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stories by modern english authors-第80章

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who call each other namesmen do things。  If you give me the five

hundred sovereigns; which you have in that bag; at oncein five

minutes it will be too lateI will promiseI will not swear; if

you do not credit my simple promise; you will not believe my solemn

affirmationI will promise that; possibly within an hour;

certainly within an hour and a half; the Duchess of Datchet shall

return to you absolutely uninjuredexcept; of course; as you are

already aware; with regard to a few of the hairs of her head。  I

will promise this on the understanding that you do not yourself

attempt to see where I go; and that you will allow no one else to

do so。〃  This with a glance at Ivor Dacre。  〃I shall know at once

if I am followed。  If you entertain such intentions; you had

better; on all accounts; remain in possession of your five hundred


The duke eyed him very grimly。

〃I entertain no such intentionsuntil the duchess returns。〃

Again the stranger indulged in that musical laugh of his。

〃Ah; until the duchess returns!  Of course; then the bargain's at

an end。  When you are once more in the enjoyment of her grace's

society; you will be at liberty to set all the dogs in Europe at my

heels。  I assure you I fully expect that you will do sowhy not?〃

The duke raised the canvas bag。  〃My dear duke; ten thousand

thanks!  You shall see her grace at Datchet House; 'pon my honor;

probably within the hour。〃

〃Well;〃 commented Ivor Dacre; when the stranger had vanished; with

the bag; into Piccadilly; and as the duke and himself moved toward

Burlington Gardens; 〃if a gentleman is to be robbed; it is as well

that he should have another gentleman rob him。〃


Mr。 Dacre eyed his companion covertly as they progressed。  His

Grace of Datchet appeared to have some fresh cause for uneasiness。

All at once he gave it utterance; in a tone of voice which was

extremely somber:

〃Ivor; do you think that scoundrel will dare to play me false?〃

〃I think;〃 murmured Mr。 Dacre; 〃that he has dared to play you

pretty false already。〃

〃I don't mean that。  But I mean how am I to know; now that he has

his money; that he will still not keep Mabel in his clutches?〃

There came an echo from Mr。 Dacre。

〃Just sohow are you to know?〃

〃I believe that something of this sort has been done in the


〃I thought that there they were content to kidnap them after they

were dead。  I was not aware that they had; as yet; got quite so far

as the living。〃

〃I believe that I have heard of something just like this。〃

〃Possibly; they are giants over there。〃

〃And in that case the scoundrels; when their demands were met;

refused to keep to the letter of their bargain and asked for more。〃

The duke stood still。  He clinched his fists; and swore:

〃Ivor; if that  villain doesn't keep his word; and Mabel isn't

home within the hour; by  I shall go mad!〃

〃My dear Datchet〃Mr。 Dacre loved strong language as little as he

loved a scene〃let us trust to time and; a little; to your white…

hatted and gardenia…buttonholed friend's word of honor。  You should

have thought of possible eventualities before you showed your

confidencereally。  Suppose; instead of going mad; we first of all

go home?〃

A hansom stood waiting for a fare at the end of the Arcade。  Mr。

Dacre had handed the duke into it before his grace had quite

realized that the vehicle was there。

〃Tell the fellow to drive faster。〃  That was what the duke said

when the cab had started。

〃My dear Datchet; the man's already driving his geerage off its

legs。  If a bobby catches sight of him he'll take his number。〃

A moment later; a murmur from the duke:

〃I don't know if you're aware that the prince is coming to dinner?〃

〃I am perfectly aware of it。〃

〃You take it uncommonly cool。  How easy it is to bear our brother's

burdens!  Ivor; if Mabel doesn't turn up I shall feel like murder。〃

〃I sympathize with you; Datchet; with all my heart; though; I may

observe; parenthetically; that I very far from realize the

situation even yet。  Take my advice。  If the duchess does not show

quite as soon as we both of us desire; don't make a scene; just let

me see what I can do。〃

Judging from the expression of his countenance; the duke was

conscious of no overwhelming desire to witness an exhibition of Mr。

Dacre's prowess。

When the cab reached Datchet House his grace dashed up the steps

three at a time。  The door flew open。

〃Has the duchess returned?〃


A voice floated downward from above。  Some one came running down

the stairs。  It was her Grace of Datchet。


She actually rushed into the duke's extended arms。  And he kissed

her; and she kissed himbefore the servants。

〃So you're not quite dead?〃 she cried。

〃I am almost;〃 he said。

She drew herself a little away from him。

〃Hereward; were you seriously hurt?〃

〃Do you suppose that I could have been otherwise than seriously


〃My darling!  Was it a Pickford's van?〃

The duke stared。

〃A Pickford's van?  I don't understand。  But come in here。  Come

along; Ivor。  Mabel; you don't see Ivor。〃

〃How do you do; Mr。 Dacre?〃

Then the trio withdrew into a little anteroom; it was really time。

Even then the pair conducted themselves as if Mr。 Dacre had been

nothing and no one。  The duke took the lady's two hands in his。  He

eyed her fondly。

〃So you are uninjured; with the exception of that lock of hair。

Where did the villain take it from?〃

The lady looked a little puzzled。

〃What lock of hair?〃

From an envelope which he took from his pocket the duke produced a

shining tress。  It was the lock of hair which had arrived in the

first communication。  〃I will have it framed。〃

〃You will have what framed?〃  The duchess glanced at what the duke

was so tenderly caressing; almost; as it seemed; a little

dubiously。  〃Whatever is it you have there?〃

〃It is the lock of hair which that scoundrel sent me。〃  Something

in the lady's face caused him to ask a question:

〃Didn't he tell you he had sent it to me?〃


〃Did the brute tell you that he meant to cut off your little


A very curious look came into the lady's face。  She glanced at the

duke as if she; all at once; was half afraid of him。  She cast at

Mr。 Dacre what really seemed to be a look of inquiry。  Her voice

was tremulously anxious。

〃Hereward; diddid the accident affect you mentally?〃

〃How could it not have affected me mentally?  Do you think that my

mental organization is of steel?〃

〃But you look so well。〃

〃Of course I look well; now that I have you back again。  Tell me;

darling; did that hound actually threaten you with cutting off your

arm?  If he did; I shall feel half inclined to kill him yet。〃

The duchess seemed positively to shrink from her bett
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