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a vindication of the rights of woman-第39章

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lay's approbation with a little of that sanguine ardour which it has been the business of my life to depress; but soon heard with the sickly qualm of disappointed hope; and the still seriousness of regretthat she was no more! SECTION 5。5。 Taking a view of the different works which have been written on education; Lord Chesterfield's Letters must not be silently passed over。  Not that I mean to analyze his unmanly; immoral system; or even to cull any of the useful shrewd remarks which occur in his frivolous correspondenceNo; I only mean to make a few reflections on the avowed tendency of themthe art of acquiring an early knowledge of the world。  An art; I will venture to assert; that preys secretly; like the worm in the bud; on the expanding powers; and turns to poison the generous juices which should mount with vigour in the youthful frame; inspiring warm affections and great resolves。 For every thing; saith the wise man; there is reason; and who would look for the fruits of autumn during the genial months of spring? But this is mere declamation; and I mean to reason with those worldly…wise instructors; who; instead of cultivating the judgment; instil prejudices; and render hard the heart that gradual experience would only have cooled。  An early acquaintance with human infirmities; or; what is termed knowledge of the world; is the surest way; in my opinion; to contract the heart and damp the natural youthful ardour which produces not only great talents; but great virtues。  For the vain attempt to bring forth the fruit of experience; before the sapling has thrown out its leaves; only exhausts its strength; and prevents its assuming a natural form; just as the form and strength of subsiding metals are injured when the attraction of cohesion is disturbed。  Tell me; ye who have studied the human mind; is it not a strange way to fix principles by showing young people that they are seldom stable?  And how can they be fortified by habits when they are proved to be fallacious by example?  Why is the ardour of youth thus to be damped; and the luxuriancy of fancy cut to the quick?  This dry caution may; it is true; guard a character from worldly mischances; but will infallibly preclude excellence in either virtue or knowledge。  The stumbling…block thrown across every path by suspicion; will prevent any vigorous exertions of genius or benevolence; and life will be stripped of its most alluring charm long before its calm evening; when man should retire to contemplation for comfort and support。 A young man who has been bred up with domestic friends; and led to store his mind with as much speculative knowledge as can be acquired by reading and the natural reflections which youthful ebullitions of animal spirits and instinctive feelings inspire; will enter the world with warm and erroneous expectations。  But this appears to be the course of nature; and in morals; as well as in works of taste; we should be observant of her sacred indications; and not presume to lead when we ought obsequiously to follow。 In the world few people act from principle; present feelings; and early habits; are the grand springs:  but how would the former be deadened; and the latter rendered iron corroding fetters; if the world were shown to young people just as it is; when no knowledge of mankind or their own hearts; slowly obtained by experience rendered them forbearing?  Their fellow creatures would not then be viewed as frail beings; like themselves; condemned to struggle with human infirmities; and sometimes displaying the light and sometimes the dark side of their character; extorting alternate feelings of love and disgust; but guarded against as beasts of prey; till every enlarged social feeling; in a wordhumanity; was eradicated。 In life; on the contrary; as we gradually discover the imperfections of our nature; we discover virtues; and various circumstances attach us to our fellow creatures; when we mix with them; and view the same objects; that are never thought of in acquiring a hasty unnatural knowledge of the world。  We see a folly swell into a vice; by almost imperceptible degrees; and pity while we blame; but; if the hideous monster burst suddenly on our sight; fear and disgust rendering us more severe than man ought to be; might lead us with blind zeal to usurp the character of omnipotence; and denounce damnation on our fellow mortals; forgetting that we cannot read the heart; and that we have seeds of the same vices lurking in our own。 I have already remarked; that we expect more from instruction; than mere instruction can produce:  for; instead of preparing young people to encounter the evils of life with dignity; and to acquire wisdom and virtue by the exercise of their own faculties; precepts are heaped upon precepts; and blind obedience required; when conviction should be brought home to reason。 Suppose; for instance; that a young person in the first ardour of friendship deifies the beloved objectwhat harm can arise from this mistaken enthusiastic attachment?  Perhaps it is necessary for virtue first to appear in a human form to impress youthful hearts; the ideal model; which a more matured and exalted mind looks up to; and shapes for itself; would elude their sight。  He who loves not his brother whom he hath seen; how can he love God? asked the wisest of men。 It is natural for youth to adorn the first object of its affection with every good quality; and the emulation produced by ignorance; or; to speak with more propriety; by inexperience; brings forward the mind capable of forming such an affection; and when; in the lapse of time; perfection is found not to be within the reach of mortals; virtue; abstractly; is thought beautiful; and wisdom sublime。  Admiration then gives place to friendship; properly so called; because it is cemented by esteem; and the being walks alone only dependent on heaven for that emulous panting after perfection which ever glows in a noble mind。  But this knowledge a man must gain by the exertion of his own faculties; and this is surely the blessed fruit of disappointed hope! for He who delighteth to diffuse happiness and show mercy to the weak creatures; who are learning to know him; never implanted a good propensity to be a tormenting ignis fatuus。 Our trees are now allowed to spread with wild luxuriance; nor do we expect by force to combine the majestic marks of time with youthful graces; but wait patiently till they have struck deep their root; and braved many a storm。  Is the mind then; which; in proportion to its dignity advances more slowly towards perfection; to be treated with less respect?  To argue from analogy; every thing around us is in a progressive state; and when an unwelcome knowledge of life produces almost a satiety of life; and we discover by the natural course of things that all that is done under the sun is vanity; we are drawing near the awful close of the drama。  The days of activity and hope are over; and the opportunities which the first stage of existence has afforded of advancing in the scale of intelligence; must soon be summed up。  A knowledge at this period of the futility of life; or earlier; if obtained by experience; is very useful; because it is natural; but when a frail being is shown the 
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