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little novels-第10章

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Mr。 Rayburn suddenly pointed to Mrs。 Zant。

〃Look at her!〃 he said。 〃There's a change!〃

All restlessness in her movements had come to an end。 She was standing at the further end of the table; which was nearest to the window; in the full flow of sunlight pouring at that moment over her face。 Her eyes looked out straight before hervoid of all expression。 Her lips were a little parted: her head drooped slightly toward her shoulder; in an attitude which suggested listening for something or waiting for something。 In the warm brilliant light; she stood before the two men; a living creature self…isolated in a stillness like the stillness of death。

John Zant was ready with the expression of his opinion。

〃A nervous seizure;〃 he said。 〃Something resembling catalepsy; as you see。〃

〃Have you sent for a doctor?〃

〃A doctor is not wanted。〃

〃I beg your pardon。 It seems to me that medical help is absolutely necessary。〃

〃Be so good as to remember; 〃 Mr。 John Zant answered; 〃that the decision rests with me; as the lady's relative。 I am sensible of the honor which your visit confers on me。 But the time has been unhappily chosen。 Forgive me if I suggest that you will do well to retire。〃

Mr。 Rayburn had not forgotten the housekeeper's advice; or the promise which she had exacted from him。 But the expression in John Zant's face was a serious trial  to his self…control。 He hesitated; and looked back at Mrs。 Zant。

If he provoked a quarrel by remaining in the room; the one alternative would be the removal of her by force。 Fear of the consequences to herself; if she was suddenly and roughly roused from her trance; was the one consideration which reconciled him to submission。 He withdrew。

The housekeeper was waiting for him below; on the first landing。 When the door of the drawing…room had been closed again; she signed to him to follow her; and returned up the stairs。 After another struggle with himself; he obeyed。 They entered the library from the corridorand placed themselves behind the closed curtain which hung over the doorway。 It was easy so to arrange the edge of the drapery as to observe; without exciting suspicion; whatever was going on in the next room。

Mrs。 Zant's brother…in…law was approaching her at the time when Mr。 Rayburn saw him again。

In the instant afterward; she movedbefore he had completely passed over the space between them。 Her still figure began to tremble。 She lifted her drooping head。 For a moment there was a shrinking in heras if she had been touched by something。 She seemed to recognize the touch: she was still again。

John Zant watched the change。 It suggested to him that she was beginning to recover her senses。 He tried the experiment of speaking to her。

〃My love; my sweet angel; come to the heart that adores you!〃

He advanced again; he passed into the flood of sunlight pouring over her。

〃Rouse yourself!〃 he said。

She still remained in the same position; apparently at his mercy; neither hearing him nor seeing him。

〃Rouse yourself!〃 he repeated。 〃My darling; come to me!〃

At the instant when he attempted to embrace herat the instant when Mr。 Rayburn rushed into the roomJohn Zant's arms; suddenly turning rigid; remained outstretched。 With a shriek of horror; he struggled to draw them backstruggled; in the empty brightness of the sunshine; as if some invisible grip had seized him。

〃What has got me?〃 the wretch screamed。 〃Who is holding my hands? Oh; the cold of it! the cold of it!〃

His features became convulsed; his eyes turned upward until only the white eyeballs were visible。 He fell prostrate with a crash that shook the room。

The housekeeper ran in。 She knelt by her master's body。 With one hand she loosened his cravat。 With the other she pointed to the end of the table。

Mrs。 Zant still kept her place; but there was another change。 Little by little; her eyes recovered their natural living expressionthen slowly closed。 She tottered backward from the table; and lifted her hands wildly; as if to grasp at something which might support her。 Mr。 Rayburn hurried to her before she felllifted her in his armsand carried her out of the room。

One of the servants met them in the hall。 He sent her for a carriage。 In a quarter of an hour more; Mrs。 Zant was safe under his care at the hotel。


THAT night a note; written by the housekeeper; was delivered to Mrs。 Zant。

〃The doctors give little hope。 The paralytic stroke is spreading upward to his face。 If death spares him; he will live a helpless man。 I shall take care of him to the last。 As for youforget him。〃

Mrs。 Zant gave the note to Mr。 Rayburn。

〃Read it; and destroy it;〃 she said。 〃It is written in ignorance of the terrible truth。〃

He obeyedand looked at her in silence; waiting to hear more。 She hid her face。 The few words she had addressed to him; after a struggle with herself; fell slowly and reluctantly from her lips。

She said: 〃No mortal hand held the hands of John Zant。 The guardian spirit was with me。 The promised protection was with me。 I know it。 I wish to know no more。〃

Having spoken; she rose to retire。 He opened the door for her; seeing that she needed rest in her own room。

Left by himself; he began to consider the prospect that was before him in the future。 How was he to regard the woman who had just left him? As a poor creature weakened by disease; the victim of her own nervous delusion? or as the chosen object of a supernatural revelationunparalleled by any similar revelation that he had heard of; or had found recorded in books? His first discovery of the place that she really held in his estimation dawned on his mind; when he felt himself recoiling from the conclusion which presented her to his pity; and yielding to the nobler conviction which felt with her faith; and raised her to a place apart among other women。


THEY left St。 Sallins the next day。

Arrived at the end of the journey; Lucy held fast by Mrs。 Zant's hand。 Tears were rising in the child's eyes。

〃Are we to bid her good…by?〃 she said sadly to her father。

He seemed to be unwilling to trust himself to speak; he only said:

〃My dear; ask her yourself。〃

But the result justified him。 Lucy was happy again。



WHEN I first saw him; he was lost in one of the Dead Cities of Englandsituated on the South Coast; and called Sandwich。

Shall I describe Sandwich? I think not。 Let us own the truth; descriptions of places; however nicely they may be written; are always more or less dull。 Being a woman; I naturally hate dullness。 Perhaps some description of Sandwich may drop out; as it were; from my report of our conversation when we first met as strangers in the street。

He began irritably。 〃I've lost myself;〃 he said。

〃People who don't know the town often do that;〃 I remarked。

He went on: 〃Which is my way to the Fleur de Lys Inn?〃

His way was; in the first place; to retrace his steps。 Then to turn to the left。 Then to go on until he found two streets meeting。 Then to take the street on the right。 Then to look out for the second turning on the left。 Then to follow the turning until he smelled stablesand there was the inn。 I put it in the clearest
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