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ooraloom tooraloom。 What; eh; do you follow me? 
SECOND WATCH (Genially。) Ah; sure we were too。 
CORNY KELLEHER (Winking。) Boys will be boys。 I've a car round there。 
SECOND WATCH All right; Mr Kelleher。 Good night。 
CORNY KELLEHER I'll see to that。 
BLOOM (Shakes hands with both of the watch in turn。) Thank you very much gentlemen; thank you。 (He mumbles confidentially。) We don't want any scandal; you understand。 Father is a well known; highly respected citizen。 Just a little wild oats; you understand。 
FIRST WATCH O; I understand; sir。 
SECOND WATCH That's all right; Sir。 
FIRST WATCH It was only in case of corporal injuries I'd have had to report it at the station。 
BLOOM (Nods rapidly。) Naturally。 Quite right。 Only your bounden duty。 
SECOND WATCH It's our duty。 
CORNY KELLEHER Good night; men。 
THE WATCH (Saluting together。) Night; gentlemen。 (They move off with slow heavy tread。) 
BLOOM (Blows。) Providential you came on the scene。 You have a car?。 
CORNY KELLEHER (Laughs; pointing his thumb over his right shoulder to the car brought up against the scaffolding。) Two mercials that were standing fizz in Jammet's。 Like princes; faith。 One of them lost two quid on the race。 Drowning his grief and were on for a go with the jolly girls。 So I landed them up on Behan's car and down to nighttown。 
BLOOM I was just going home by Gardiner street when I happened to。。。 
CORNY KELLEHER (Laughs。) Sure they wanted me to join in with the mots。 No; by God; says I。 Not for old stagers like myself and yourself。 (He laughs again and leers with lacklustre eye。) Thanks be to God we have it in the house what; eh; do you follow me? Hah! hah! hah! 
BLOOM (Tries to laugh。) He; he; he! Yes。 Matter of fact I was just visiting an old friend of mine there; Virag; you don't know him (poor fellow he's laid up for the past week) and we had a liquor together and I was just making my way home。。。 
(The horse neighs。) 
THE HORSE Hohohohohohoh! Hohohohome! 
CORNY KELLEHER Sure it was Behan; our jarvey there; that told me after we left the two mercials in Mrs Cohen's and I told him to pull up and got off to see。 (He laughs。) Sober hearsedrivers a specialty。 Will I give him a lift home? Where does he hang out? Somewhere in Cabra; what? 
BLOOM No; in Sandycove; I believe; from what he let drop。 
(Stephen; prone; breathes to the stars。 Corny Kelleher asquint; drawls at the horse。 Bloom in gloom; looms down。) 
CORNY KELLEHER (Scratches his nape。) Sandycove! (He bends down and calls to Stephen。) Eh! (He calls again。) Eh! He's covered with shavings anyhow。 Take care they didn't lift anything off him。 
BLOOM No; no; no。 I have his money and his hat here and stick。 
CORNY KELLEHER Ah well; he'll get over it。 No bones broken。 Well; I'll shove along。 (He laughs。) I've a rendezvous in the morning。 Burying the dead。 Safe home! 
THE HORSE (Neighs。) Hohohohohome。 
BLOOM Good night。 I'll just wait and take him along in a few。。。 
(Corny Kelleher returns to the outside car and mounts it。 The horse harness jingles。) 
CORNY KELLEHER (From the car; standing。) Night。 
BLOOM Night。 
(The jarvey chucks the reins and raises his whip encouragingly。 The car and horse back slowly; awkwardly and turn。 Corny Kelleher on the sideseat sways his head to and fro in sign of mirth at Blooms plight。 The jarvey joins in the mute pantomimic merriment nodding from the farther seat。 Bloom shakes his head in mute mirthful reply。 With thumb and palm Corny Kelleher reassures that the two bobbies will allow the sleep to continue for what else is to be done。 With a slow nod Bloom conveys his gratitude as that is exactly what Stephen needs。 The car jingles tooraloom round the corner of the tooraloom lane。 Corny Kelleher again reassuralooms with his hand。 Bloom with his hand assuralooms Corny Kelleher that he is reassuraloomtay。 The tinkling hoofs and jingling harness grow fainter with their tooralooloolooloo lay。 Bloom; holding in his hand Stephens hat festooned with shavings and ashplant; stands irresolute。 Then he bends to him and shakes him by the shoulder。) 
BLOOM Eh! Ho! (There is no answer he bends again。) Mr Dedalus! (There is no answer。) The name if you call。 Somnambulist。 (He bends again and; hesitating; brings his mouth near the face of the prostrate form。) Stephen! (There is no answer。 He calls again。) Stephen! 
STEPHEN (Groans。) Who? Black panther vampire。 (He sighs and stretches himself then murmurs thickly with prolonged vowels。) Who。。。 drive。。。 Fergus now。 And pierce。。。 wood's woven shade?。。。 
(He turns on his left side; sighing; doubling himself together。) 
BLOOM Poetry。 Well educated。 Pity。 (He bends again and undoes the buttons of Stephen's waistcoat。) To breathe。 (He brushes the wood shavings from Stephen's clothes with light hands and fingers。) One pound seven。 Not hurt anyhow。 (He listens。) What! 
。。。 shadows。。。 the woods
。。。 white breast。。。 dim。。。 
(He stretches out his arms; sighs again and curls his body。 Bloom holding his hat and ashplant stands erect。 A dog barks in the distance。 Bloom tightens and loosens his grip on the ashplant。 He looks down on Stephen's face and form。) 
BLOOM (munes with the night。) Face reminds me of his poor mother。 In the shady wood。 The deep white breast。 Ferguson; I think I caught。 A girl。 Some girl。 Best thing could happen him。。。 (He murmurs。)。。。 swear that I will always hail; ever conceal; never reveal; any part or parts; art or arts。。。 (He murmurs。) in the rough sands of the sea。 a cabletow's length from the shore。。。 where the tide ebbs 。。。 and flows。。。 
(Silent; thoughtful; alert; he stands on guard; his fingers at his lips in the attitude of secret master。 Against the dark wall a figure appears slowly; a fairy boy of eleven; a changeling; kidnapped; dressed in an Eton suit with glass shoes and a little bronze helmet; holding a book in his hand。 He reads from right to left inaudibly; smiling; kissing the page。) 
BLOOM (Wonderstruck; calls inaudibly。) Rudy! 
RUDY (Gazes unseeing into Bloom's eyes and goes on reading; kissing; smiling。 He has a delicate mauveface。 On his suit he has diamond and ruby buttons。 In his free left hand he holds a slim ivory cane with a violet howknot。 A white lambkin peeps out of his waistcoat pocket。) 
PREPARATORY TO ANYTHING ELSE MR BLOOM BRUSHED OFF THE GREATER bulk of the shavings and handed Stephen the hat and ashplant and bucked him up generally in orthodox Samaritan fashion; which he very badly needed。 His (Stephen's) mind was not exactly what you would call wandering but a bit unsteady and on his expressed desire for some beverage to drink Mr Bloom; in view of the hour it was and there being no pumps of Vartry water available for their ablutions; let alone drinking purposes; hit upon an expedient by suggesting; off the reel; the propriety of the cabman's shelter; as it was called; hardly a stonesthrow away near Butt Bridge; where they might hit upon some drinkables in the shape of a milk and soda or a mineral。 But how to get there was the rub。 For the nonce he was rather nonplussed but inasmuch as the duty plainly devolved upon him to take some measures on the subject he pondered suitable ways and means during which Stephen repeatedly yawned。 So far as he c
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