sir Gervase never makes a promise without keeping it;〃 this gentleman informed me。 〃I am directed to take you to a first…rate ladies' school in the neighborhood of London; and to make all the necessary arrangements for your remaining there until you are eighteen years of age。 Any written communications in the future are to pass; if you please; through the hands of the rector of Sandwich。 The delicate health of the new Lady Damian makes it only too likely that the lives of her husband and herself will be passed; for the most part; in a milder climate than the climate of England。 I am instructed to say this; and to convey to you Sir Gervase's best wishes。〃

By the rector's advice; I accepted the position offered to me in this unpleasantly formal mannerconcluding (quite correctly; as I afterward discovered) that I was indebted to Lady Damian for the arrangement which personally separated me from my benefactor。 Her husband's kindness and my gratitude; meeting on the neutral ground of Garrum Park; were objects of conjugal distrust to this lady。 Shocking! shocking! I left a sincerely grateful letter to be forwarded to Sir Gervase; and; escorted by the steward; I went to schoolbeing then just fourteen years old。

I know I am a fool。 Never mind。 There is some pride in me; though I am only a small shopkeeper's daughter。 My new life had its trialsmy pride held me up。

For the four years during which I remained at the school; my poor welfare might be a subject of inquiry to the rector; and sometimes even the stewardnever to Sir Gervase himself。 His winters were no doubt passed abroad; but in the summer time he and Lady Damian were at home again。 Not even for a day or two in the holiday time was there pity enough felt for my lonely position to ask me to be the guest of the housekeeper (I expected nothing more) at Garrum Park。 But for my pride; I might have felt it bitterly。 My pride said to me; 〃Do justice to yourself。〃 I worked so hard; I behaved so well; that the mistress of the school wrote to Sir Gervase to tell him how thoroughly I had deserved the kindness that he had shown to me。 No answer was received。 (Oh; Lady Damian!) No change varied the monotony of my lifeexcept when one of my schoolgirl friends sometimes took me home with her for a few days at vacation time。 Never mind。 My pride held me up。

As the last half…year of my time at school approached; I began to consider the serious question of my future life。

Of course; I could have lived on my eighty pounds a year; but what a lonely; barren existence it promised to be!unless somebody married me; and where; if you please; was I to find him? My education had thoroughly fitted me to be a governess。 Why not try my fortune; and see a little of the world in that way? Even if I fell among ill…conditioned people; I could be independent of them; and retire on my income。

The rector; visiting London; came to see me。 He not only approved of my ideahe offered me a means of carrying it out。 A worthy family; recently settled at Sandwich; were in want of a governess。 The head of the household was partner in a business (the exact nature of which it is
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