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the four horsemen of the apocalypse-第116章

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been peasants; factory hands; business clerks; German gluttons of measureless (intestinal) capacity; who had seen in the war an opportunity for satisfying their appetites; for beating somebody and ordering them about after having passed their lives in their country; obeying and receiving kicks。

The history of their country was nothing more than a series of raidslike the Indian forays; in order to plunder the property of those who lived in the mild Mediterranean climes。  The Herr Professors had proved to their countrymen that such sacking incursions were indispensable to the highest civilization; and that the German was marching onward with the enthusiasm of a good father sacrificing himself in order to secure bread for his family。

Hundreds of thousands of letters; written by their relatives with tremulous hands; were following the great Germanic horde across the invaded countries。  Desnoyers had overheard the reading of some of these; at nightfall before his ruined castle。  These were some of the messages found in the pockets of the imprisoned or dead:〃Don't show any pity for the red pantaloons。  Kill WHOMEVER YOU CAN; and show no mercy even to the little ones。〃 。 。 。   〃We would thank you for the shoes; but the girl cannot get them on。  Those French have such ridiculously small feet!〃 。 。 。  〃Try to get hold of a piano。〃。 。 。   〃I would very much like a good watch。〃 。 。 。  〃Our neighbor; the Captain; has sent his wife a necklace of pearls。 。 。 。 And you send only such insignificant things!〃

The virtuous German had been advancing heroically with the double desire of enlarging his country and of making valuable gifts to his offspring。  〃Deutschland uber alles!〃  But their most cherished illusions had fallen into the burial ditch in company with thousands of comrades…at…arms fed on the same dreams。

Desnoyers could imagine the impatience on the other side of the Rhine; the pitiful women who were waiting and waiting。  The lists of the dead had; perhaps; overlooked the missing ones; and the letters kept coming and coming to the German lines; many of them never reaching their destination。  〃Why don't you answer!  Perhaps you are not writing so as to give us a great surprise。  Don't forget the necklace!  Send us a piano。  A carved china cabinet for the dining room would please us greatly。  The French have so many beautiful things!〃 。 。 。

The bare cross rose stark and motionless above the lime…blanched land。  Near it the little flags were fluttering their wings; moving from side to side like a head shaking out a smiling; ironical protestNo! 。 。 。  No!

The automobile continued on its painful way。  The guide was now pointing to a distant group of graves。  That was undoubtedly the place where the regiment had been fighting。  So the vehicle left the main road; sinking its wheels in the soft earth; having to make wide detours in order to avoid the mounds scattered about so capriciously by the casualties of the combat。

Almost all of the fields were ploughed。  The work of the farmer extended from tomb to tomb; making them more prominent as the morning sun forced its way through the enshrouding mists。

Nature; blind; unfeeling and silent; ignoring individual existence and taking to her bosom with equal indifference; a poor little animal or a million corpses; was beginning to smile under the late winter suns。

The fountains were still crusted with their beards of ice; the earth snapped as the feet weighed down its hidden crystals; the trees; black and sleeping; were still retaining the coat of metallic green in which the winter had clothed them; from the depths of the earth still issued an acute; deadly chill; like that of burned…out planets。 。 。 。  But Spring had already girded herself with flowers in her palace in the tropics; and was saddling with green her trusty steed; neighing with impatience。  Soon they would race through the fields; driving before them in disordered flight the black goblins of winter; and leaving in their wake green growing things and tender; subtle perfumes。  The wayside greenery; robing itself in tiny buds; was already heralding their arrival。  The birds were venturing forth from their retreats in order to wing their way among the crows croaking wrathfully above the closed tombs。  The landscape was beginning to smile in the sunlight with the artless; deceptive smile of a child who looks candidly around while his pockets are stuffed with stolen goodies。

The husbandmen had ploughed the fields and filled the furrows with seed。  Men might go on killing each other as much as they liked; the soil had no concern with their hatreds; and on that account; did not propose to alter its course。  As every year; the metal cutter had opened its usual lines; obliterating with its ridges the traces of man and beast; undismayed and with stubborn diligence filling up the tunnels which the bombs had made。

Sometimes the ploughshare had struck against an obstacle underground 。 。 。 an unknown; unburied man; but the cultivator had continued on its way without pity。  Every now and then; it was stopped by less yielding obstructions; projectiles which had sunk into the ground intact。  The rustic had dug up these instruments of death which occasionally had exploded their delayed charge in his hands。

But the man of the soil knows no fear when in search of sustenance; and so was doggedly continuing his rectilinear advance; swerving only before the visible tombs; there the furrows had curved mercifully; making little islands of the mounds surmounted by crosses and flags。  The seeds of future bread were preparing to extend their tentacles like devil fish among those who; but a short time before; were animated by such monstrous ambition。  Life was about to renew itself once more。

The automobile came to a standstill。  The guide was running about among the crosses; stooping over in order to examine their weather… stained inscriptions。

〃Here we are!〃

He had found above one grave the number of the regiment。

Chichi and her husband promptly dismounted again。  Then Dona Luisa; with sad resolution; biting her lips to keep the tears back。  Then the three devoted themselves to assisting the father who had thrown off his fur lap…robe。  Poor Desnoyers!  On touching the ground; he swayed back and forth; moving forward with the greatest effort; lifting his feet with difficulty; and sinking his staff in the hollows。

〃Lean on me; my poor dear;〃 said the old wife; offering her arm。

The masterful head of the family could no longer take a single step without their aid。

Then began their slow; painful pilgrimage among the graves。

The guide was still exploring the spot bristling with crosses; spelling out the names; and hesitating before the faded lettering。 Rene was doing the same on the other side of the road。  Chichi went on alone; the wind whirling her black veil around her; and making the little curls escape from under her mourning hat every time she leaned over to decipher a name。  Her daintily shod feet sunk deep into the ruts; and she had to gather her skirts about her in order to move more comfortablyrevealing thus at every step evidences of the joy of living; of hidden beauty; of consummated love following he
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