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the four horsemen of the apocalypse-第34章

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And in the tone in which these words were uttered throbbed an expression of hatred and a thirst for vengeance which astonished both listeners。

〃Even though England attack us;〃 continued Hartrott; 〃we shall conquer; notwithstanding。  This adversary is not more terrible than the others。  For the past century she has ruled the world。  Upon the fall of Napoleon she seized the continental hegemony; and will fight to keep it。  But what does her energy amount to? 。 。 。  As our Bernhardi says; the English people are merely a nation of renters and sportsmen。  Their army is formed from the dregs of the nation。 The country lacks military spirit。  We are a people of warriors; and it will be an easy thing for us to conquer the English; debilitated by a false conception of life。〃

The Doctor paused and then added: 〃We are counting on the internal corruption of our enemies; on their lack of unity。  God will aid us by sowing confusion among these detested people。  In a few days you will see His hand。  Revolution is going to break out in France at the same time as war。  The people of Paris will build barricades in the streets and the scenes of the Commune will repeat themselves。 Tunis; Algiers and all their other possessions are about to rise against the metropolis。〃

Argensola seized the opportunity to smile with an aggressive incredulity。

〃I repeat it;〃 insisted Hartrott; 〃that this country is going to have internal revolution and colonial insurrection。  I know perfectly well what I am talking about。 。 。 。  Russia also will break out into revolution with a red flag that will force the Czar to beg for mercy on his knees。  You have only to read in the papers of the recent strikes in Saint Petersburg; and the manifestations of the strikers with the pretext of President Poincare's visit。 。 。 。 England will see her appeals to her colonies completely ignored。 India is going to rise against her; and Egypt; too; will seize this opportunity for her emancipation。〃

Julio was beginning to be impressed by these affirmations enunciated with such oracular certainty; and he felt almost irritated at the incredulous Argensola; who continued looking insolently at the seer; repeating with his winking eyes; 〃He is insaneinsane with pride。〃 The man certainly must have strong reasons for making such awful prophecies。  His presence in Paris just at this time was difficult for Desnoyers to understand; and gave to his words a mysterious authority。

〃But the nations will defend themselves;〃 he protested to his cousin。  〃Victory will not be such a very simple thing as you imagine。〃

〃Yes; they will defend themselves; and the struggle will be fiercely contested。  It appears that; of late years; France has been paying some attention to her army。  We shall undoubtedly encounter some resistance; triumph may be somewhat difficult; but we are going to prevail。 。 。 。  You have no idea to what extent the offensive power of Germany has attained。  Nobody knows with certainty beyond the frontiers。  If our foes should comprehend it in all its immensity; they would fall on their knees beforehand to beg for mercy; thus obviating the necessity for useless sacrifices。〃

There was a long silence。  Julius von Hartrott appeared lost in reverie。  The very thought of the accumulated strength of his race submerged him in a species of mystic adoration。

〃The preliminary victory;〃 he suddenly exclaimed; 〃we gained some time ago。  Our enemies; therefore; hate us; and yet they imitate us。 All that bears the stamp of Germany is in demand throughout the world。  The very countries that are trying to resist our arms copy our methods in their universities and admire our theories; even those which do not attain success in Germany。  Oftentimes we laugh among ourselves; like the Roman augurs; upon seeing the servility with which they follow us! 。 。 。  And yet they will not admit our superiority!〃

For the first time; Argensola's eyes and general expression approved the words of Hartrott。  What he had just said was only too truethe world was a victim of 〃the German superstition。〃  An intellectual cowardice; the fear of Force had made it admire en masse and indiscriminately; everything of Teutonic origin; just because of the intensity of its glittergold mixed with talcum。  The so…called Latins; dazed with admiration; were; with unreasonable pessimism; becoming doubtful of their ability; and thus were the first to decree their own death。  And the conceited Germans merely had to repeat the words of these pessimists in order to strengthen their belief in their own superiority。

With that Southern temperament; which leaps rapidly from one extreme to another; many Latins had proclaimed that in the world of the future; there would be no place for the Latin peoples; now in their death…agonyadding that Germany alone preserved the latent forces of civilization。  The French who declaimed among themselves; with the greatest exaggeration; unconscious that folks were listening the other side of the door; had proclaimed repeatedly for many years past; that France was degenerating rapidly and would soon vanish from the earth。 。 。 。  Then why should they resent the scorn of their enemies。 。 。 。  Why shouldn't the Germans share in their beliefs?

The professor; misinterpreting the silent agreement of the Spaniard who until then had been listening with such a hostile smile; added:

〃Now is the time to try out in France the German culture; implanting it there as conquerors。〃

Here Argensola interrupted; 〃And what if there is no such thing as German culture; as a celebrated Teuton says?〃  It had become necessary to contradict this pedant who had become insufferable with his egotism。  Hartrott almost jumped from his chair on hearing such a doubt。

〃What German is that?〃


The professor looked at him pityingly。  Nietzsche had said to mankind; 〃Be harsh!〃 affirming that 〃a righteous war sanctifies every cause。〃  He had exalted Bismarck; he had taken part in the war of '70; he was glorifying Germany when he spoke of 〃the smiling lion;〃 and 〃the blond beast。〃  But Argensola listened with the tranquillity of one sure of his ground。  Oh; hours of placid reading near the studio chimney; listening to the rain beating against the pane! 。 。 。

〃The philosopher did say that;〃 he admitted; 〃and he said many other very different things; like all great thinkers。  His doctrine is one of pride; but of individual pride; not that of a nation or race。  He always spoke against 'the insidious fallacy of race。'〃

Argensola recalled his philosophy word for word。  Culture; according to Nietzsche; was 〃unity of style in all the manifestations of life。〃  Science did not necessarily include culture。  Great knowledge might be accompanied with great barbarity; by the absence of style or by the chaotic confusion of all styles。  Germany; according to the philosopher; had no genuine culture owing to its lack of style。  〃The French;〃 he had said; 〃were at the head of an authentic and fruitful culture; whatever their valor might be; and until now everybody had drawn upon it。〃  Their hatreds were concentrated within their own country。  〃I cannot endure Germany。 The spirit of servility and pettiness penetrate
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