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probably to spy out the land。  Down he came in ever…narrowing turns;

till he reached the appointed spot for the plunge; and; according to the

immemorial custom of these birds; hung a while before he pounced with

his head to the south and his great; spreading tail towards me。

This was my chance; and; rejoicing in having so large a mark; I got the

sight upon him and pulled。  The bullet thudded; some feathers floated

from his belly; showing that it had gone home; and I looked to see him

fall as the others had done。  But alas! he did not fall。  For a few

seconds he rocked to and fro upon his great wings; then commenced to

travel upwards in vast circles; which grew gradually more narrow; till

he appeared to be flying almost straight into the empyrean。  I stared

and stared。  Everybody stared; till that enormous bird became; first a

mere blot upon the blue; and at length but a speck。  Then it vanished

altogether into regions far beyond the sight of man。

〃Now there is an end;〃 I said to Hans。

〃Ja; baas;〃 answered the Hottentot between his chattering teeth; 〃there

is an end。  You did not put in enough powder。  Presently we shall all be


〃Not quite;〃 I said with a bitter laugh。  〃Hans; load the rifle; load it

quick。  Before they die there shall be another king in Zululand。〃

〃Good; good!〃 he exclaimed as he loaded desperately。  〃Let us take that

fat pig of a Dingaan with us。  Shoot him in the stomach; baas; shoot him

in the stomach; so that he too may learn what it is to die slowly。  Then

cut my throat; here is my big knife; and afterwards cut your own; if you

have not time to load the gun again and shoot yourself; which is


I nodded; for it was in my mind to do these things。  Never could I stand

still and see those poor Boers killed; and I knew that Marie would look

after herself。

Meanwhile; the Zulus were coming towards me; and the soldiers who had

charge of them were driving up Marais's people; making pretence to

thrust them through with their assegais; and shouting at them as men do

at cattle。  Both parties arrived in the depression at about the same

time; but remained separated by a little space。  In this space lay the

corpses of the murdered men and the two dead aasvogels; with Hans and

myself standing opposite to them。

〃Well; little Son of George;〃 puffed Dingaan; 〃you have lost your bet;

for you did but kill two vultures out of five with your magic; which was

good as far as it went; but not good enough。  Now you must pay; as I

would have paid had you won。〃

Then he stretched out his hand; and issued the dreadful order of 〃Bulala

amalongu!〃 (Kill the white people)。  〃Kill them one by one; that I may

see whether they know how to die; all except Macumazahn and the tall

girl; whom I keep。〃

Some of the soldiers made a dash and seized the Vrouw Prinsloo; who was

standing in front of the party。

〃Wait a little; King;〃 she called out as the assegais were lifted over

her。  〃How do you know that the bet is lost?  He whom you call

Macumazahn hit that last vulture。  It should be searched for before you

kill us。〃

〃What does the old woman say?〃 asked Dingaan; and Halstead translated


〃True;〃 said Dingaan。  〃Well; now I will send her to search for the

vulture in the sky。  Come back thence; Fat One; and tell us if you find


The soldiers lifted their assegais; waiting the king's word。  I

pretended to look at the ground; and cocked my rifle; being determined

that if he spoke it; it should be his last。  Hans stared upwardsI

suppose to avoid the sight of deaththen suddenly uttered a wild yell;

which caused everyone; even the doomed people; to turn their eyes to

him。  He was pointing to the heavens; and they looked to see at what he


This was what they saw。  Far; far above in that infinite sea of blue

there appeared a tiny speck; which his sharp sight had already

discerned; a speck that grew larger and larger as it descended with

terrific and ever…growing speed。

_It was the king vulture falling from the heavensdead!_

Down it came between the Vrouw Prinsloo and the slayers; smashing the

lifted assegai of one of them and hurling him to the earth。  Down it

came; and lay there a mere mass of pulp and feathers。

〃O Dingaan;〃 I said in the midst of the intense silence that followed;

〃it seems that it is I who have won the bet; not you。  I killed this

king of birds; but being a king it chose to die high up and alone; that

is all。〃

Dingaan hesitated; for he did not wish to spare the Boers; and I; noting

his hesitation; lifted my rifle a little。  Perhaps he saw it; or perhaps

his sense of honour; as he understood the word; overcame his wish for

their blood。  At any rate; he said to one of his councillors:

〃Search the carcase of that vulture and see if there is a bullet hole in


The man obeyed; feeling at the mass of broken bones and flesh。  By good

fortune he found; not the hole; for that was lost in the general

destruction of the tissues; but the ball itself; which; having pierced

the thick body from below upwards; had remained fast in the tough skin

just by the back…bone where the long; red neck emerges from between the

wings。  He picked it out; for it was only hanging in the skin; and held

it up for all to see。

〃Macumazahn has won his bet;〃 said Dingaan。  〃His magic has conquered;

though by but a very little。  Macumazahn; take these Boers; they are

yours; and begone with them out of my country。〃



Now and again during our troubled journey through life we reach little

oases of almost perfect happiness; set jewel…like here and there in the

thorny wilderness of time。  Sometimes these are hours of mere animal

content。  In others they are made beautiful by waters blowing from our

spiritual springs of being; as in those rare instances when the material

veil of life seems to be rent by a mighty hand; and we feel the presence

and the comfort of God within us and about us; guiding our footsteps to

the ineffable end; which is Himself。  Occasionally; however; all these;

physical satisfaction and love divine and human; are blended to a whole;

like soul and body; and we can say; 〃Now I know what is joy。〃

Such an hour came to me on the evening of that day of the winning of my

bet with Dingaan; when a dozen lives or so were set against my nerve and

skill。  These had not failed me; although I knew that had it not been

for the inspiration of the Hottentot Hans (who sent it; I wonder?) they

would have been of no service at all。  With all my thought and

experience; it had never occurred to me that the wonderful eyes of the

vultures would see the flash of the powder even through the pervading

sunlight; and swerve before the deadly bullet could reach them。

On that night I was indeed a hero in a small way。  Even Henri Marais

thawed and spoke to me a
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