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where we were in most distress this stranger hath appeared; to be a

haven in my counsels; to him will we make fast the cables of our

ship when we come to the town and citadel of Pallas。 But now will I

explain to thee my plans in full; do not expect to hear a pleasant

tale。 A servant of mine will I to Jason send and crave an interview;

then when he comes I will address him with soft words; say; 〃this

pleases me;〃 and; 〃that is well;〃 even the marriage with the princess;

which my treacherous lord is celebrating; and add 〃it suits us both;

'twas well thought out〃; then will I entreat that here my children may

abide; not that I mean to leave them in a hostile land for foes to

flout; but that I may slay the king's daughter by guile。 For I will

send them with gifts in their hands; carrying them unto the bride to

save them from banishment; a robe of finest woof and a chaplet of

gold。 And if these ornaments she take and put them on; miserably shall

she die; and likewise everyone who touches her; with such fell poisons

will I smear my gifts。 And here I quit this theme; but I shudder at

the deed I must do next; for I will slay the children I have borne;

there is none shall take them from my toils; and when I have utterly

confounded Jason's house I will leave the land; escaping punishment

for my dear children's murder; after my most unholy deed。 For I cannot

endure the taunts of enemies; kind friends; enough! what gain is

life to me? I have no country; home; or refuge left。 O; I did wrong;

that hour I left my father's home; persuaded by that Hellene's

words; who now shall pay the penalty; so help me God; Never shall he

see again alive the children I bore to him; nor from his new bride

shall he beget issue; for she must die a hideous death; slain by my

drugs。 Let no one deem me a poor weak woman who sits with folded

hands; but of another mould; dangerous to foes and well…disposed to

friends; for they win the fairest fame who live then; life like me。


    Since thou hast imparted this design to me; I bid thee hold thy

hand; both from a wish to serve thee and because I would uphold the

laws men make。


    It cannot but be so; thy words I pardon since thou art not in

the same sorry plight that I am。


    O lady; wilt thou steel thyself to slay thy children twain?


    I will; for that will stab my husband to the heart。


    It may; but thou wilt be the saddest wife alive。


    No matter; wasted is every word that comes 'twixt now and then。

Ho! (The NURSE enters in answer to her call。) Thou; go call me Jason

hither; for thee I do employ on every mission of trust。 No word

divulge of all my purpose; as thou art to thy mistress loyal and

likewise of my sex。

                                                (The NURSE goes out。)

  CHORUS (singing)

                                                            strophe 1

    Sons of Erechtheus; heroes happy from of yore; children of the

blessed gods; fed on wisdom's glorious food in a holy land ne'er

pillaged by its foes; ye who move with sprightly step through a

climate ever bright and clear; where; as legend tells; the Muses nine;

Pieria's holy maids; were brought to birth by Harmonia with the golden


                                                        antistrophe 1

    And poets sing how Cypris drawing water from the streams of

fair…flowing Cephissus breathes o'er the land a gentle breeze of balmy

winds; and ever as she crowns her tresses with a garland of sweet

rose…buds sends forth the Loves to sit by wisdom's side; to take

part in every excellence。

                                                            strophe 2

    How then shall the city of sacred streams; the land that

welcomes those it loves; receive thee; the murderess of thy

children; thee whose presence with others is a pollution? 'Think on

the murder of thy children; consider the bloody deed thou takest on

thee。 Nay; by thy knees we; one and all; implore thee; slay not thy


                                                        antistrophe 2

    Where shall hand or heart find hardihood enough in wreaking such a

fearsome deed upon thy sons? How wilt thou look upon thy babes; and

still without a tear retain thy bloody purpose? Thou canst not; when

they fall at thy feet for mercy; steel thy heart and dip in their

blood thy hand。

                                                      (JASON enters。)


    I am come at thy bidding; for e'en though thy hate for me is

bitter thou shalt not fail in this small boon; but I will hear what

new request thou hast to make of me; lady。


    Jason; I crave thy pardon for the words I spoke; and well thou

mayest brook my burst of passion; for ere now we twain have shared

much love。 For I have reasoned with my soul and railed upon me thus;

〃Ah! poor heart! why am I thus distraught; why so angered 'gainst

all good advice; why have I come to hate the rulers of the land; my

husband too; who does the best for me he can; in wedding with a

princess and rearing for my children noble brothers? Shall I not cease

to fret? What possesses me; when heaven its best doth offer? Have I

not my children to consider? do I forget that we are fugitives; in

need of friends?〃 When I had thought all this I saw how foolish I

had been; how senselessly enraged。 So now do commend thee and think

thee most wise in forming this connection for us; but I was mad; I who

should have shared in these designs; helped on thy plans; and lent

my aid to bring about the match; only too pleased to wait upon thy

bride。 But what we are; we are; we women; evil I will not say;

wherefore thou shouldst not sink to our sorry level nor with our

weapons meet our childishness。

    I yield and do confess that I was wrong then; but now have I

come to a better mind。 Come hither; my children; come; leave the

house; step forth; and with me greet and bid farewell to your

father; be reconciled from all past bitterness unto your friends; as

now your mother is; for we have made a truce and anger is no more。

     (The ATTENDANT comes out of the house with the children。)

    Take his right hand; ah me! my sad fate! when I reflect; as now;

upon the hidden future。 O my children; since there awaits you even

thus a long; long life; stretch forth the hand to take a fond

farewell。 Ah me! how new to tears am I; how full of fear! For now that

I have at last released me from my quarrel with your father; I let the

tear…drops stream adown my tender cheek。


    From my eyes too bursts forth the copious tear; O; may no

greater ill than the present e'er befall!


    Lady; I praise this conduct; not that I blame what is past; for it

is but natural to the female sex to vent their spleen against a

husband when he trafficks in other marriages besides his own。 But

thy heart is changed
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