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    On his first mission; navigator Pepin of the 741st saw a lot of flak; 
saw some B…24's get hit; but his plane managed to drop its bombs successfully。 
He felt a sense of joy as the plane headed home。 The bomb bay doors were 
closing and the aircraft’s speed was increasing。 〃The going…home sight 
of the Alps in the early afternoon was far more beautiful than the morning 
one。〃 The radiomen tuned to the Armed Services Radio station in Foggia and 
over the inter the crew listened to the latest hit records。 Both danger 
and the crew’s stamina diminished on the home…bound run and 〃our elation 
and silliness increased。〃 Everyone was 〃tired; hungry and thirsty;〃 as their 
breakfast and coffee had been hours ago。 Finally Pepin could see Cerignola 
and his plane circled the field。 Then; and on later missions; 〃My favorite 
sight and sound was hearing the tires touch the steel mat on landing and 
seeing the props e to a halt。〃 After nine hours of 〃grueling; horrendous; 
nerve…wracking flying; the mission was over。〃
    For Sgt。 Robert Hammer; now a radio operator with the 742nd Squadron; 
his first mission was in late September: target; the airfield outside Munich。 
Two of the men in his crew; a bombardier and a flight engineer; were on 
their last missions before going home。 A fighter escort joined them 〃and 
we were bouncing gaily along in the blue〃 when dead ahead a thick; coal…black 
cloud appeared。 〃Take a good look at it; fellows;〃 the veteran bombardier 
called over the inter; 〃because it ’s flak and you’ll be seeing plenty 
of it from now on。〃 Hammer was appalled to see the squadron of B…24's ahead 
fly directly into the stuff。 Fools; he thought。 Why don ’t they just fly 
around it? He saw two planes get hit and start down。 Shortly after; 〃we 
were heading for that same suicidal cloud。〃
    The plane started 〃bucking like a rodeo bronco。〃 There was a crack。 
Hammer looked quizzically at the veteran engineer; who pointed to a hole 
an inch long and a quarter…inch wide made by shrapnel。 After what seemed 
an eternity that in fact had lasted for less than ten minutes; the bombs 
were away and Hammer’s plane turned for home。 〃We were bat veterans 
    Radio operator Sgt。 Howard Goodner flew his first mission in October; 
1944。 His plane was a B…24 flown by Lt。 Richard Farrington; his squadron 
was the 787th; a part of the 466th Bomb Group; Eighth Air Force。 Low clouds 
covered the airfield and when Farrington got his craft off the ground; he 
could not see。 Flying blind as he climbed; relying on his instruments; following 
his heading; Farrington was quickly covered with sweat。 Up; up; up he went; 
until he got above the clouds。 No amount of practice could have prepared 
the pilot and crew for what they encountered  — B…24's; glittering like 
mica; were popping up out of the clouds over here; over there; everywhere。 
They formed up and straightened out for the target。 Farrington called out 
over the inter; 〃This is it; boys。 We’re on our way to the war。〃
    Ahead shells were bursting all over the sky; sending out shards of shrapnel。 
The lead squadron of B…24's penetrated the flak。 〃Mary; Mother of God;〃 
one crew member mumbled into the inter。 〃Mary; Mother of God; get me 
out of this。〃 Farrington took them right into it。 Jarring detonations erupted 
around them。 The plane bumped and shuddered。 But it kept flying straight 
and level; until the bombs were released。 Farrington banked; got away from 
the flak; and headed home。 Sergeant Goodner reached into his jacket pocket 
for the Tootsie Roll he carried with him。 It was frozen solid。 When the 
plane landed; Goodner had his first mission behind him。
    On November 18; McGovern was Surbeck’s co…pilot on another milk run。 
The target was the German airfield near Vicenza; Austria。 The weather was 
fair and the bombing was visual。 Over 50 per cent of the bombs fell in the 
target area causing extensive damage to the installation。 Flak was light 
and generally inaccurate。 No German fighters were seen。 The group returned 
to Cerignola without casualties。
    McGovern flew again the next day and it was no milk run。 The target 
was a refinery near Vienna。 Because of cloud cover; the lead plane used 
its Mickey and no results were seen; but dropping bombs by radar instead 
of visually meant few of them hit what they wanted to hit and the damage 
was minimal。 Flak was intense but inaccurate and all planes returned to 
    On November 20; on McGovern ’s final mission as a co…pilot; the target 
was factories at Zlin; Czechoslovakia。 It was a secondary; or alternative; 
target; but the original objective had been obscured by clouds; so the lead 
pilot took the group to Zlin。 There the weather was clear and the bombing 
was done visually; with excellent results。 Best of all; there was no flak 
over Zlin。 All planes returned safely。
    After debriefing; McGovern would meet with Rounds; Adams; and his crew。 
They fired questions at him about what it was like; most of all the flak。 
〃They were filled with questions every day;〃 McGovern recalled; 〃waiting 
for me when I came back。〃
    Once the session was over; McGovern would steer his way into the officer
’s club for a Coca…Cola or a beer。 There he would listen to the veteran 
pilots talk and ask his own questions。 It was shop talk。 From almost every 
one of the discussions he would absorb information。 The topics were the 
B…24's; the crews; the Germans。 What rpm at what altitude? Why was this 
gauge or that instruments malfunctioning? Is there any way to stay straight 
and level over the target and still avoid the flak? How long can an engine 
be on fire before it detonates the gas tank? What can you do when a bomb 
gets stuck in the bomb bay? How does the plane fly with only three engines 
operating? With two? When the hydraulic system has leaked or been shot out; 
how do you get the wheels down?
    McGovern had flown four missions on four days。 These consecutive missions 
were about the absolute limit。 They left the pilot and his crew haggard; 
worn; jumpy; frazzled and spent。 But each one of the attacks counted toward 
the thirty…five missions that; when pleted; would allow McGovern to return 
to the States。 When he had time to write to Eleanor; McGovern noted the 
number in his letter  — number five after the mission to Zlin。
    〃I worried; as any wife would;〃 Eleanor said three decades later。 〃I 
would feel a stab of fear whenever someone knocked at the door or the telephone 
rang。 The first thing I would do when I got a letter from George was to 
scan through it for a number  — the number of missions pleted。 That 
was the first thing I wanted to know。 Then I’d go back to read the letter。〃
    On December 16; radio operator Sgt。 Mel TenHaken flew his first mission; 
against a refinery at Brux; Czechoslovakia。 Because the crew were new; the 
pilot; Lieutenant Cord; was a veteran ofthirty…one missions。 TenHaken ’
s regular pilot flew as co…pilot that day。 There
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