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little novels-第103章

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〃I suppose you have made the necessary arrangements;〃 he said。 〃When the old lady releases you; she will leave consolation behind her in her will。〃

〃That's the first ill…natured thing I ever heard you say; Dick。 When the old lady dies; my sense of honor takes fright; and turns its back on her will。 It's a condition on my side; that every farthing of her money shall be left to her relations。〃

〃Don't you call yourself one of them?〃

〃What a question! Am I her relation because the laws of society force a mock marriage on us? How can I make use of her money unless I am her husband? and how can she make use of my title unless she is my wife? As long as she lives I stand honestly by my side of the bargain。 But when she dies the transaction is at an end; and the surviving partner returns to his five hundred a year。〃

Dick exhibited another surprising side to his character。 The most compliant of men now became as obstinate as the proverbial mule。

〃All very well;〃 he said; 〃but it doesn't explain whyif you must sell yourselfyou have sold yourself to an old lady。 There are plenty of young ones and pretty ones with fortunes to tempt you。 It seems odd that you haven't tried your luck with one of them。〃

〃No; Dick。 It would have been odd; and worse than odd; if I had tried my luck with a young woman。〃

〃I don't see that。〃

〃You shall see it directly。 If I marry an old woman for her money; I have no occasion to be a hypocrite; we both know that our marriage is a mere matter of form。 But if I make a young woman my wife because I want her money; and if that young woman happens to be worth a straw; I must deceive her and disgrace myself by shamming love。 That; my boy; you may depend upon it; I will never do。〃

Dick's face suddenly brightened with a mingled expression of relief and triumph。

〃Ha! my mercenary friend;〃 he burst out; 〃there's something mixed up in this business which is worthier of you than anything I have heard yet。 Stop! I'm going to be clever for the first time in my life。 A man who talks of love as you do; must have felt love himself。 Where is the young one and the pretty one? And what  has she done; poor dear; to be deserted for an old woman? Good God! how you look at me! I have hurt your feelingsI have been a greater fool than everI am more ashamed of myself than words can say!〃

Beaucourt stopped him there; gently and firmly。

〃You have made a very natural mistake;〃 he said。 〃There _was_ a young lady。 She has refused meabsolutely refused me。 There is no more love in my life。 It's a dark life and an empty life for the rest of my days。 I must see what money can do for me next。 When I have thoroughly hardened my heart I may not feel my misfortune as I feel it now。 Pity me or despise me。 In either case let us say goodnight。〃

He went out into the hall and took his hat。 Dick went out into the hall and took _his_ hat。

〃Have your own way;〃 he answered; 〃I mean to have mineI'll go home with you。〃

The man was simply irresistible。 Beaucourt sat down resignedly on the nearest of the hall chairs。 Dick asked him to return to the dining…room。 〃No;〃 he said; 〃it's not worth while。 What I can tell you may be told in two minutes。〃 Dick submitted; and took the next of the hall chairs。 In that inappropriate place the young lord's unpremeditated confession was forced out of him; by no more formidable exercise of power than the kindness of his friend。

〃When you hear where I met with her;〃 he began; 〃you will most likely not want to hear any more。 I saw her; for the first time; on the stage of a music hall。〃

He looked at Dick。 Perfectly quiet and perfectly impenetrable; Dick only said; 〃Go on。〃 Beaucourt continued in these words:

〃She was singing Arne's delicious setting of Ariel's song in the 'Tempest;' with a taste and feeling completely thrown away on the greater part of the audience。 That she was beautifulin my eyes at leastI needn't say。 That she had descended to a sphere unworthy of her and new to her; nobody could doubt。 Her modest dress; her refinement of manner; seemed rather to puzzle than to please most of the people present; they applauded her; but not very warmly; when she retired。 I obtained an introduction through her music…master; who happened to be acquainted professionally with some relatives of mine。 He told me that she was a young widow; and he assured me that the calamity through which her family had lost their place in the world had brought no sort of disgrace on them。 If I wanted to know more; he referred me to the lady herself。 I found her very reserved。 A long time passed before I could win her confidenceand a longer time still before I ventured to confess the feeling with which she had inspired me。 You know the rest。〃

〃You mean; of course; that you offered her marriage?〃


〃And she refused you on account of your position in life。〃

〃No。 I had foreseen that obstacle; and had followed the example of the adventurous nobleman in the old story。 Like him; I assumed a name; and presented myself as belonging to her own respectable middle class of life。 You are too old a friend to suspect me of vanity if I tell you that she had no objection to me; and no suspicion that I had approached her (personally speaking) under a disguise。〃

〃What motive could she possibly have had for refusing you?〃 Dick asked。

〃A motive associated with her dead husband;〃 Beaucourt answered。 〃He had married hermind; innocently married herwhile his first wife was living。 The woman was an inveterate drunkard; they had been separated for years。 Her death had been publicly reported in the newspapers; among the persons killed in a railway accident abroad。 When she claimed her unhappy husband he was in delicate health。 The shock killed him。 His widowI can't; and won't; speak of her misfortune as if it was her faultknew of no living friends who were in a position to help her。 Not a great artist with a wonderful voice; she could still trust to her musical accomplishments to provide for the necessities of life。 Plead as I might with her to forget the past; I always got the same reply: 'If I was base enough to let myself be tempted by the happy future that you offer; I should deserve the unmerited disgrace which has fallen on me。 Marry a woman whose reputation will bear inquiry; and forget me。' I was mad enough to press my suit once too often。 When I visited her on the next day she was gone。 Every effort to trace her has failed。 Lost; my friendirretrievably lost to me!〃

He offered his hand and said good…night。 Dick held him back on the doorstep。

〃Break off your mad engagement to Miss Dulane;〃 he said。 〃Be a man; Howel; wait and hope! You are throwing away your life when happiness is within your reach; if you will only be patient。 That poor young creature is worthy of you。 Lost? Nonsense! In this narrow little world people are never hopelessly lost till they are dead and underground。 Help me to recognize her by a description; and tell me her name。 I'll find her; I'll persuade her to come back to youand; mark my words; you will live to bless the day when you followed my advice。〃

This well…meant remonstrance was completely thrown away。 Beaucourt's despair was deaf to every entreaty that Dic
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