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albert savarus-第3章

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a flat nose; and brown expressionless eyes; nothing Spanish about him。
He was progressing rapidly in the direction of obesity; which would be
fatal to his pretensions。 His nails were well kept; his beard trimmed;
the smallest details of his dress attended to with English precision。
Hence Amedee de Soulas was looked upon as the finest man in Besancon。
A hairdresser who waited upon him at a fixed houranother luxury;
costing sixty francs a yearheld him up as the sovereign authority in
matters of fashion and elegance。

Amedee slept late; dressed and went out towards noon; to go to one of
his farms and practise pistol…shooting。 He attached as much importance
to this exercise as Lord Byron did in his later days。 Then; at three
o'clock he came home; admired on horseback by the grisettes and the
ladies who happened to be at their windows。 After an affectation of
study or business; which seemed to engage him till four; he dressed to
dine out; spent the evening in the drawing…rooms of the aristocracy of
Besancon playing whist; and went home to bed at eleven。 No life could
be more above board; more prudent; or more irreproachable; for he
punctually attended the services at church on Sundays and holy days。

To enable you to understand how exceptional is such a life; it is
necessary to devote a few words to an account of Besancon。 No town
ever offered more deaf and dumb resistance to progress。 At Besancon
the officials; the employes; the military; in short; every one engaged
in governing it; sent thither from Paris to fill a post of any kind;
are all spoken of by the expressive general name of /the Colony/。 The
colony is neutral ground; the only ground where; as in church; the
upper rank and the townsfolk of the place can meet。 Here; fired by a
word; a look; or gesture; are started those feuds between house and
house; between a woman of rank and a citizen's wife; which endure till
death; and widen the impassable gulf which parts the two classes of
society。 With the exception of the Clermont…Mont…Saint…Jean; the
Beauffremont; the de Scey; and the Gramont families; with a few others
who come only to stay on their estates in the Comte; the aristocracy
of Besancon dates no further back than a couple of centuries; the time
of the conquest by Louis XIV。 This little world is essentially of the
/parlement/; and arrogant; stiff; solemn; uncompromising; haughty
beyond all comparison; even with the Court of Vienna; for in this the
nobility of Besancon would put the Viennese drawing…rooms to shame。 As
to Victor Hugo; Nodier; Fourier; the glories of the town; they are
never mentioned; no one thinks about them。 The marriages in these
families are arranged in the cradle; so rigidly are the greatest
things settled as well as the smallest。 No stranger; no intruder; ever
finds his way into one of these houses; and to obtain an introduction
for the colonels or officers of title belonging to the first families
in France when quartered there; requires efforts of diplomacy which
Prince Talleyrand would gladly have mastered to use at a congress。

In 1834 Amedee was the only man in Besancon who wore trouser…straps;
this will account for the young man's being regarded as a lion。 And a
little anecdote will enable you to understand the city of Besancon。

Some time before the opening of this story; the need arose at the
prefecture for bringing an editor from Paris for the official
newspaper; to enable it to hold its own against the little /Gazette/;
dropped at Besancon by the great /Gazette/; and the /Patriot/; which
frisked in the hands of the Republicans。 Paris sent them a young man;
knowing nothing about la Franche Comte; who began by writing them a
leading article of the school of the /Charivari/。 The chief of the
moderate party; a member of the municipal council; sent for the
journalist and said to him; 〃You must understand; monsieur; that we
are serious; more than serioustiresome; we resent being amused; and
are furious at having been made to laugh。 Be as hard of digestion as
the toughest disquisitions in the Revue des Deux Mondes; and you will
hardly reach the level of Besancon。〃

The editor took the hint; and thenceforth spoke the most
incomprehensible philosophical lingo。 His success was complete。

If young Monsieur de Soulas did not fall in the esteem of Besancon
society; it was out of pure vanity on its part; the aristocracy were
happy to affect a modern air; and to be able to show any Parisians of
rank who visited the Comte a young man who bore some likeness to them。

All this hidden labor; all this dust thrown in people's eyes; this
display of folly and latent prudence; had an object; or the /lion/ of
Besancon would have been no son of the soil。 Amedee wanted to achieve
a good marriage by proving some day that his farms were not mortgaged;
and that he had some savings。 He wanted to be the talk of the town; to
be the finest and best…dressed man there; in order to win first the
attention; and then the hand; of Mademoiselle Rosalie de Watteville。

In 1830; at the time when young Monsieur de Soulas was setting up in
business as a dandy; Rosalie was but fourteen。 Hence; in 1834;
Mademoiselle de Watteville had reached the age when young persons are
easily struck by the peculiarities which attracted the attention of
the town to Amedee。 There are so many /lions/ who become /lions/ out
of self…interest and speculation。 The Wattevilles; who for twelve
years had been drawing an income of fifty thousand francs a year; did
not spend more than four…and…twenty thousand francs a year; while
receiving all the upper circle of Besancon every Monday and Friday。 On
Monday they gave a dinner; on Friday an evening party。 Thus; in twelve
years; what a sum must have accumulated from twenty…six thousand
francs a year; saved and invested with the judgment that distinguishes
those old families! It was very generally supposed that Madame de
Watteville; thinking she had land enough; had placed her savings in
the three per cents; in 1830。 Rosalie's dowry would therefore; as the
best informed opined; amount to about twenty thousand francs a year。
So for the last five years Amedee had worked like a mole to get into
the highest favor of the severe Baroness; while laying himself out to
flatter Mademoiselle de Watteville's conceit。

Madame de Watteville was in the secret of the devices by which Amedee
succeeded in keeping up his rank in Besancon; and esteemed him highly
for it。 Soulas had placed himself under her wing when she was thirty;
and at that time had dared to admire her and make her his idol; he had
got so far as to be allowedhe alone in the worldto pour out to her
all the unseemly gossip which almost all very precise women love to
hear; being authorized by their superior virtue to look into the gulf
without falling; and into the devil's snares without being caught。 Do
you understand why the lion did not allow himself the very smallest
intrigue? He lived a public life; in the street so to speak; on
purpose to play the part of a lover sacrificed to duty by the
Baroness; and to feast her mind with the sins she had forbidden to her
senses。 A man who is so privileged as to be 
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